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It's Sad That Nissan Aus Is Bringing In The R35gtr

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Well I guess a reasonable argument would be as follows:

They designed the thing.

They built the thing.

So maybe they should be able to sell it however they please.

Remember at the end of the day we are comparing new cars with second hand ones. Nissan themselves don't sell second hand cars. Their dealers do. Presumably they too can become RAWS/SEVS workshops if they really wanted to.

Also I don't think the term "monopoly" can reasonably be applied to a single model of a car, ie one that can be so easilly substituted for another. Don't like the GT-R, well you can go buy an Evo - that sort of thing.

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you'd be surprised how many Soarers are bought by Toyota dealers from japan... and Delica's n more recently Legnums and Evo's by Mitsi dealers. They only care about the bottom dollar... the smaller dealers couldn't give a f**k about the manufacturer.

Well I guess a reasonable argument would be as follows:

They designed the thing.

They built the thing.

So maybe they should be able to sell it however they please.

I agree entirely - they can sell them however they want to, to who ever they want to, for whatever price they want to. Absolutely their right, 100%.

What isn't their right is then to tell the person they sold it to NOT to sell it to someone else or NOT to import it into another country or NOT.... Once they have sold it, their rights on saying what happens to it next SHOULD be non existent..

It's sad that Nissan Aus is bringing the new GTR in - as that means most of us won't be buying one ever..

I suspect the main reason they are bringing them in is so that we can't import them via the SEVS scheme, as once they have brought a few in - and sold them for silly prices - we won't be able to..

ie they are going to sell them for $150K (or higher). Yet, if they didn't bring them in and get monopoly protection, we could buy a 2 minute old one for say 8M yen. Using the calc at http://www.prestigemotorsport.com.au/modules/costCalc2/ shows we could probably get it in our driveway for $105K..

And when they got a few years old (they will depreciate fairly fast in Japan, as all cars there do..) it won't be long before we could get one in our driveway for $70 to $80K, and $50K isn't too many years away...

In contrast, when Nissan Aus brings them in and sells them with another $50K markup (on top of the Japanese nissan markup, and the Japanese dealer markup) at $150k, not only will most of us not be able to afford that, they are going to depreciate much slower as well in this protected market.. So they probably are never going to be reasonably priced..

So unless we get law changes (to remove the monopoly import rights) I don't think many of us in Aus are ever going to own a r35gtr...

The only good thing (for us) about the R35 GTR release is that we can still bring in r34 GTRs (we are lucky nissan aus didn't bring a few in to stop us doing that..) and their price is going to drop noticeably in the next few years.. :-)

:-( Ian

this is exactly what nissan wants to do with their image

do they want to be known as the manufacturer who has a pile of shitboxes running around the world with tin cans strapped to their exhaust manifold? nissan does not want the owners of R32/R33/R34's to own an R35. they want someone who has a 911 / M3 to sell up and buy the GTR.

with the new GTR they are trying to make the nissan version of the 911 turbo, their flagship car. they want you to desire their flagship car and buy a lower model - that's how all manufacturers work. how many people want an M3 but buy a 318/320/330? 99% of BMW buyers.

that means the GTR will have EXCLUSIVITY

subsequently, they are going to cost more, hold their value better, and provide the manufacturer and the driver with a certain image

half of the point of owning a high end car is having something that others desire and respect (obviously the other point is having something that is an absolute BEAST that drives and looks like nothing else..)

Im on the making money from RAWS and I agree with Ian

Raws/Sevs has nothing to do with safety or quality , it fails miserably in both those aspects because its so poorly implemented , designed and regulated .

The whole scheme is designed to keep imports out of australia and provide an unfair advantage to uncompetitive local industries . Its market protectionism in its purest form at the expense of the consumer.

One simple change I would like to see to sevs is once a manufacturer stops full volume importation of a car that car becomes eligible for low volume importation across the whole manufactured time range . This means that nissan can bring in R35 , make their money , then when its over we can bring them in as private consumers. Its still not ideal but it would open up lots more cars for the consumer and still give local full volume importers a chance to make their profits.

at the end of the day Specialist Enthusiast Vehicle Scheme was designed to give the australian consumer access to cars they were being denied either totally , or partially because of high prices , low specs and limited volumes on some cars . if it doesnt allow at its most basic level the consumer access to these specialist enthusiast vehicles it is failing its primary goal

if nissan only bring a small number of reduced spec extremely high markup r35s then thats a direct example of the consumer being worse off and sevs failing to provide a viable channel for the consumer to acquire the car

half of the point of owning a high end car is having something that others desire and respect (obviously the other point is having something that is an absolute BEAST that drives and looks like nothing else..)

