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Hey Everyone,

I was out on Dr D00f's thursday cruise last night and while driving home my 32 pretty much died.

Comming down the on-ramp to the freeway after driving along old pac and the rev's dropped, even on full plant in gear I couldn't get the car to rev past 3k, and when it got to 3k it was really rough, the whole car shook. We pulled over and let it sit for a few minutes, then tried again. It worked for maybe 2 - 3 minutes, then died again.

Then the battery light flashed up and the volt meter's reading dropped to 4 (normal is 14) as we were driving along the freeway.

Finally got to D00f's place, dropped him off and the car was fine, for 5 mins then:

Battery light flashed us again. Fine for a few minutes

Battery light flashed 3 times, oil presure gauge dropped to zero and the warning light came up, and the revs dropped. So I stopped and turned the car off and then restarted it, the light went off and gauge went backto normal then the 4WD and ABS warning lights came up and only turned off as I stopped out the front of my house.

One of the member's I talked to, said it could be the AFM's, but what about the battery light and the ABS and 4WD lights?

Has this happened to anyone else? Or have any suggestions on what the prob could be?

Any help is greatly appreciated.


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Took both the AFM's off and had a quick look at them. one looked fine but the second was really really dirty. I read the DIY guide and gave the AFM a clean. Car seems to be running alot better, idles better. It started to do the rev drop again, only for a second thou and it stopped so i'm going to take it to a mech and get the error codes out of the ecu and see what's going on. I'll probably reset the ecu after the mech is done, just to clear it all.

Still no clue about the battery lights and the warning lights (-_-)a


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