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Custom Plates Or Not?


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Hi. Im registering my car tomorrow and dont know whether to get custom plates or not. I have always liked the idea of them but are they too much of a wank factor or i guess it depends on what you get hey? Does anyone that has custom plates find that they draw too much attention the their car as I dont really want too much attention.

Also please post if you have custom plates and what they say



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my plates are "RUNVS2" said as "are you envious too?"

its just funny watching people trying to work out what they say, attention wise..........honestly havent noticed, i mean people look at the car already. but havent got any bad attention (knocks on wood) from the plates themelves.

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personally i think there cheesy as hell. big wank factor. on a show car ok, as its a nice touch but on the street it screams.

"look at me/my car im cool" =wank factor.

some plate are clever, and work well with 'TUFF' cars

but most people just follow everyone else with abreviated words and numbers.

saw one on an mr2 in a mag 4DHNYZ "for the honeys' haha almost threw up. definetly not someone i would associate myself with. kinda embarassing really.

but some people think its cool and others like myself think its gay. each to their own really.

if you dont want too much attention, i wouldnt get them. save the extra 100 bucks and get something more useful.

Edited by jake33
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I'm quite happy with mine. Attention level hasn't changed at all. At the end of the day, you're driving a Skyline, so if some commo is looking for a race to prove his manhood, he will be there... revving his engine whether you have custom plates or not. Get something clever that you like, not just something just for the sake of having custom plates

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personally i dont like them. there are some that are ok, sometimes, on the right car. but all the NV and D (the) and other cheesy shit really do make you look like a wanker.

NISZILA isnt too bad, as its not an abbreviated try hard sentence, and relates to the car. more suited to a gtr though. but then, thats my opinion.

Edited by Munkyb0y
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i Think pERsonAliSEd plAteS r goOd...adds A liL moRe to tHE caR.....i mEan SOme r gAY buT perSOnal pREferaNce really....

on mIne i hAve red pLAtes MIN7-33 mEanINg MINT 33.... miNT is lIKe cool or awesome where i am from...

Nd i lIve in A sMall Town so iT MaKEs me rEcogNISed, nd ppL i KNow can tEll mE apArt fRom a JerK oFf in Town wHO oWns a GTS-t, .

The pLAteS hAVe noT drAwn anY morE attENtion thaN i Already uSed tO gEt...

nD coPS puLL up Any 17 yR olD thAt oWns a sKyliNE lOl

Edited by ArNoLdNuMbA5
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. but all the NV and D (the) and other cheesy shit really do make you look like a wanker.

NISZILA isnt too bad, as its not an abbreviated try hard sentence, and relates to the car. more suited to a gtr though. but then, thats my opinion.

couldnt agree more

i Think pERsonAliSEd plAteS r goOd...adds A liL moRe to tHE caR.....i mEan SOme r gAY buT perSOnal pREferaNce really....

on mIne i hAve red pLAtes MIN7-33 mEanINg MINT 33.... miNT is lIKe cool or awesome where i am from...

Nd i lIve in A sMall Town so iT MaKEs me rEcogNISed, nd ppL i KNow can tEll mE apArt fRom a JerK oFf in Town wHO oWns a GTS-t, .

The pLAteS hAVe noT drAwn anY morE attENtion thaN i Already uSed tO gEt...

nD coPS puLL up Any 17 yR olD thAt oWns a sKyliNE lOl

dude are you caps lock happy or something? that shits annoying as hell to read.

yes mint does mean good, Australia wide saying

Edited by jake33
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ArNoLdNuMbA5, how can you be fkd typing LiKe DiS?

anyways i think plates are cool if they have something to do with the car. i've always wanted evil32 but it's taken :)

can't stand that wanker style plate that every vn ss and his cat has. QUPNCY NVDIS8 etc etc


Edited by dmr
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i Think pERsonAliSEd plAteS r goOd...adds A liL moRe to tHE caR.....i mEan SOme r gAY buT perSOnal pREferaNce really....

on mIne i hAve red pLAtes MIN7-33 mEanINg MINT 33.... miNT is lIKe cool or awesome where i am from...

Nd i lIve in A sMall Town so iT MaKEs me rEcogNISed, nd ppL i KNow can tEll mE apArt fRom a JerK oFf in Town wHO oWns a GTS-t, .

The pLAteS hAVe noT drAwn anY morE attENtion thaN i Already uSed tO gEt...

nD coPS puLL up Any 17 yR olD thAt oWns a sKyliNE lOl

Man wtf? is there something wrong with your shift key?

i personally like personal plates and am getting some of my own soon,

that being said there are a lot of ghey ones out there and you should only get plates that mean something to you.

like was said before, dont just get them for the sake of getting them.

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