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Hoons Cars Will Be Destroyed And Footage Will Be Shown

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. raced, rac·ing, rac·es

v. intr.

Sports To compete in a contest of speed.

To move rapidly or at top speed: We raced home. My heart was racing with fear. So no speeding is not racing, racing involves more than one person with no max amount of compeditors.

And admitting to racing or anything for that matter is admitence of guilt, something that you never want to do. hence why so many people specify they "dont race"

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The inherent flaws in this sort of stupidity are in multitude, but here are just a few:

*It has little to no influence over the brain dead clowns who may engage in "street racing". It does however have a major affect on the constabulary who will now be out accusing every man & his dog of doing so.

* The clueless spankers who advocate this sort of nonsense do so for the publicity, not for any effect on road behaviour. Other than any minor affect on a select few morons who may engage in "road racing" overwhelmingly all this sort of nonsense does is help promote a culture of intolerance on the roads towards other road users.

* It diverts attention from the fundaments of road safety, ie improving roads, improving education & improving the standards of the cars on it. What shits me to tears is that those with their snouts & both front trotters in the trough of "road safety" will happily ascribe any improvements in accident rates to their malformed "initiatives". Please note "initiative" is used here in the Pickwickian sense, ie it can be taken to mean slavishly copying what someone else in another juristiction has done. On the flip side any temporary cluster of bad accidents or fatalities is taken to show the need for more stringent measures, ie heads I win, tails you lose.

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FFS man.. you are exactly who these laws are designed for. Racing your mates for fun in the streets is stupid and dangerous. Personally I am glad this has been suggested. Maybe it will get a whole lot more import driving P platers off the streets so they wont be able to give us a bad name any more!! By us i mean those of us who take it to the track instead. Enthusiasts get dragged down with the 'hoon' label created by f**kwits who race on the streets. Quite obviously, it pisses me right off!

Mate i am just speaking generally what people do and not just me. I am not arguing on that and great if you dnt race..Just sending a message to people who do race and use excuse that i was with mates and we were having fun.

A lot of young people here own modified cars who get tempted sometime to race their mates for fun in a quiet street and I have been through that stage when I was teenager too. Just drive responsibly and keep races to tracks only..Govt doesn't have to catch three times to crash someone car coz the first race can endanger someone's life. I guess they are trying to make roads safer which can cause uneasiness to few responsible people as well.

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Lol its funny how some of you's go i dont race on the street..

AS IF!! im sure you done it.. How about all those cruises thru nasho park etc..

Im sure some of you have gone over the speed limit.. THAT IS STILL RACING isnt it? even if there is no vechiles around, you are still going past the speed limit. Hense i can say you are racing, and not obeying the law..

Im sure there has been a slow driver in front, and you get pissed off, and overtake him quickly if he still doenst move.. and go past the speed limit, or accerlate quickly..

Im just saying, that its funny that you say i dont race etc.. thats all.. lol

But if these laws are to scare ppl from doing stupid things like burnouts, etc, then im all for it!!

I dont think anyone here goes out each night to try and race others.. For those ppl, by all means go distory there cars..

for example, we went on a cruise once with about 5-6 cars.. Had some guy in his SS try and race each one of us.. We just ignored him till he turned around!!

now to those ppl they should get cuaght and get there cars destroyed

Everyone speeds... agreed!

What people dont seem to understand is that these are PUBLIC forums, which means that police, newspaper/current affair/media, RTA, the guy across the road, or your mother can log in an read this...

Admitting stuff on public forums is just stupid.. Sure, the cops arent going to track you down and prosecute you for something you wrote on a forum (though it has happened before!), but its a stupid idea to pronounce to everyone that you are breaking the law. It doesnt serve any purpose except to massage ego's, and give a false impression to newbies to the club that its ok!! Not to mention confirming the police and media's fears that we are all a bunch of psychotic street racing hoons who must be stopped at all cost!!! We're just lucky that they havent started quoting car forums in newspaper articles and stuff yet. I promise you, its coming!

Here's an example.. Unrelated topic, but media are quoting forum users on inthemix.com.au about the GHB toys: http://news.ninemsn.com.au/article.aspx?id=318494

If anyone is going to speed on the streets, race, do burnouts, thats their choice! Just dont post it up on here for EVERYONE to read!!! :yes:

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i think beer baron just summed up this whole thread lol


phuc this i think i might just buy myself a lil vespa, dont think it would go over 60kms anyways

oh shit, school zones

im doomed !!!!!

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Isn't cancelling their licence enough to get them off road?? Crashing their cars can start something violent and not a smart thing that govt is doing. May be they should show the footage of thieves stealing cars getting bashed in prisons to scare them ..They are not doing anything to stop thieves from stealing cars.

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i think beer baron just summed up this whole thread lol


phuc this i think i might just buy myself a lil vespa, dont think it would go over 60kms anyways

oh shit, school zones

im doomed !!!!!

No, you're still ok, I think little school kids weigh more then Vespas anyway... so just like, jump off, do a barrell roll, and let the kid stop the scooter for you >_<

Make sure he doesn't bugger off with it though...

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No, you're still ok, I think little school kids weigh more then Vespas anyway... so just like, jump off, do a barrell roll, and let the kid stop the scooter for you :P

Make sure he doesn't bugger off with it though...


knowing the kids these days, theyd prob take the scooter run me over take my phone and wallet

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Isn't cancelling their licence enough to get them off road??

It should be, but you dont really need a licence to drive a car. Sure its illegal, but so is racing :P

i dont see whats wrong with impounding cars and/or selling them. Why do they have to be crushed? Confiscation should be enough to teach people! :D

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To be honest, I think seeing my car being sold, at a completely rediculously low price, to someone else that won't appreciate it, would be worse then having it crushed...

I'm not going to have it anymore either way, but at least I know that when it is crushed, no one else is going to defile what I once loved...

Plus, money for roads and what not...

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its like a slap in the face, crushing is one thing

but having it posted on youtube is immoral and rubbing it in your face

"Here watch your pride and joy being crushed in front of your eyes while we eat our doghnuts and laugh"

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they have no right to crush personal belongings for illegal use...

we pay registration for the roads, and pay tax on that, we pay insurances which incur a tax, we pay tax on the modification's we get done so i am totally against this as most people are.

this law would only egg people on to do the runner from the cops if there were put in this position, i know i defiantly would do the runner if i knew they would try and crush my car.

secondly, cops are pieces of shit anyways, they are biased and unjust people, i know from experience and i hope the cop that tried to put me in massive shit reads this now, because i know hes unemployed...

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