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I sort of touched on this in the EPA thread, however I guess its better here as it sorta warrants a bit of discussion.

How often are people getting done? I got done Saturday morning with zero additional tickets (no speeding, failure to indicate etc). What really irked me is that the copper targetted me (moved 3 lanes over and about 4 cars back to get me), then had basically cared about nothing other than me popping my bonnet and having him say "the EPA will send you a letter".

Nothing about my driving, noise or anything.

Is this as common as I fear (3-9 months)?

I have been planning to get my car sorted for VIC Rego (and that includes ditching the pod for a stock air box + decent filter) but i'm not overly excited about the idea of banging on a stock exhaust, ECU and removing the EBC every so often as;

1. I don't have the tools to do it here.

2. I don't have tons of time outside of work (I actually P/T to work whilst the missus drives).

How do people go about living with this kind of thing here? My car isn't overly powerful (when it was tuned 18+ months ago it made ~190 RWKW), wheel etc are all engineered - but i don't exactly want to lose the power I have.

My financial situation could finance a stock R33 GTR with a "handful' of mods (I'm thinking a Quiet well-flowing exhaust and possibly a chip) early next year - but really what are the options for a skyline with around 200rwkw (or equivalent) without the retarded hassle that you get from having the dreaded stove lights.

I can handle the "random" breathalyser tests and the like. I just can't afford the time to be back and forth to the pits and mechanic just because a police officer has a vendetta against Japanese imports.

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I sort of touched on this in the EPA thread, however I guess its better here as it sorta warrants a bit of discussion.

How often are people getting done? I got done Saturday morning with zero additional tickets (no speeding, failure to indicate etc). What really irked me is that the copper targetted me (moved 3 lanes over and about 4 cars back to get me), then had basically cared about nothing other than me popping my bonnet and having him say "the EPA will send you a letter".

Nothing about my driving, noise or anything.

Is this as common as I fear (3-9 months)?

I have been planning to get my car sorted for VIC Rego (and that includes ditching the pod for a stock air box + decent filter) but i'm not overly excited about the idea of banging on a stock exhaust, ECU and removing the EBC every so often as;

1. I don't have the tools to do it here.

2. I don't have tons of time outside of work (I actually P/T to work whilst the missus drives).

How do people go about living with this kind of thing here? My car isn't overly powerful (when it was tuned 18+ months ago it made ~190 RWKW), wheel etc are all engineered - but i don't exactly want to lose the power I have.

My financial situation could finance a stock R33 GTR with a "handful' of mods (I'm thinking a Quiet well-flowing exhaust and possibly a chip) early next year - but really what are the options for a skyline with around 200rwkw (or equivalent) without the retarded hassle that you get from having the dreaded stove lights.

I can handle the "random" breathalyser tests and the like. I just can't afford the time to be back and forth to the pits and mechanic just because a police officer has a vendetta against Japanese imports.

Hi mate,

Sorry to hear that you got EPA(ed) - unfortunately, it happens when you drive a Skyline... Skylines amongst with the likes of WRX's and Evo's attract a lot of attention - and also is on the top hit-list by the cops.. the only "real" way of avoid any problems with the cops is to comply... this means, stock everything or modifications within the boundries...

By the way, you haven't mentioned what the cop got you Epa(ed) for?? Look, you got two options... 1) comply and go stock everything... 2) borrow parts or put stock parts on - bring it to EPA, get them to clear the notice then put everything back on... driving a Skyline, you'll have to be prepared for this... this is unfortunate, I know - but you just gotta live with it unless you decide to, as I had mentioned above, go stock everything... the law is the law mate.



EPA is a way of life in Vic.

Come down to a SAU-Vic meeting (december one) if you can.

There are a lot of things i will not go into over a forum for various reasons, but making power and keeping it legal is VERY costly and a big exercise.

