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Hi guys,

Just letting everyone know that my R32 gts-t was stolen from Macquarie shopping centre yesterday whilst i was at work.

Its white (recent respray), standard wheels, exaust tip, lowered a fair bit, drift steering wheel, 85kms

If anyone around the area knows or see's anything, a pm would nice.

It's insured with justcars, but they only pay $10k max for theft, minus your excess. Its left me about $4k out of pocket, as i only purchased it less than 2 weeks ago.

Upgrade your alarm if you live in the area.


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That sux mate, I hope it turns up ok...

You people need to move to Canberra or something, the rate of car theft down here wouldnt even be a fraction of what apparently happens in Sydney!

Seriously how many cars are getting snatched recently! :)

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SAU NSW should seriously organise something with the Police in that region.

NSW commitee should put a case together and demand to speak to someone high up in NSW police to organise a trap.

park 10 or so skylines around the car parks of macquarie, under cover cops parked in random cars near the skylines, under covers at all entry and exits to the car parks.

Catch these f*kers, do a phone book interview on them to find out who they are working for.

cause none of these cars are being pinched for themselves.

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Man, I park my skyline there all the time :)

but I haven't been there for about 2 months... Macquarie car park has f**k all security, and barely any cameras, even then, they aren't positioned well...

I found this out when a mates supra got keyed... twice... in two weeks...

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Upgrade your alarm if you live in the area.

Oh I have, anything make the fat 'ho harder to move. :wave:

If you're interested in getting a compiled list of cars that get nicked from the Maq centre if I'll consider trying to pass that on to coppers I know, because if they're nicking skylines, chances are the regular kind of 80's and 90's domestic beaters are getting flogged wholesale.

Give us an idea of-

Level it's parked on

Security features, are they just regular alarm, no alarm, clublock or are they capable of carving through the high end 3pt immobilisers + alarm?

Time between taken

Model of car, doesn't have to be a skyline

Don't promise a result, but I can try to have someone higher up see it. Because if we can determine roughly that it's organised crime with professionals that can get through anything you put in a car, it'll get a lot more attention than random top bloke kids nicking cars for giggles because someone didn't put much of an alarm in.

Edited by MK2
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I'll GLADLY volunteer my car for the trap if it means I get the chance to beat the living f**k of the thieves.

Also people, don't give RTA the correct address when you rego your car, you never know some littel f**ker in there is giving addresses away on a daily basis, e.g. $50 a car.

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As i said i only purchased it a week ago, and havn't had a chance to properly look at alarm.

Ironically, there were police at the shopping centre for some other enquiry, i caught up with them and told them. They honestly could not have been more carefree about it. They scribbled down a police theft number for me to ring, and went on there merry way.... As soon as i said it was a skyline they rolled their eyes, like i deserved it or something. Useless tossers didnt evenn ask any details about it.

I spoke to centre management who informed me that its very common at the centre for cars to go missing. I asked what's been done about it....the lady said, 'what can we do?'...How about a few cameras or extra security guards. The place is gettting a reputation now, which is going to affect the centre sooner or later.

Car theft in Sydney is just passed off way to easily as 'too hard to clamp down on'. The amount of time and money the police waste on defecting cars because of bullsh!t technicalities with ride heights or air filters, they could actually start to protect its citizens from real crimes such as theft.

The bait idea sounds good, Cops impound hundreds of imports per year now, surely instead of 'crushing them in front of their owners' as suggested in papers recently, they could use them for operations such as this.

So if parking in shopping centres, remember not to park next to bomb old cars, not next to 4wds, not next to anyone sitting in a car, not near an exit, not in a corner, a pole on both sides of the car, not on the roof, and definately not in poorly lighted areas?!?!?!?!... goodluck finding that spot.

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Oooh dude that sucks ass seriously :D

I think i know your car though...was it parked in the corner corner of the car park...? cause i saw a white R32 with some sort of rims lowered white looked pretty nice to be honest man

I park my car at Mac Shopping center all the time i guess its just been luck i havnt had it stolen yet...BUT id donate my car to be used in a trap lol i got full compo insurence and the cars insured for 24K so ill get a nice payout if anything does happen and it gets stolen :P

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firstly, bad luck.

Ironically, there were police at the shopping centre for some other enquiry, i caught up with them and told them. They honestly could not have been more carefree about it. They scribbled down a police theft number for me to ring, and went on there merry way.... As soon as i said it was a skyline they rolled their eyes, like i deserved it or something. Useless tossers didnt evenn ask any details about it.

^^^ that would have fired me up and i'd have stuck it to the f**kers. im getting pissed off just thinking about that!

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