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lol mic check as if u didnt like GETSUM jealousy is best form of flattery as u said u didnt say u didnt like the car but u come on the net and say u didnt like it i suggest u maybe think some more b4 u talk

LOL. Congrats on completely missing his point. Perhaps "maybe think some more b4 u talk".

HA HA HA... Did you get a photo of that..... nice work... It wasnt me you cant prove anything!!!!

It was a good day, But i liked when i was the only 34...but ya get that!!!

Hey guys, nice work with the cruise was alot of fun as always great to see alot of nice cars out.

I took alot of photos and videos and hope to have a pretty basic video/movie up with in the next day or 2 but as i was looking through the photos i took i found this 1...

if u were at the logan meet u will sorta know what ur looking at... but if u wernt there dont worry :P


Edited by Hotr34

This argument could go on for ages and to be honest its not worth it but ill answer the questions put to me and then some. I didnt cruise to the event with GETSUM but met there, from this end it seems that other liners wernt helping the situation on the M1 (a little bit of gating beside him by some cars probably wouldnt of helped), he had been up all nite putting his car back together to join the cruise. So i applaude him on his car and his efforts.

As for the misquote earlier asking me if i thought a car was shit or whatever for being a 2lt, i said in that misquote of mine you used that i didnt hav a bad thing to say about anyones car so read my words properly first before misquoting them, yeah sure u look at a car and always have the 'i woulda done this or that differently but nothing negative.'

As for the problem with our drinking if it was such an issue why wernt we addressed by a SAU exec at mudgeeraba, we would have happily put them away and finished them later, but thankyou for not asking us to, made the day more enjoyable. We drank in moderation and dont think any of our behaviour was really questionable, we gave alot of people a laugh at the start. We were aware of the children present and wouldnt have acted in a manner that would have had parents concerned. GETSUM had half a can and no more, the guy who kicked the can over can probably vouch for that to. His skids wernt that much worse than others i saw on the day, and as for the speeding factor, seriously?? how many of us can say we didnt speed in different sections, so a large majority are painted with the same brush there.

As for GETSUM turning back when the mountain run started, that thing is a weapon at 500hp, handles superbly to and he can drive it to, so no he didnt turn back when the real driving started and definately wouldnt have been intimidated by the driving i witnessed. (jus so that doesnt get misquoted there is nothing negative intended in that line ok, people drove sensibly, nothing more nothing less, he would not have been intimidated by sensible driving ok).

As for the guy who said it was blown out of proportion and none of our group were there for anything remotely to do with trouble, i couldnt agree with your comments more. And thankyou for the man in the I pood shirt for apologising to GETSUM. This probably wouldnt have blown out of proportion if the owner came straight to the source and confronted him. One person asking the question would have been sufficient, not 2 or 3 inflaming it.

Impact Blue they were my pistons shoes and the owner of GTHR32 (not the driver on the day), nice to have a chat, thankyou. Did you end up goin for that swim? it was awesome in

Whats with the ban? does what i said earlier give Execs the grounds for a ban? pfft! The words i used wasnt much different from that used against me and my brother. None of what i wrote last nite was done with anger, or under the effects of alcohol, but a little frustration at SOME unfair comments made. so fairs fair hopefully that answers that.

Thankyou to the organisers for putting together a great day, it was clear that alot of thought and planning went into it, it was appriciated by all our group, round of applause to you all. Thankyou to the guy in the 32 with the handlebars (moustache) for taking time to chat to us. The 2 guys from the sunny coast (Zac and Ty i think) who we followed back to mudgeeraba, You guys were awesome, we should swap footage, Ill be able to edit it quite well i think ((ill give u a copy of our skids at mustang in molendinar aswell, (dont worry people mustang was private property and freakin fun to hahaha)), should catch up for some cruising oneday (same shit again i reckon hahaha) Some nice cars people and awesome photos, keep up the good work.

