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Advice Required Got Done Speeding


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Hey guy to make a long story short I got done speeding last night extremely speeding 130km/h in a 70km/h zone..

Beofre everyone pipes up about me being an idiot which is still am.. I'll fill you in on the details..

Got a call from my mother last night she had been in an accident..another car has force her off the road side swiped her and forced her into a metal barrier...the car then proceeded to take off..Anyways I got a call from my mother she sound pretty shaking up was in tears screaming all the rest (she was in a real bad accident 7 years ago which left her in hospital for 8months) so she always gets a bit shakening up when these things happen..

Anyways I jump into the car and try to make my way to the scene as quickly as possible which I must say im regretting now..low and behold I'm almost there when those all too familiar lights light up my back window...

Long story short cop takes my details.. and lets me go telling me my car will be impounded at a later date and ill receive either a fine or court summons.. wtf??? I try to explain the situation obviously a young male in an r33 is gonna have a hell of a time getting a cop to believe him... so i try but to no avail..

Anyhow I finally make my way to the scene of the accident the car is driveable so first stop is to the local cop shop to report the hit and run and to speak to the cop with both my mother and father whom both confirmed I was rushing to the accident...the officer said he appreciated me coming in and would take into account what had happened but Im not sure if it meant much..

Anyhow as I was leaving he said I would most likely receive a ticket or court summons and my car would be impounded at a later date...

Anyhow I have a few questions you guys might be able to answer..

Anyone been in this situation before and what was the damage?

The officer wouldnt show me a radar reading or tell me how he clocked my speed do they have to?

IS it worthwhile appealing in court on the grounds of emergency (ive seen husbands driving their pregnant partners get off)?

HAs anyone else ever had the car impounded after the event occurred (i was sure it was then and there)?

I wasn't entirely happy with the officers language he called me a f wit and a few other choice words.. can I report this?

If it ends up in court is it worthwhile fighting them or pleading guilty and hoping for a reduced sentence?

I've had a clean record for going on 3years now does that make any difference??

Thanks Guys sorry this was so long..

And yes I do know Im a dickhead for doing those speeds no matter the situation but i kinda just zoned out I was more concerned with my mum than anything else...

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1. if they didnt take you car on the spot... then theyll wont take it again.. transferr it in your dads name and 100% t they cant touch it.

2. they will give u a court summons.

4. the judge wont give a f if you rushing to save his mum outta of an accciedent

3. is this your first major driving offence... if so apply for a section 10 and driver rehab... but u need a solictor to do that and that is $250 and hour easy

4. you looking at a $1600 fine easy

if need anymore help let me know


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What are we talking by major here 4 years ago when I first got my license I lost my 5 demerit points and lost my license for 3 months (got done speeding in a school zone damn clock...and my p plates were apparently unreadable through my tinting) since then ive had one failing to stop rolled through a stop sign and thats it...

any idea how long it will take for summons...??

the cop also said considering the situation he may drop the speed down to 100 in a 70zone which is just 5 demerit points but I highly doubt that...

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Made, if you speed over 30 km/r over the legal speed limit in a particular zone then it's an immediate loss of license and a fine coupled with a court summons.

The cop made it pretty fine-cut that your car will be impounded. Although I can appreciate the reason as to why you sped to your mother's location (I would have done the same, I guess) - but neverless, you broke the law and you will be done by the law... if I were you, I would get a good solicitor and be prepared for the court hearing now. It will cost you for the next few months for sure.

Sorry to hear this made. Good luck. A summons will take anywhere from 2-6 months to happy, so it won't be until June next year I would have thought before you appear in court.

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I don't fancy your chances based on your previous, even though there seem to be mitigating circumstances this time. I wouldnt transfer the car, its could be seen as an admission of guilt. You seem level headed and of the thinking "if you do the crime, you do the time".

Can't offer much advice but I doubt they will come and take your car, my understanding of hoon laws are the car is impounded at the time. It would defeat the purpose coming to collect it a month later.

Hope it works out and keep us updated.

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Wait til you receive something in the mail and then see a lawyer straight away. Without a lawyer you'll be f***ed. I was in a similar situation earlier this year (except I was just speeding, no accident) and the only thing that saved me was an affidavit from my boss basically saying I would lose my job and the presence of a lawyer. The lawyer (he's actually a barrister) was a friend of a friend.. so it didn't cost me anything apart from a bottle of some expensive bourbon.

I think one of my saving graces was the fact that I had no previous traffic offenses though.

What do you do for work and do you require your licence for it?

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12-18months no license, fine will be over $1000 easily id imagine for 60km/h over the limit.