I've had my car off the road for 2 years come 16th Dec for EPA legalities... but soon to be back on the road :)

i know how you feel mate. im almost hitting 30, got better things to do than to hoon the streets at night and most of the time have more important things to spend my money on than mods but unfortunately theres those particular officers out there that are on a power trip, know EFF'all about imports and do you because they can...probably meeting a daily quota. luckily i have yet to come across one of these. all the officers i have met were all decent.

unfortunately, it happens when you drive a Skyline... Skylines amongst with the likes of WRX's and Evo's attract a lot of attention - and also is on the top hit-list by the cops..

I don't mind that. I can handle the "random" breathe tests that you seem to get in other states (ACT and NSW). It just feels to me that the EPA ruling is the final say in "got the bastard" when all else fails. It's also interesting that as he ranted on (I wasn't arguing, more actually trying to find out why he pulled me over - he dodged the question about 3 times.) he claims its a federal law and he didn't care that;

a) I have my car engineered for all mods other than the PFC.

b) I'm "technically" based in Canberra for the moment.

the only "real" way of avoid any problems with the cops is to comply... this means, stock everything or modifications within the boundries...

If you have modifications within the boundaries, do you still have to show up to McLeod? Do they ask you to attend regardless?

By the way, you haven't mentioned what the cop got you Epa(ed) for??

Pod and FMIC together. He didn't mention specifically what test I was going for, but Nismoid feels that its more than likely a Full test. I'm trying to source a stock ECU and airbox now before the letter.

driving a Skyline, you'll have to be prepared for this... this is unfortunate, I know - but you just gotta live with it unless you decide to, as I had mentioned above, go stock everything... the law is the law mate.

Hence I'm curious about how I go about having a car that is a joy to drive long distance, handles well, has a bit of poke when required? My current thinking is a R33 GTR but if I'm still going to go back and forth between a police car, mechanic and EPA because apparently they kill baby foxes, turn seals into salsa and burn down trees faster than napalm - I won't bother, sell it and buy something that legally destroys the planet.

I have never been done or asked to look under the bonnet in 2 years of ownership... thankfully - and touch wood for the future. But I think its prob got do to more with where I live and drive around than anything else. Hope a havent now jinxed it... :)

I have never been done or asked to look under the bonnet in 2 years of ownership... thankfully - and touch wood for the future. But I think its prob got do to more with where I live and drive around than anything else. Hope a havent now jinxed it... :)

Its not the location mate, its the driving style. I'm living in Sth East (notorious), had my GTR for 3 years with enough mods to run 11 yet i haven't been pulled over once.

Sorry to hear that you got EPA(ed) - unfortunately, it happens when you drive a Skyline... Skylines amongst with the likes of WRX's and Evo's attract a lot of attention

Not really,

I've been on the notorious Princes hwy alot of Fridays :D and i actually saw more Holdens and Fords get pulled over.

How do people go about living with this kind of thing here? My car isn't overly powerful (when it was tuned 18+ months ago it made ~190 RWKW), wheel etc are all engineered - but i don't exactly want to lose the power I have

I think with Front mount, stock air box with K n N flat panel filter, decent boost and you'll see pretty much the same power woudln't it? Even better try find a Chipped Jap ECU. As for handling, skylines come with coil over suspension standard so im pretty sure most after market coil over will comply.

Pod and FMIC together. He didn't mention specifically what test I was going for, but Nismoid feels that its more than likely a Full test. I'm trying to source a stock ECU and airbox now before the letter.

First time EPA is only for exhaust noise and RWC i think which pretty much Pod filter and front mount is included anyway.

I got EPA'd earlier this year. Pulled up next to me at a maccas carpark and asked me to pop the hood. Saw the BOV and boost tap and said they were illegal and that ill get a letter from the EPA.

Got the letter and called a testing centre and asked what things they were testing. He asked for the letter at the end of my referenbce number. I informed him it was 'T' (if i remember correctly), and he said all they will check is exhaust noise, and nothing under the bonnett. He said if it was an 'N' (once again if memory serves me right) then he would look for items like BOV's, boost taps, ecu's, etc; basically anything that can effect exhaust and emmisions.