tommah u saying i missed point hmmmm na got my point across fine and not really fussed if u missed it have owned my dato 4 5 maybe 6 years and have neva wanted 2 sell it more than i do now knowing wat a bunch of poin dexters most of u r.If i have offended some ok folks by my generalising i do appoligise deeply well done impact blue on putting ur side of story across and i will say that my m8 is thankful and sorry 2 u (the driver) other 1 i am not defending nor am i defending ne1.Haha keyboard warrior thanx whoever said that made me piss myself laughing and who threatened ne1 i didnt lol wish i wasnt such a slow typer would write an essay on ur stupidity

shut up lazy bastard ppl who talk like u shit me wiv that attitude like u dont speed or "chuck skids" in ur car i did think bout wat i wrote and was happy bout it and if i cum up lookin like a narrow minded redneck in front of u and a few other weenaz thats not really much of a concern hey nor will it hinder my sleeping patterns

This argument could go on for ages and to be honest its not worth it but ill answer the questions put to me and then some. I didnt cruise to the event with GETSUM but met there, from this end it seems that other liners wernt helping the situation on the M1 (a little bit of gating beside him by some cars probably wouldnt of helped), he had been up all nite putting his car back together to join the cruise. So i applaude him on his car and his efforts.

As for the misquote earlier asking me if i thought a car was shit or whatever for being a 2lt, i said in that misquote of mine you used that i didnt hav a bad thing to say about anyones car so read my words properly first before misquoting them, yeah sure u look at a car and always have the 'i woulda done this or that differently but nothing negative.'

As for the problem with our drinking if it was such an issue why wernt we addressed by a SAU exec at mudgeeraba, we would have happily put them away and finished them later, but thankyou for not asking us to, made the day more enjoyable. We drank in moderation and dont think any of our behaviour was really questionable, we gave alot of people a laugh at the start. We were aware of the children present and wouldnt have acted in a manner that would have had parents concerned. GETSUM had half a can and no more, the guy who kicked the can over can probably vouch for that to. His skids wernt that much worse than others i saw on the day, and as for the speeding factor, seriously?? how many of us can say we didnt speed in different sections, so a large majority are painted with the same brush there.

As for GETSUM turning back when the mountain run started, that thing is a weapon at 500hp, handles superbly to and he can drive it to, so no he didnt turn back when the real driving started and definately wouldnt have been intimidated by the driving i witnessed. (jus so that doesnt get misquoted there is nothing negative intended in that line ok, people drove sensibly, nothing more nothing less, he would not have been intimidated by sensible driving ok).

As for the guy who said it was blown out of proportion and none of our group were there for anything remotely to do with trouble, i couldnt agree with your comments more. And thankyou for the man in the I pood shirt for apologising to GETSUM. This probably wouldnt have blown out of proportion if the owner came straight to the source and confronted him. One person asking the question would have been sufficient, not 2 or 3 inflaming it.

Impact Blue they were my pistons shoes and the owner of GTHR32 (not the driver on the day), nice to have a chat, thankyou. Did you end up goin for that swim? it was awesome in

Whats with the ban? does what i said earlier give Execs the grounds for a ban? pfft! The words i used wasnt much different from that used against me and my brother. None of what i wrote last nite was done with anger, or under the effects of alcohol, but a little frustration at SOME unfair comments made. so fairs fair hopefully that answers that.

Thankyou to the organisers for putting together a great day, it was clear that alot of thought and planning went into it, it was appriciated by all our group, round of applause to you all. Thankyou to the guy in the 32 with the handlebars (moustache) for taking time to chat to us. The 2 guys from the sunny coast (Zac and Ty i think) who we followed back to mudgeeraba, You guys were awesome, we should swap footage, Ill be able to edit it quite well i think ((ill give u a copy of our skids at mustang in molendinar aswell, (dont worry people mustang was private property and freakin fun to hahaha)), should catch up for some cruising oneday (same shit again i reckon hahaha) Some nice cars people and awesome photos, keep up the good work.

Yeah man tyson did get some good footage of the entire day, If anyone wants any pm me. We have footage from the sunny coast all the way to the hypermarket then of all the meet up spots and of the entire cruise including the blue r34's across the 3 lanes. We will still have to edit it. In regards to GETSUM the car was awesome and the R31 in question passed the 3 critrea, i was more worried about it not being road worthy in all honesty but it made it there, i dont see what the big deal was with it, comments were said that should not have been everyone likes different cars, it should of been handled better but all in all it was a good day except the sunny coast guys going to the wrong place.

