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Test Drove A S1


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Hi all,

As the thread title suggests, yesterday a mate and I went out to test drive a series 1 stag. Pretty stock with some nice rims but they were small like 16's, and firmer suspension in the front of the car. Anyway more to the point:

Above about 2500/2800 rpm their was a loud sound coming from the front of the car, it sounded sort of like if I was to put a plastic bus ticket into a fan...?? The car was nice but this sound was extremely off putting, I don't know much about cars but to me I believe its a turbo issue because how it occurs above the 2500rpm mark.

Also under brakes while driving you could feel a shudder through the car? What does this indicate?

Apart from that it was extremely clean. Was the usual small rust spots under the mirrors but none elsewhere. The under body was sweet and the body was immaculate.

What are your thoughts?

Cheers, chris

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Shudder when braking usually means warped brake disc. Easily machined flat again, usually.

Dunno about the other problem but yes, boost kicks in at about 2500rpm.

Yeah i recon it is the turbo... Poor thing :( . Loved the car mines this noise.. Im gussing it could be pricey to fix aswell. Also had two alarms? Stock and a viper so when you unlock it you had to use the normal stag remote and then the viper remote?

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the shudder under braking will be the same as any other Mcpherson strut FD car. (bushes, struts, bars etc etc etc) as well as warped brakes, but if the discs are that warped it usually flashes up an ABS problem.

noisy turbos make baby Jeebus cry :(

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turbo gaskets?

Where are you located? If you're in Victoria i'm more than happy to check it out with you and help you identify what it is that is shuddering. If it is a blue car in bayswater, dont waste your time:P

Shuddering can be rotors(i paid under 400 for slotted RDA's all round), Bushes- Swaybar, radius rod, upper/lower arms, I recommend doing adjustable bushes ASAP, and the rest would just be maintenance!


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hmmm what did the dealer/seller have to say about it?

He had nothing at all to say about it. He didnt really have much of a clue fullstop.

Where are you located?

Im in South Australia

Does the car have an aftermarket boost controller?

No no af. market boost controller

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the sound was just a louder than usual sound coming from the enight about 2.5k rmp. So i think its turbo.

As for the shudder as soon as i drove it braking before a corner instantly i noticed that their was a shudder felt in the steering.

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how did the brake pedal feel? Have you heard a turbo spool before?

Yes i've heard a turbo spool before, mate has a 200sx, guy i work with has a 32gtr twin turbo thats off its tits...

As for the brake pedal it felt alright, couldn't really feel the shudder in that felt it more through the steering wheel.

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hmm .. well if the seller has no clue then perhaps get someone to diagnose the sound for you.. then you can work out roughly what it will cost to fix .. then knock that and some more off your offer price.. you could come out ahead if the owner is clueless.

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Yeah the owner is clueless... its his son's car from japan, and his son is over their as he exports cars.... the rust under the mirrors was visible from inside the doors when they are open... not very large but its their how much would this cost to fix?

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this stag sounds like it has some issues... unless this car is stupidly cheap priced maybe you should look for another one... everyday there seems to be more and more on the web for sale... and they are slowly getting cheaper.

except that I got a very good S1 at a good price ($13K) but in hind sight if I know what I know now I would have bought A S2 Neo... you see them as low as $16K

just a thought


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