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My clutch went on friday night, and i couldnt get it up the drive way therefore i had to leave it sitting outside my house. I already have an alarm system, but being the paranoid person i up, i put the steering lock on, took a few fuses out, disconnect battery, unhook few parts to the car - all this while bearing in mind my clutch was gone and they no one could drive it.

Monday morning (the day which my car was goin into the workshop to get clutch fixed) (whom i believe tried to tax my car) decided it aint going anywhere and eventually screwedit up. THey glued AND body filled parts of my car, the door, keyhole, windscreen water shooter thingy, my windscreen and bonnet - WHY! Why i ask myself, THey could have stole my brand new headunit which i put it, would have made me feel happier. But their $10 glue and body fill gonna set me back about $1000 (which i do not fcukin have). THey made a mixture which solidfy really quick, they knew what they were doin. I thought my suburb was safe, which i guess it aint no more. A SUnday night on a school holiday - sigh* not happy, very depressed.

Guess this is my string of bad luck, first the clutch then the vandalism - HAS THIS HAPPEN TO ANYONE before, how do i get the stuff off without wrecking, scratching the paint, I've gotten about 40% of the putty off, but it still really really suck. I Would love to pole some little shits, I'm 18 years old myself - and work my ass 3 years for my ride, one month after i purchase my car little someone does this. 2 days not garaging my car this happens. Anyone can help me get this stuff off??

Okay, my rant is over


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Thats harsh man.. Sorry to see that.. Makes me cry to see that kinda treatment to such a beautiful car.. I hope you catch the little turds and phuck em up...

maybe get a mate to put his car in the same place.. and camp out all night? Big of vigilante mayhem always makes the grass that little bit greener...

Guest Boxhead

and who says hiring pedofiles is a bad thing...

i rekon we should take them to kinsg kross in sydney, or nerang up here, either one works.. duct tape the little shits to a pole naked.. so there little assholes get raped...

sorry to hear it bryanlee... but if you have any suspects just start hitting them till they either admit to it or tell you who it was.

It's like my bad luck - Bought my car, and 3 days later a piston phucks up on me.. I mean fair enough I was going extremely fast.. but still I know how ya feel bro...

Maybe we should start a club of people who have Skylines with really bad luck.. Kinda like a support group? :D

everyone has had bad luck sooner or later with their cars.. first month i ownded my car a truck decided he wanted my lane and drove me into the gutter.

2 x ASA LS1 Wheels @ $550 each and 2 tyres over $250 each.

geez bryan! that sux! can you get prints from the putty? i hope you get them! noticed you got a new headunit too. so i guess you wont be needing mine right? good luck findin them mate!

I left my old car at the front of my house (which was normally locked in the garage) last year and some f**kers broke all the windows. I had like $50 in the ashtray a $3000 sound system and they did not take anything! Just needless violence against our rides little sh!ts... I feel your pain, bryanlee38, if they did it to my Skyline there would be hell to pay...

What really bugs me is its the people like bryanlee38 who really care for their cars and take such great lengths to prevent it getting stolen etc, leave the car outside for only a few days and the little bastards do that to it. It seems the people who don’t care for their similarly attractive cars in the same way and park them wherever go without any problems, funny how it works. Not to say something like this should happen to those others either but just sad to see this happen to someone who worked so hard for the car. Remember what goes around comes around.

One Thing bryanlee38.. on the forums has anyone been asking lots of questions about where you live or anything about your car? Maybe it was someone who logged on here looking to hurt someone? Not implying anything.. just tossin you ideas to maybe track down the purps...

and I agree with predator.. they'd have to be local.. Noticed anyone around your area giving you dirty looks for driving that car in a certain area? maybe showing it off at any local supermarkets? (and don't say you aint proud and havn't shown it off) :D

Once again.. just throwing ideas your way.. Tryin to help..

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