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your right hostile, sometimes cops don't have anything better to do. don't know if you knew but they also got a kinda quota they need to get sometimes too. fair enuf a lot of ppl don't need to be slowed up cos we r always busy these days just because we drive an import but they are just doing there job. there are a lot of idiot cops out there aswell that wreck it for the better ones unfortunately but it can't be helped unless when you come across one of these cops thats authority has gone to his head needs to be reported and kicked out or bring him back to earth else he's gonna keep acting this way.

Ha yeah, perhaps we should start a register of cops badge numbers who are just plain assholes!!

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hey, y not? if a cop gets enuf bad comments put in for him/her, they get put on notice or something like that. there is the occasional cop that also likes to admire a nice car and take note that we actually look after our rides aswell which is always a good thing to happen (unless your running late!)

i'm guessing that's your car in you profile pic thing so it kinda sticks out like dogs balls wouldn't you agree? if something like that happens you need to remember to take down the cops badge number cos he's just proven to you that he's not doing his job properly isn't he. what you were doing wasn't endangering someone's life, the wagon could have hit someone crossing the road or another car so yes he should of jumped in his car! you gota know how to talk to the cop without being too much of a smart aleck about it that's all.

that's another thing, just cos you gota an import car doesn't mean you should need to stay away from the bay or the city on any day of the week. if your one of the idiots that cruises through the bay or city so ppl can hear your blow off valve sound off then your kinda asking for it aren't you?!

yes thats my car in my profile pic but when i was done that time my car was a very dark midnight blue, no kit, black (legal) rims, stock ride hight and stock replacement exhaust. its this blue now because im hoping it will put off theives as it stands out to much.

i talked to him as he was the f**king queen but he mustnt have been lied lately as he got very agro when he saw my placard :s and said he was going to fine me for disobaying transport laws. how the hell is a sticker anything to send me to regency for. he had a book telling him the size rims i was aloud to have anyway.

also i think cop bike, highway patrol then normal cops <-- thats worst to least in my books

ive been done by highway patrol and biker cops. normal patrol acutally complimented me on keeping a nice tidy car.

as hostile has said, its because we drive imports no matter the age of the driver or condition of the car. the government wants money so they rather pick on cars where people will fix up and put back on the road and spend thousands to do so then pick on a shit box where the owner would just send to sims and get another.


wrong place wrong time wrong mood is all it comes down to. i drive around alot in my 33 for work etc probably see 2 to 5 cops a day. sometimes pass them going in the same direction, sometimes they are behind me etc.. Ive only been pulled over once at night because my numberplate was dirty. I cleaned it infront of them and they said have a nice night. My car is fairly low, bouncy as all fuuk with coilovers, wide track and loud as fuuk exhaust...This is the way i like my car. But its fairly clean and its White so it doesn't stand out. Also comes down to the smoothness of your driving and your behaviour on the road. If your driving in an erratic manner then you will attrack attention to yourself. Smoothness is the key to staying under the radar so to speak.

as hostile has said, its because we drive imports no matter the age of the driver or condition of the car. the government wants money so they rather pick on cars where people will fix up and put back on the road and spend thousands to do so then pick on a shit box where the owner would just send to sims and get another.


Exactly. thats pretty much the jist of it. P plates + import, your gunna get picked up for doing jack s**t sum time or another, no matter what ya car looks like.

I think they pick on imports becos they know that there will (usually) be something they can defect you for which equals more money for the govenment. Which in the long run will equal a pay rise or promotion or both for the police officer, which is all they care about!

ive been pulled over numerous times, once for crossing a solid white line in the hills - that cop dribbled on for about 10 minutes about nothing then let me go. got pulled over the other night out of nowhere for an rbt and licence check (cop pulls me over, even though the hilux next to me spun its wheels up as it left the lights :S)- got pulled over in murray bridge for another out of nowhere rbt, the cop actually said my car looked nice and asked how do i get over speedhump and driveways :D

my favourite was one night at crafers when i stopped so my mate could get out and have a smoke, cop car pulls up

cop - what are you doing up here

me - we are going for a drive

cop - at this time of night?

me - yes

cop - you have been doing burnouts!

me - no i havent, i dont do burnouts

cop - yes you have, i can smell tyre smoke

me - no i havent, why would i kill my car by doing burnouts??? we were driving that is all

2nd cop in the car to 1st cop - its probably our car you can smell, its a steep drive up here

1st cop reluctantly gives up and lets me go, she was adament to get me for something even asked me each and every one of my details when i could see they already had my details up on their monitor, like they wanted me to slip up or something.

imports are just easy targets i say, they are easy to spot, most of them are modded, and then there are the people that must drive like idiots everywhere they go.

