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Hey Chuckie - could you re-attach a copy of that letter? it's not showing up (or do I need to do something to download it?)

They had a tester, but couldnt attach to the front windscreen, they tested the others which were fine, they didnt have the peice of paper that they use unfortunately

The front windscreen must have a minimum of 75% 'luminous transmittance' or something like that, but it must be glazing (i.e. the manufacture of the windscreen) no tint film is allowed on the windscreen except for the top area of the windscreen above the are swept by the wipers etc...

But that aside, there is no film attached to the windscreen, and the other other cop on scene pointed that out, it does however have 'LEXUS', 'TOYOTA', JIS and E markings on it, genuine factory glass - Snr Cont Cross is just plain and simple being a cockhead imo

Edited by Steve
  Steve said:
Hey Chuckie - could you re-attach a copy of that letter? it's not showing up (or do I need to do something to download it?)

They had a tester, but couldnt attach to the front windscreen, they tested the others which were fine, they didnt have the peice of paper that they use unfortunately

The front windscreen must have a minimum of 75% 'luminous transmittance' or something like that, but it must be glazing (i.e. the manufacture of the windscreen) no tint film is allowed on the windscreen except for the top area of the windscreen above the are swept by the wipers etc...

But that aside, there is no film attached to the windscreen, and the other other cop on scene pointed that out, it does however have 'LEXUS', 'TOYOTA', JIS and E markings on it, genuine factory glass - Snr Cont Cross is just plain and simple being a cockhead imo

G`day steve i have to pop out my scanner give`s me the shit`s as so as iam home will try again be about 1 hour dude ,chuckie.

Ouch dude, I got a sticker on Wednesday for only the 2 following reasons:

- bonnet not sitting flush

- no front grill

The guy was an absolute wanker, tried to tell me my FACTORY bov was too loud. After presenting my permits - which seemed to confuse him further - he walked around the car and came back to the bonnet and said it didn't comply as it wasn't sitting flush at the front on the passenger side (was hitting on pipework but it was on the safety latch and I had cabled tied it just to be on the safe side).

I now have the bonnet latching fully, already had a grill sitting at home.. now I have to take a day off work for this bullshit which probably won't pass. My mechanic says they always pick something. Here's hoping that they don't get the fine tooth comb out..

EDIT: OK so I had a better look at the papers (was pretty pissed off at the time) and I guess I made the mistake of telling him I put the factory bov back on as these are the actual items..

- Emission controls: recently adapted.

- Other: bonnet to sit & secture correctly, front grill to be fitted

I don't think cops should be allowed to defect you for anything other bald tyres or oil leaks unless they have sat a certified course of some such!

Edited by bubba
  jonn said:
Mate using a cable tie to secure a bonnet is asking for a yellow.

I know.. doesn't mean I can't be pissed off about it! :laugh:

The "recently adapted" bit is because I put the factory bov back on..

Edited by bubba

I know the cop that done you Steve wasnt the same guy that pulled me over friday night ..

I was in maddington going back to our unit in the 31 race car when i was pulled over , full Ben Cousins spec search for 30mins .. let me off for speeding n NO yellow ...

Cop that did you for tint must of been a real prick

chuckie you were lucky to have gotten off with that letter. It isn't DPI nor is it signed.

I've searched the relevant legislations (ADR and Motor Vehicle Standards Act) and they haven't made the adjustments as the letter suggests.

Legislation does state that there is to be 75% visibility to windscreens for cars built after 1971 or 70% for cars prior. BUT no films allowed on the screens except where the wipers hit at the highest point.

went down and had the windscreen tested - its well within limits, as you would expect for factory glass

welshpool said they want to use the windscreen defect as an example of the crap they are getting sent from the police - also stated they get alot for 'unknown modifications' even on fully stock cars!

they, apparently, have had enough of this crap too

GREAT NEW`S STEVE.the lad`s at welshpool are great .dumd police should not be given out yellow sticker`s at all,you should try hit them up for cost`s .good new`s.chuckie

didnt really read the entire thread.. so i hope i dont look like a n00b...

Last time i checked i could have sworn they need to measure it with the light reading gun thing, to see how much light is being blocked. As long as it measures the correct reading its fine. so your saying he looked at it and then said nope thats a defect, no measuring or nothing???

thats pretty harsh and id be fighting that in court. I wouldnt even think twice.

thats rediculous.


just read the 2nd last post and seen i now look like a n00b lol

Good news i thought testing needs to be done :whistling: i once got defected for front tints being 1% too dark lol wat a joke

Edited by mass_iv

Yeah, it was recommended by welshpool to complain to the commissioner and ask for costs (inspection costs, and time costs) which we will be doing - as well as having put in a complaint to the ombudsman

As for defects, according to the supervisor of Snr Con Cross (who defected my car) if he has any suspicion that something is unroadworthy, he can defect. simple as that.

I think it's this attitude, where cops have no idea, so just send the car to welshpool anyway, that is the cause of the problems the vehicle inspection branch are having.

  Steve said:
Yeah, it was recommended by welshpool to complain to the commissioner and ask for costs (inspection costs, and time costs) which we will be doing - as well as having put in a complaint to the ombudsman

As for defects, according to the supervisor of Snr Con Cross (who defected my car) if he has any suspicion that something is unroadworthy, he can defect. simple as that.

I think it's this attitude, where cops have no idea, so just send the car to welshpool anyway, that is the cause of the problems the vehicle inspection branch are having.

Definately.. I think this windscreen thing is a little bit stupid though - do coppers do much training on vehicle standards and what to look for? If enough complaints are made then emails will go around telling officers to back off on the stickers a bit!

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