It might be for you, but not for me! I not only wouldn't care if every car on the road was a GTR, I'd be happy!

Having something that other people want, but can't have, isn't a positive for me, it's a negative. And my fun of having a toy isn't diminished by them having it as well..


i agree with keeping the car exclusive, how shit would it be to see every tom dick and harry driving a beaten up r35gtr fron japan, its bad enough seeing shit drift cops around on the road, would rather see clean condition bog standard ones. As mentioned the new gtr will be like the porsche etc, they wont be targeting young drivers, they will be targeting middle aged men, who want true value japanese performance,`which includes all the warranties ( which most modifiers dont care about, but the rich old men do) that differs to the ever so popular European High End sportscars.

In this world u pay for exclusitivity, and its like that with a shitload of cars, if u cant afford them shit happens, look for ways to make more money. not much we can do.

Edited by 2BNVS

this is honestly the most pointless thread i've seen in a long time it has me tearing my hair out at my desk hey

none of you own or will own a GT-R. prove me wrong if you like, but the truth is the cookie hath crumbled they way NISSAN (the people who build and sell the car) WANT it to. not what YOU want.

and NO the GT-R will not deprciate that much over the next few years,. that's not what it's for.

tho whoever said that nissan doesn't want r32/3/4owners into the R35 well done, right on the money!

to ian, you're right in SOME aspects of raws being created to "monopolise" n bla bla bla

and funky you're right aswell

i mean you're not RIGHT but your both not wrong

the truth is, that the government tried to clean up the import act by creating a better service for customers ie: trying to make the cars safer for australian roads and for many other reasons

it's a great idea on paper however private industry makes it hard for the matter to be governed and unfortunately certain workshops don't carry out the work they claim they do...

which is unfortunate cos it completely negates the purpose of upgrading the ruels in the first place...

my hat goes off to the guys that are doing the right thing though...

1 major advantage of nissan bringing them into australia is parts. it wil be much easier to get simple everyday items for the car. also you will get warranty. i would much rather pay an extra 30 or 40k for a car if it comes with warranty. especially on what is essentially a totally new car. i doubt it will have any issues but there is always the chance. all it would take is 1 major component recall and if you didn't have the warranty and it failed and you would have to spend what you would save by privately importing it.

im just glade its only going to be around $70,000 US.. Im in Canada it wont be much more.. and the Canadian dollar is currently worth a bit more than the US atm anyways :D or I could just skip across the border to get it yay

ps. buy my GT-R its in the for SA sale section, its a ripper.


im just glade its only going to be around $70,000 US.. Im in Canada it wont be much more.. and the Canadian dollar is currently worth a bit more than the US atm anyways :dry: or I could just skip across the border to get it yay

ps. buy my GT-R its in the for SA sale section, its a ripper.


You lucky lucky man. Pity about Canada being so far from Oz and all ey?

you want exclusivety buy a top notch pony or bull. dont stonk around with base model etc as much less than the super car price tag is not really exclusive is it.

anybody who claims they want exclusive is a bit of a wank, if I was a collector.. sure exclusive.. great, but I want to drive the f**king thing not just look at it.

nissans gtr was never popular with people who could afford exclusivety, they made a monster for the working man / woman. They made something that could be fun everywhere everytime *insert gosen's speech*.