I agree with Ryan 110%

I also have a loud and very bouncy car, but around well built up areas there may be cops I drive like a grandpa and have never been pulled over. and in a car that stands out a fair bit I would of expect to be pulled over at least once on a weekend, but has never happened.

The few people I have meet off the forums and have seen on the cruises I attended you have all seemed like a decent bunch of enthusiasts.... but other skyline drivers I have seen on the roads seem like f**king tools, that have a skyline cos they think it makes them look cool.. I laugh at them when they get pulled over after they have been showing offs driving like dickheads....it makes it look bad for the rest of us that drive skylines.

ive been pulled over numerous times, once for crossing a solid white line in the hills - that cop dribbled on for about 10 minutes about nothing then let me go.

That was on a SAU cruise wasn't it? You're confused Sam. We were playing piggy in the middle and the cop just wanted to clarify the rules.

Gotta say since i bought my evo cops dont look at me. When im in my mrs rex or when i was in the skyline you could see there heads turn and look. Just skylines are so cheap now most p platers get them, but a few years ago when they were expensive and there wasnt many about cops didnt care, cops are just more aware of what skylines and silvias are now.

hey all

im a P plater drive a 32 and just this weekend i drove past a defect station on the other side of the road i thought myself pretty lucky(thought too soon), it seems that the police have jumped into their car and proceeded to chase me down even as i was driving normally.

well about 300m down the road cops have pulled me over and i received a defect more my exhaust which is too loud but only 94 db aT 3000RPM(who can pick out 4db), and my wheels were sticking out the guards.

anyway while being quized about my car i get the ol' soo you do many burnouts cause these are the cars all the speeding and burnouts are done in didnt you know that and because you drive this car we will pick on you everytime la la la la la at that point i tuned out lol.

but yea i was quite impressed how they chased me down just for a defect i really applaud their efforts lol.

^ I would guess 95% of cops couldnt pick an genuine evo from a riced up ES... they probably think you're just another gay guy driving a grily lancer :/

Hahahaha Lee you beat me to it!!

I got pulled over once and lost my licence (drinky drinky).

It only takes once, so if you been bugged constantly every week or havent been bugged for 4 years, if you are doing 1 thing wrong they will get you for it. I suppose theres alot of reputation for hooning and undertaking in illegal and un-roadworthy modifications but that goes with the territory of owning your car. But what did you expect? The Government makes money off of people like us for that reason.

lol my cars not in my name its under my brothers name so when the cops pull me over and sus out the car i pretend to get all upset and scared and say i stole my brothers car for the day and hes at work if he comes home to see a defected car he will bash me and the cops fall for it ahahah no defect =D

id just like to add, that i was travelling back home from the shops with the mrs in the car, doing nothing wrong (i dont speed, or look like a wanker while driving) on a crowded stretch of road.

The cop was turning onto the road i was going, and weaved his way up to me, and pulled me over.

He had a thorough look over my car, and eventually had to book me for being 5mm too low.

Now tell me, how is being 5mm too low attracting attention to myself?

Im sure i could go get my shockers checked out and find one is sagging, then whoah...yer its all my fault for diving like a wanker!!

I was pulled over in the hills one night and accused of doing burnouts, i kindly advised the young officer its was highly unlikely. He then said don't lie to me, admit it was you or i will defect you. I then explained to him that GTR's are 4wd and my car was not powerful enough to do 4wd burnouts... :P

I will never forget the look on his face....

Most of the other cops that have pulled me over just check my licence check to make sure it's not stolen and say stay out of trouble then leave, but there are a few bad ones out there that tarnish the police name just like there are a few inport drivers that tarnish us..

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