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Fixed Speed Cameras

The Dan

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Fixed speed camera locations (Brisbane)

It has been revealed to Roadsmart the locations of the first fixed speed cameras in Queensland. Police have said that these locations have been chosen specifically due to the fact that they are not safe locations to have police, or police in vehicles operating the mobile cameras.

The first of three trial fixed speed cameras will be positioned:

Tarragindi off-ramp (M1) on Brisbane's Southside

Bruce Highway at Burpengary

east-side of the Story Bridge targeting vehicles traveling from both directions.

That is all.

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Fixed speed camera locations (Brisbane)

It has been revealed to Roadsmart the locations of the first fixed speed cameras in Queensland. Police have said that these locations have been chosen specifically due to the fact that they are not safe locations to have police, or police in vehicles operating the mobile cameras.

The first of three trial fixed speed cameras will be positioned:

Tarragindi off-ramp (M1) on Brisbane's Southside

Bruce Highway at Burpengary

east-side of the Story Bridge targeting vehicles traveling from both directions.

That is all.

At least fixed cameras cant hand out canarys. :worship:

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The question remains, are these locations that are actually dangerous causing serious accidents or somewhere that it would be more than safe to have a higher limit?

If they cause accidents why not fix the road?

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driving home from willowbank last night A electronic sign told me i was speeding and that if I was caught I would be fined $100 and 1 point (I was sitting on the limit, or maybe 5 over)

I was tempted to go back and see how high I could get it to go.... but thats cause id just come from willowbank and had the need for speed in my veins

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The question remains, are these locations that are actually dangerous causing serious accidents or somewhere that it would be more than safe to have a higher limit?

If they cause accidents why not fix the road?

Speed camera aren't about saving lives, it's about raising revenue.

These camera locations are once again high volume traffic areas that have to my knowledge very few accidents causing serious injuries or fatalities. The most common accidents in these locations would be rear enders from people not paying attention to what's happening out the front window. Now people will have to watch their speed as well as talk on their mobile phone, that is really going to help.

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I agree Willo, so I'm active with the roadsense group. I don't agree that radar or laser is sufficiently accurate at the price they get them for, and nor is it subjective. I was assistant chief engineer in the weapons program with laser and radar guided weapons. I also feel the human factors are not sufficient to always be right on the speed.

Speed limits were a mostly advisory once upon a time and now they are a hard deck above which you will immediately explode killing everyone in a 5km radius......

But seriously they are just becoming a money grab for state Labour governments. Money not working in the local economy as it goes straight to govt. Most Libs are against tighter tolerances and limits. Should try make it an election issue sometime.

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the scare tank is working overtime on this one, the goverment has all the today-tonight types worked up about this as they need some group or another to make a target of, and this one happens to also generate lots of revenue.


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The one on Bruce hwy at FartinGary..

how the hell is that an area that needs speed check?

how is it any different to the rest of the hwy heading in to the city? or North for that matter.

it's all 3 lanes, it's all 100 speed limit.

It's not near and exit or entry..

I don't see how it could in any way be considered an area which has high accident stats or anything to justify a camera of any sort to slow people down, anymore than the rest of the hwy.

It doesn't make any difference to me as I don't use that part of the road unless I'm heading up the coast, nor do I have a speeding fine to my name ever, but it's just stupid that they can justify that as a hot spot or whatever you want to call it to justify using my tax money to take more of our money away from us.

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wheres the issue, I couldnt give a rats ring about speed cameras. hell you know where they are, what type of freakin retard are you to get caught in one.

the cockroaches have lived with them for years. Every time i cross the border i laugh my head off at the stupid carnts. Just slow down the the well displayed sign and the bird box and then away you go.

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I understand and agree with the fact that they are just raising money, rather than putting in fixed speed cameras maby they should look at why people have fatal accidents and conserntrate on the factors. Rather than just picking on speeding all the time.

Maby a radar system that gets you for not wearing a seat belt, or more breath testing, or maby more education about driving tired...?

With education they can reduce accidents, pull half the bombs off the road, do a yearlly road worthy cert like NSW, do an eye test every time you re-new your licence...

Maby do an updated licience as times change, like a simple 10 question test every 10 years???

What im saying is look at what causes the accidents, rather than just make money from speeders...

edit: As putting in a fixed speed camera will only help if its a hot spot for accidents and everyone always wears a seatbelt, does not drive tired, and does not drink drive...

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i drove through a school zone the other night, doing 60, and it came up on this elecronic board thing i waws doing 63km, and i was 23 kms over the speed limit...

seeing as it was almost midnight, and the school zone doesnt apply, i better not get a fine lol, and more interesting, that my 60km speed according to my dash became a 63km on the board :)

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wheres the issue, I couldnt give a rats ring about speed cameras. hell you know where they are, what type of freakin retard are you to get caught in one.

the cockroaches have lived with them for years. Every time i cross the border i laugh my head off at the stupid carnts. Just slow down the the well displayed sign and the bird box and then away you go.

I like the system in NSW but, i kinda have respect for it, advertising the camera ensures they get the end result they want ie people slow down at a hot spot and isnt a simple money grab

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wheres the issue, I couldnt give a rats ring about speed cameras. hell you know where they are, what type of freakin retard are you to get caught in one.

the cockroaches have lived with them for years. Every time i cross the border i laugh my head off at the stupid carnts. Just slow down the the well displayed sign and the bird box and then away you go.

Silly old man. The issue is the government will spout this as life saving changes to get the ignorant voters to allow it through without questioning it's value. If you speed and you get caught then I have no problem with that at all. I have a problem with our tax dollars funding vote grabs by d!ckhead politicians instead of finding a real solution to the road toll.

The number of near misses I have daily is getting ridiculous and not a single one involves speed, it all revolves around d!ckheads driving around with their heads jammed so far up their own a55es they can't see past the end of their own bonnet. Last time I checked there was no fixed d!ckhead cameras in the pipeline.

(Yes I am bitter, I have had a car written off by a drunk old man in an expensive Euro running a red light. Tell me how speed cameras fix that.)

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Interesting point. Qld Transport claims 14% of fatals are caused by over the limit speeding (not to be confused with under the limit speeding eg. too fast for the conditions. There is such a thing) where overseas data and our research states that it is closer to 2%. Take out the drunked and drugged, joyriders in stolen cars and the odd idiot running from the police and that figure drops drastically.

Saving lives, I don't think so.

Training is the only answer.

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Interesting point. Qld Transport claims 14% of fatals are caused by over the limit speeding (not to be confused with under the limit speeding eg. too fast for the conditions. There is such a thing) where overseas data and our research states that it is closer to 2%. Take out the drunked and drugged, joyriders in stolen cars and the odd idiot running from the police and that figure drops drastically.

Saving lives, I don't think so.

Training is the only answer.

You forgot about all the people who are under age, so they dont count anyway, and all the people who don't have licences to start with :P

But yes, training is the only answer. Just it would be nice if the training had some testing. Because deadset some of the people I train I wouldn't let them keep their licence.

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