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I am in serious trouble need urgent help =( alarm stuffed my car

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Ok peeps, I know that there are already alot of threads on alarms and stuff but this is kinda more serious. Seems like I got the Nemesis car alarm and it has seemed to 'STUFFED' my electronic auto transmission' on the same night that it was installed. I have retured to the ppl that have sold the alarm to me and they have denied everything that the alarm has stuffed my car. I then went to look for help

1. Auto transmissions places- They all say that my transmission is fine and the computer is fine also (So the alarm is stuffing my car while I'm driving)

2. Went to Nissan, and they weren't able to find the problem

3. Asked a alarm person (DJ Lethel mentioned him) and he does't know how to look @ the alarm :P

4. I also asked Consumer Affairs for help and they told me to get a second opinion from a alarm specialist and then comfronting Brant Car Alarm again.

So I really need your help guys, if u show me a good place or person that knows alot about alarms or know what I caan do I will be really greatful.

yes they have disconnect the alarm, but it's still giving me the problem..A auto transmission specialist told me that the alarm could be interfering with the computer in the car (maybe they put it too close?) anyway I hope u guys can help me. I dunno what to do now...

Alarm module should be in the engine bay... way out of the way of the ECU - I doubt it should be interefering with your ECU which is in the passenger footwell, however they may have stuffed other incinary wiring during the install (sounds like)

Thats as long as they have done a decent install.. it sounds like they have stuffed something up. Any reasonable place should offer to fix the problem themselves. Threaten legal action if they don't offer to fix it - any professional install should come with a lifetime guarantee as well.

Originally posted by MzDfectd




well his problem is not exactly the same as my problem but if his gonna get the alarm..I wouldn't recommend the installer for the Brant alarm 'Sam'.

Anyway, I'm gonna give em a call tomorrow and c if they wil remove the alarm for me.

What exactly is the auto trans doing? Not shifting? Shifting wrong? It might be just a coincidence that it happened at the same time as the alarm going in, or maybe the installer accidentally knocked something (like a plug or sensor)? Don't forget that, to run the wiring for the alarm, they usually run them right next to the factory wiring loom, so potential for installation issues is right up there...

Originally posted by Revhead

What exactly is the auto trans doing?  Not shifting?  Shifting wrong?  It might be just a coincidence that it happened at the same time as the alarm going in, or maybe the installer accidentally knocked something (like a plug or sensor)?  Don't forget that, to run the wiring for the alarm, they usually run them right next to the factory wiring loom, so potential for installation issues is right up there...

car shifts really hard into gear 2 then goes up to 6000 rpms to change into gear 3 and I'm not even pushing hard on the accerlerator.

the installer came when I complained about the problem to them and they removed the cable to the alarm, but the car was still doing it.

I'm gonna give a diagnostic test on the car tomorrow morning.

  • 6 months later...

hey leon,

i had a thread bout some issues i been having with my auto, you replied there also 'auto issue' now that ive read this thread something has got me concerned, maybe its just a coincidence but i also have a brant alarm.

just wondering if you ever got this sorted out at all, and if so what was the prob ?

cheers mate


yeah I got it all sorted out...those damn idiots dont even know how to hook the thing up properly and 1 of the wires was f***ing my transmission.....I wasted sooo much time with that issue and got nothing out of it... I will never recommend anyone to using Brant. Also their installer is a idiot. Forgot his name though, but he was around the west area as well

Fat guy called Sam? He has fuct my doors as well. Basically, if i try to open the door while locked, it won't open when I unarm it. Also, I can't lock the drivers door as well. That guy is a twat. My auto keeps slipping out of overdrive now too, although i think it was doing that before too.

f*** man, yeah! Thats him..his really bad and a wanker as well...when did u put your alarm in? I dunno how they got such a idiot to do the installs for Brant.

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