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Hi all

all time i have some problem i know where to decide it, am asking all time here so for that moment i have huge problem with my car, i have installed Greddy front plenum on the car, all pipes and connectors are installed propertly, didnot change bov just blocked retun pipe to turbo and return in bov, car is starting properly and woter level is ok and system is ok but HERE I HAVE PROBLEM FOR TWO DAYS I HAVE BROKE TWO STOCK TURBO but dont know why, intake rotors are ok but broken is exaust rotors and thay just simply flew out from muffler, can someone kow what could be hepened, because i didnot boost it up and all time checking for apexi for any failures but it was just showing ok.... coud someone help me or better is to remove this plenum and install stock one?


does anyone know what will be consequence if on hight boost this wire will be blocked suddenly??? can it give some detonation ore can damage turbo???

please HELP:(

thanks in advance

later i will make pictures how i install plenum and what happened with turbo

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there was no overboosting because i had no boost controller just stock solenoid and thats all, boost gauge doesnot show overboosting... just what i realize the pipce from engine to plenum was blocked but could it be reason for destruction of turbo??

  guricha said:
there was no overboosting because i had no boost controller just stock solenoid and thats all, boost gauge doesnot show overboosting... just what i realize the pipce from engine to plenum was blocked but could it be reason for destruction of turbo??

Depends what pipe was blocked, if it s the boost source for the wastegates, that explains it perfectly.

  guricha said:
didnot change bov just blocked retun pipe to turbo and return in bov

Are you sure you didn't remove the wastegate acuators pressure line?

If your not using the stock plenum/piping there there are no BOV hole to block

  jeffworld2 said:
they may not be getting enough water. where did you run the turbo water feed from? was the pipe right at the back of the stock plenum near the rocker cover

Shouldnt be caused by a water problem, plenty of water cooled turbos running around without the water being hooked up. I just find it interesting that both turbos have gone, it must have happened at the exact same time.

he said that it wasnt overboosting according to the gauge so i would assume that would throw all the overboosting causes via boost controller set to high or no lines hooked up to the actuator.

Its not the forward facing plenum, has really nothing to do with it, just a coincidence you spat out two exhaust wheels just after installing. What boost is it running though? And how many kms on the turbo?

If its got a turbo back exhaust which would give higher than stock boost, and high amount of kms, it could just be the end of the turbo but it is weird that they both failed at the same time

  Adriano said:
I just find it interesting that both turbos have gone, it must have happened at the exact same time.

Well considering its a 25T i would say hes bolted on another turbo and it blew the wheel off that one too...unless it has a twin turbo conversion....

I suggest you have someone who knows what theyre looking at to have a look for you. That seems the easiest way.


first of all i have R33 GTST with single turbo:)

but i done twice for three days:)

so all cannectors was good i mean wotter and oil to the turbo, only mistake or fdefect i think it was not good pipe from head of engine to the pplenum and not correct connection stock BOV, tomorrow i will make pictures for all conectors and how i install it if you can help me it would be good if not i dont wanna risk for new turbo and will install stock plenum agin... and pay attention for thet dammage turbo happened not at time of acceleration (boost) it happened both time when from hight boost i took my leg from acceleration pedal while moving i mean so i think there was some problem with air and both side of turbo rotors moved to different direction because it just break in middle and exaust rotor flew out

He its me again with my problem:) so i made pics and if someone can find any mistace please post here..


small one goes to trottile body and second one tu tha intake plenum

pic 1


pic 2


this pipe goes to the stock solenoid and from there to the westgate


here is picture of conection


i think its stock boost gauge pipe and i conect it to the intake plenum


conected to the top of plenum


One side to plenum one to the Fuel pressure rergulator and third to the BOVs vacuum


pipe from this big arrow goes to the top of engine:)


i block at all bovs return pipe


Stock bov was installed and not connected anywhere


so this is all conection please if someone see any mistake please post here because i lost two turbo for two days and dont wanna do it on new one


Edited by guricha

you should block off the bov from the inside. i dont beleive they operate well when open to atmosphere. i tried it a few times and it was causing all sorts of problems.

take it off, and trace out the base onto a sheet of metal. cut it out and drill the two bolt holes, and install it with gasket between the bov and the intake pipe. a car should run fine without a bov.

where does the hose that the yellow hose for the fuel reg connect to the plenum?

also if your running stock boost control, why is there one hose blocked off over there?

should be a tee piece on the boost control side. otehrewise how can you tell if it was stock boost or not when the turbo went.

you do have an air filter in the guard dont you?

also, where did you source the second turbo gone, maybe it was not in good condition too.

  jeffworld2 said:
should be a tee piece on the boost control side. otehrewise how can you tell if it was stock boost or not when the turbo went.

you do have an air filter in the guard dont you?

also, where did you source the second turbo gone, maybe it was not in good condition too.

first of all thanks for replys

so i check all connections and wires and thay are good, only mistake is left its bov i still have used stock one and it was working like atmo bov and because made failure waht you thin?? so there is problem like i see after boosting of turbo bov isnot opening and and all air from trottile goes back to the tubo and rotors ar begining move to different sides and smal turbo cant handle it could be happened problem like that???

and please help where to find post for instalation of aftermarket bov???

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