The gtr was basically the modern z car, lets face it the z cars went soft little luxo little racepace but not much of anything. Gtr's were a stretch for masses but not unreachable with savage performance yet quite livable compared to almost every other money is no object vehicle. base model "exclusive" branded items are in a similar boat with an extra 100-200k difference. I loved driving a 430 (for all of about 2 minutes) and sitting in what I can only tell you was a awsome experience around ec in a Gallardo not a Superleggera model... yes.. Seriously awsome still, both made me shake and that doesnt happen often. I grew up with top alcohol yard posters in my backyard .. literally... but that is not the point.. it was as exciting as smashing your first truly hot chick, like...... no... taking your first new beasty out to a track day and newbing the shit out of every corner but funking your panties anyways. none of that is about exclusivety, its about enjoyment... what makes more money at the end of the day... a hero car that very few can advertise and afford or something that is slightly less bt available to a much wider market that can be properly advertised.... companies that market to the larger share make more money... this isnt new to any of you.

you want exclusivety buy a top notch pony or bull. dont stonk around with base model etc as much less than the super car price tag is not really exclusive is it.

anybody who claims they want exclusive is a bit of a wank, if I was a collector.. sure exclusive.. great, but I want to drive the f**king thing not just look at it.

nissans gtr was never popular with people who could afford exclusivety, they made a monster for the working man / woman. They made something that could be fun everywhere everytime *insert gosen's speech*.

The gtr was basically the modern z car, lets face it the z cars went soft little luxo little racepace but not much of anything. Gtr's were a stretch for masses but not unreachable with savage performance yet quite livable compared to almost every other money is no object vehicle. base model "exclusive" branded items are in a similar boat with an extra 100-200k difference. I loved driving a 430 (for all of about 2 minutes) and sitting in what I can only tell you was a awsome experience around ec in a Gallardo not a Superleggera model... yes.. Seriously awsome still, both made me shake and that doesnt happen often. I grew up with top alcohol yard posters in my backyard .. literally... but that is not the point.. it was as exciting as smashing your first truly hot chick, like...... no... taking your first new beasty out to a track day and newbing the shit out of every corner but funking your panties anyways. none of that is about exclusivety, its about enjoyment... what makes more money at the end of the day... a hero car that very few can advertise and afford or something that is slightly less bt available to a much wider market that can be properly advertised.... companies that market to the larger share make more money... this isnt new to any of you.

MMMM, smashing a hot chick, i loved that analogy. I can relate to that. Yes , you are right. Thats one reason i love my Skyline. I get that feeling just after i cained the f**k out of it. Georgous adrenalin.

MMMM, smashing a hot chick, i loved that analogy. I can relate to that. Yes , you are right. Thats one reason i love my Skyline. I get that feeling just after i cained the f**k out of it. Georgous adrenalin.

technically its endorphin that makes you feel good after you've given it a good thrashing. adreneline makes you think you're Shcumaker while you're heading towards the pit wall at 160km/h.

you know what i hope nissan australia bring them in earlier smash one for adr's and waist nissan australia's money instead of one importer geting all the buisness that way nissan australia can bash them up thier arse and we can get a value for money super car wich is what it is ment to be

thats my theroy ha ha

well if nissan australia wants to bring them in they will probably just get the crash test data off nissan japan won't they? rather than having to crash a new set of hand-made GTRs?

i thought the only reason we crash cars for compliance here is because nissan/toyota etc are never going to give up their own crash test data to some random across the otehr side of the world..

yeah that's right, they just submit manufacturing data, which is acceptable. sometimes manufacturers even get dodgy cars thru the system.

yeah that's right, they just submit manufacturing data, which is acceptable. sometimes manufacturers even get dodgy cars thru the system.

Technically it's "substandard" cars "through" the system. Dodgy and thru are quite unacceptable in the Queens english you know? LOL :laughing-smiley-014:

Amusing Thread. But the point is being missed in a couple of areas. The loopholes in the law under which the S15, Evo 6 are available existed only because the manufacturers didnt place the application to import the vehicles in full volume the instant they became available in Japan. Ever wonder why you cant import a Z33, Evo IX or any model WRX under SEVS? Because they've woken up to the way the law works. The R35 GT-R will NEVER be available as a SEVS import because you can guarantee Nissan have applied for full volume - already. Regardless of when delivery actually occurs.

As for the crap about the consumer being worse off. Put down the crack pipe. Nissan didnt build a car that effectively annihilates a 911 Turbo, in all circumstances, to sell a million of them. They are a handcrafted hero car. The top of the tree, much as the R32 GT-R was in 1991 - when they cost 110k - new from Nissan. They dont give a rats about anyone with anything other than a brand new car. Hug it out bitches they aren't doing it for the love. Its Business.


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