Went there and my exhaust was too loud. Luckily there is a flange near the rear of my exhaust, so I had a new muffler/tip put together to make it legal. Chokes the hell out of the engine, drops performance and sounds crap but its legal. And because of the flange I can swap it over with my old canon whenever I need performance (eg: track day, drags, etc). It only takes 10 minutes to jack the car and bolt on the different muffler.

Something to keep in mind. And as far as intake mods, you can have one aftermarket intake (pod filter, or intercooler), just not both (from what ive read on these forums multiple times). So I would recommend getting the stock airbox in as a FMIC is a little harder to remove.

Its not the location mate, its the driving style. I'm living in Sth East (notorious), had my GTR for 3 years with enough mods to run 11 yet i haven't been pulled over once.

i would have to disagree with this to an extent. obviously if you drive like an idiot you will get pulled over but ive owned my car for almost 7 yrs have been pulled over 3 times and in all those times i was driving normally and they all had to make a huge effort to just get up behind me to pull me over. the second time i got pulled over was when i was reversing out of my drive way, reversing out spot the cop stop to give way as you do, cop doesnt move for a good minute so i figured hes doing something or letting me reverse out. i reverse out, didnt even make it 100m before he pulled me over. if that isn't import targeting i dont know what is. i live S.E too...ha

+ 1 for disagree, i used to get heaps of canaries when i was on my P's, come november i upgraded from gts-t to gtr and haven't seen a cop yet.. used to suck on P's though, some were such mongrels, pulling off my kick panels to have a look at my ecu, pulling my centre console area apart to "look for a electronic boost controller" ._. I'm in N.E burbs, but most of the times i got pulled over was near the city (on the way to work) or in eltham

actually thinking... if the car isnt rego'd in Vic, then you have nothing to answer too as the testing station is over '150kms from registered address'

I think you may find that Ash is indeed correct in this situation, and I wouldn't expect that you would have to appear. I am still yet to confirm these things, but please keep us updated. I imagine that it would be quite the same with a canary slapped on an interstate car. Why would you need to clear the canary, when it relates to Vicroads, and has nothing to do with another state body...

Each state has different regulations relating to modifications, and it up to your state transport authority to deem whether or not your car is roadworthy, so as far as I see it, they are just wasting your time pulling you over.

Maybe check the facts out, ask the questions. Maybe they can attempt to have your car tested in your home state....not sure

Its not the location mate, its the driving style. I'm living in Sth East (notorious), had my GTR for 3 years with enough mods to run 11 yet i haven't been pulled over once.

I still think it has a lot to do with location, I drive past cops all the time in my area and they dont seem to look twice, yet whenever I go to some of the more 'outer' suburbs to take my car to workshops is onyl when cops seem to give me some more attention.

Around my area cops seem to be more interested in the private school kids driving wasted in there bemmers bought by there parents. Range rovers with 'p' plates seem to cause more trouble than imports round here. I've been randomly pulled over once leaving uni in caulfield, but they didn't check the car.

I don't mind that. I can handle the "random" breathe tests that you seem to get in other states (ACT and NSW). It just feels to me that the EPA ruling is the final say in "got the bastard" when all else fails. It's also interesting that as he ranted on (I wasn't arguing, more actually trying to find out why he pulled me over - he dodged the question about 3 times.) he claims its a federal law and he didn't care that;

a) I have my car engineered for all mods other than the PFC.

b) I'm "technically" based in Canberra for the moment.

If you have modifications within the boundaries, do you still have to show up to McLeod? Do they ask you to attend regardless?

Pod and FMIC together. He didn't mention specifically what test I was going for, but Nismoid feels that its more than likely a Full test. I'm trying to source a stock ECU and airbox now before the letter.

Hence I'm curious about how I go about having a car that is a joy to drive long distance, handles well, has a bit of poke when required? My current thinking is a R33 GTR but if I'm still going to go back and forth between a police car, mechanic and EPA because apparently they kill baby foxes, turn seals into salsa and burn down trees faster than napalm - I won't bother, sell it and buy something that legally destroys the planet.