This was us anyway the grey sunnycoast car in the wrong lane....lol, you proberly would have seen my passenger filming all of you.


shut up lazy bastard ppl who talk like u shit me wiv that attitude like u dont speed or "chuck skids" in ur car i did think bout wat i wrote and was happy bout it and if i cum up lookin like a narrow minded redneck in front of u and a few other weenaz thats not really much of a concern hey nor will it hinder my sleeping patterns

I openly admit that I chuck skids and speed, but I do it at appropriate times.

as far as a cement mixer goes theres no way 1 can fit in the back of a skyline...and besides no need to harden up lol have u seen my arms of steel LMAO just kiddin,

and star trek... i hate star trek lol

i didnt see no nerds there??? every1 was mingling and interractin and not about gigabytes, ffs i was talkin to noel and warwick who are old enough to b my grandfathers HAHAHAHAHA

and i do apologise for singling out individuals, the way it came across i did not like it ,thats all, and as far as the comment goes that i didnt like GETSUM's car i do like his car it was more of just a quote "you dont like me, so i dont like you"

This should be an issue between the exec and the pertaining party/s only. It was a fantastic day and i see no need to have it painted in any other light.

STFU all of you and get on with discussing the better points of the day, There are many to choose from. As a long time line lover I couldnt have found myself in a better situ on a lovely sunday. nice roads, wonderful people, great cameradrie, killer turtles, an extrordinary lineup of beautifully presented skylines. I think i fell in love every time I turned around and saw another great ride.

I defy anyone to see the day in a different light to me. Thanks again organizers, You have ensured that both me and the bionic wheelchair will be around for a long time. :P:D:thumbsup:

damm nice pics ! btw Anna thanks for the smashing hug ! lol maybe next event organise a groupe hug ?

hahah no problems ;) i'll make sure I give you one as soon as I see you next time, don't wanna cause another fuss like I did >_<

Where exactly did we end up for the bbq anyway? not a bad drive but I've lost that map.

I think i got my daily bug intake too...where the heck did they all come from? lol

The end location is called Bochow Park, in Natural Bridge (YES Natural Bridge, NOT Natural Arch)

Impact Blue they were my pistons shoes and the owner of GTHR32 (not the driver on the day), nice to have a chat, thankyou. Did you end up goin for that swim? it was awesome in

Whats with the ban? does what i said earlier give Execs the grounds for a ban

okay I think i've seen you in the Sunny Coast thread?!? Anyways we did go swimming. And holy shit was it AWESOME. Except for the random creatures eating our feets :unsure: And then my legs got caught in some weeds and I freaked out thinking I was being eaten by an octopus :O

And if you get a ban, it won't be because of the Execs, the CLUB and the FORUM are seperate entities, if anything it will be what the mods have viewed unacceptable.

This should be an issue between the exec and the pertaining party/s only. It was a fantastic day and i see no need to have it painted in any other light.

STFU all of you and get on with discussing the better points of the day, There are many to choose from. As a long time line lover I couldnt have found myself in a better situ on a lovely sunday. nice roads, wonderful people, great cameradrie, killer turtles, an extrordinary lineup of beautifully presented skylines. I think i fell in love every time I turned around and saw another great ride.

I defy anyone to see the day in a different light to me. Thanks again organizers, You have ensured that both me and the bionic wheelchair will be around for a long time. :P:D:thumbsup:

Shut it old man, you were too busy being one of those tossers under the hood all day to try and look 1337

Bahahah you know I loves you like the desert loves the rain :wub:

Shut it old man, you were too busy being one of those tossers under the hood all day to try and look 1337

Bahahah you know I loves you like the desert loves the rain :D

Child iffin ya keep up yall sass I'll be to showin ya the back of ma hand. :P

Child iffin ya keep up yall sass I'll be to showin ya the back of ma hand. :P

bah all your bones would shatter from the osteoperosis on impact... fossil

oh come here ya big cuddle monster, you're my brisbane dad!

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