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hi guys

quick question, was hoping if anyone would know what this might be???

today i went down to drive my car for the 1st time in 2 months

i needed to jump start the car cause the battery was so dead

after driving it for a while it started loosing power and it started sounding like a wrxy....

fuel was running low, so i topped up then it was running ok for a little while again then back to crap again

i took the car to DRC and they said by the sound of things i was running on 5 cylinders

they checked the coilpacks, spark plugs and did a compression test and they said they couldnt find anything wrong

again the car sounded normal, after pulling out of the drive way it started to run shit again...

anyone have any clues??? im really stumped on this one...

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coil might be on its last legs. ignitor pack might be playing up. check the wiring connections are ok. the coil pack electrical plugs are getting old and brittle on the rb20, one of them might not be making a good connections.

dude i have that same problems except my battery just went dead from leaving the lights on.

It sounds like a wrx took mine to the mechanics they cant find the problem ,

now my car is at the second mechanics i had in mind hoping for an answer this afternoon.

But now it has another problem of just stalling and wont push over 2500rpm. But it only does it at complete random.

Good luck mate

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