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I have heard rumours of fuel prices are expected to raise and extra $1 to 1.50 in the next few weeks due to the fact oil per the barrel is going up about 20 or so bucks a barrel...

heard this on news and a dude on another forum mentioned also heard from an attendant at BP

like owning a skyline wasnt expensive enough :)

no suprise really, i mean it'll ease for a little while, then shoots up, then eases again ect ect.. cant wait until 2020 when were paying $5bucks thats gonna suck

Edited by jake33
no suprise really, i mean it'll ease for a little while, then shoots up, then eases again ect ect.. cant wait until 2020 when were paying $5bucks thats gonna suck

we will be driving hybrids by then probably....like the prius....probably would need to turn to the computer stores to get the best sound card and install subwoofers and huge speakers to get the same revving sounds like we do from a stock exhaust

That sucks... mines been in the garage so to speak for months.... only just getting it back this weekend. Be farked if its going to sit there any longer..... meh.....

HAHAHA i was thinkin the same thing lol

but fuel prices really do suck, i wish i had a company fuel card and a skyline for a company car :D

job at nissan? :)

fuel prices never bothered me, aslong as i was enjoying driving my car. but now that i have too many expenses and i'm trying to cut down on driving, i feel the pain!

meh. i have a company work ute a fuel card. just keep taking a jerry with me. considering i full up at least once a day they won't notice 10 litres every now and again.

i know a bloke who works on oil rigs. all he does is tap into and cap new oil wells. usually does 1-2 a year. there is heaps of oil. just cheaper getting it out of existing oil fields is currently cheaper, so until they are running empty then they won't bother.

will be intresting if a few major oil users (like the usa) stop depending on foriegn oil. the international prices would start dropping due to less demand. although with the way china and other developing countries are going they will want it all. plus the damn servo's will still probably charge the same amount

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