Buddy, I can understand how you feel mate. Since I bought my Skyline until now - it's been problem for me one after the other... I got like 3-4 defect notices, thousands nearly in speeding fines, fines etc... but at the end of the day, I wouldn't want it any other way... I love my Skyline... some time I feel it's like me on the road, me in presence, in soul and it's me on all fours... this is what you'll have think feel in your heart to even be bothered getting all the defect/epa notices cleared.

What you have said - all of it are valid points... that's right, if they can't do you for anything serious - EPA is their final step... it's like they're trying to get you any way they can... I had a copper one time then basically reeled off on nearly everything he can think of to get me on the hook... it's just sickening... I mean... sure, be strict etc to minimise youth deaths but trying to "get the poor bastards" is something I think is way too extreme...

The EPA guys will test everything... these guys know what they're on about... they will test your ECU as well - just go stock everything to guarantee a pass... not worth rocking up and then having to only go home and then return another day to cleaar this...

There's really no way I can think of that you are 100% safe on the road... well, except for 1....

Keep your car looking stock as a rock... stock exhaust, no rice on the outside... then they will leave you alone... that's why the latest trend is for SLEEPERS... that's why you see guys on here asking for stock kits and wanting to go back stock so that no one looks at them much and the cops don't both them, but under the hood - it's a beast ... also, if you can afford it - get your car engineered... will cost thousands... and I'm not too sure how this works... but I'm sure if you go to a good mechanic - he'll point you to the right direction... good luck mate... chin up... get this resolved then make the car look stock and go back to stockies and you'll live to see another day....

As I have stated in past if you have obvious FMIC expect to be pulled over and checked under bonnet as 90% of imports with FMIC also have pod filter making you easy target. I must say that the EPA form is the easiest to fill out only takes about 30 seconds.

I have issued plenty of them but still none to any members on here as I only issue them to people with poor attitudes or driving like an idiot, as I know how much it will affect the car owner. See generally biggest fine is for unregistered $551 but EPA could cost somebody thousands in hihgly modified car to get it to pass. Also you can't really contest or complain about getting EPA notice.

It is a but harsh but everyone on here knows what is legal and what is not and most drive around in illegally modified cars knowing that.

EPA could cost somebody thousands in hihgly modified car to get it to pass. Also you can't really contest or complain about getting EPA notice.

It is a but harsh but everyone on here knows what is legal and what is not and most drive around in illegally modified cars knowing that.

Haha, ye you not wrong mate, im into 5 figures comfortably trying to clear my EPA legitimately and still make good solid power :thumbsup:

You can complain though, and i will take the copper who pings me to court over it to the highest level once i get full EPA approval and start getting some of my own back :D

Although the laws, as ive found, have many many large flaws and stupid rulings that even though the EPA guys wont admit are such... but ... if you can take a hint, you'll understand that they dont always agree either with the stupid Victorian bullshit here, but then they are just doing thier job and you cant blame them for that.

As I have stated in past if you have obvious FMIC expect to be pulled over and checked under bonnet as 90% of imports with FMIC also have pod filter making you easy target. I must say that the EPA form is the easiest to fill out only takes about 30 seconds.

I have issued plenty of them but still none to any members on here as I only issue them to people with poor attitudes or driving like an idiot, as I know how much it will affect the car owner. See generally biggest fine is for unregistered $551 but EPA could cost somebody thousands in hihgly modified car to get it to pass. Also you can't really contest or complain about getting EPA notice.

It is a but harsh but everyone on here knows what is legal and what is not and most drive around in illegally modified cars knowing that.

What did i say, its got alot to do with people's driving style isnt it? Also its been PROVEN that Stock air box will still give plenty of power.

What did i say, its got alot to do with people's driving style isnt it? Also its been PROVEN that Stock air box will still give plenty of power.

Many, many cars are bought with a pod and FMIC fitted already - I didn't have a choice. And how does having a Pod or FMIC have anything to do with driving style?

Just in general.

To make power within the guidelines can be done, its just a matter of understanding and building a car to them.

You'd be surprised at the room you have to move with :)

But again, it costs money.

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