Add to that lawyer fees of anywhere from 500-1000 (or more) for the event.

Police dont have to show you the gun reading.

I would doubt the courts will be lenient, 60km/h over is huge.

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No radar apparently.. two cops in the car but the female remained in the car the whole time...

I actually work nightfill at safeway.. so I really do need my license...so i'll see how i go..

I've just spoken to a tow tuck driver he was dropping my other car off thats broken down.. he says he works for the impound companies they impound it on the spot and he has never heard of it being impounded down the track so guess thats good..

To be 100% honest and this is what annoys me a lot Im currently in the process of joining the police done the exams interview etc.. etc.. so this will effect me big time lol guess thats the only reason im pissed off..

As far as solicitor goes me old man says he'll cover that thanks god lol.. I guess Ill wait and see what happens the officer said Ill hear from him in the next few days..

Im still surprised I actually didnt receive anything at all last night no ticket no anything it was very weird..

Im very much of the opinion heck its my fault Ill deal with it.. I'd just prefer to at least give it a decent fight in court..especially when it seems that the officer wasnt using a radar and especially with the circumstances..

But i do know however i was in the wrong and no matter the situation i shouldnt be doing those speeds..

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Well they need to follow you for 200m with two of them in the car, so they could still do you.

But as you mentioned its weird that they have done nothing, and that you will get it in the mail. Same thing happened to a mate, except instead of speeding it was a burnout. They said they would take his car and send him fines, nothing happened.

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I actually noticed them following me all be it too late.. was just a set of lights.. considering I was doing 60km'h over the limit I actually thought it would be unsafe to follow me...as far as them following me goes they were miles back and I mean miles.. they only pulled me over when I slowed down for some lights...

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Didnt admit to anything I just said the whole time IM on my way to an accident..he never even asked me if I was just got out of the car called me a f**kwit and said he'd just caught me doing 132km/h.. I must admit at the time I was pretty distressed myself and more worried about my mother than a fine and loss of license.. thats not to say I dont regret it.. all he said to me was that i'd get a fine in the mail and my car would be impounded under hoon laws...

when i went to see him later at the local office I still never admitted to speeding and just told him that I really was on the way to he accident i also spoke to the snr sergent who said if it goes to court definetely fight it.. as he understands the reasons however stupid.. he was a real nice bloke I asked him if I was proven guilty what would the damage be he gave me a rough idea...he also told me depending on the situation my police application may still go ahead...

I did however find it strange that even when I asked him noone would tell me how I was clocked...

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your car will not be towed and impounded! if they didnt take it there and then on the spot, your safe with that regard,

and also, in court the magistrate will ask you if the car was impounded as a result of the incident... you will reply "no it was not your honour" - this looks a bit better, because it means the police officer used some disgression, and for a reason, most likely good chose not to impound the car! along with your good driving record, i think you should be better off then, most would in this situation... as said above, speeding is not looked kindly apon, especiallys that sort of speed!

if i were you i would speak to a lawyer about it!, because there are loop holes, and also considering how the police officer spoke to you! you can use that as a bargaining tool to drop some of the many charges you will recieve!

then your lawyer will most likely go to a contest mention (pre court hearing to try and resolve the issue before it hits the actual court room) ... not saying its possible, but things can be greatly reduced in contest mentions,

the court loves people going to contest mentions as it saves alot of the court's precious time!

so firstly i recommend you stop asking people in here for thier opinions coz unfortunatly you will most likely just get flamed or told to suck it up!

save your time, and go see a solicitor or lawyer, most will give you a first off free meeting with no obligations, they will tell you what sort of chance you have at beating/reducing all this mess!

wish you luck buddy


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thanks mate.. I just found this on the vic justice website and my car can be impounded..i will of course involve a solicitor once I get a ticket of summons..

Can police take my car without my permission?

Any vehicle that has been used to commit a hoon-related offence may be impounded or immobilised by Victoria Police for 48 hours. Police may seize the vehicle 'on the spot' or up to two days after the offence, or serve notice on the driver within 10 days of the offence, demanding the vehicle be surrendered to a designated location. Police may also obtain a warrant from a court to search for and seize the vehicle from private property, if it is not surrendered voluntarily.


So i guess we all dont know our rules :banana:

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My mate and i were speeding and he told him he was going around 104/105 but we were in excess of 180... the cop couldnt say anything btw this is was on the freeway too :S

maybe was just lucky ?

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having been through this brefore, i was done and they estimated 160 in a 60, they had no proof yadda yadda i got it down to 100 in a 60 which was right, and a 6 month loss and 1300 in fines.

It wont be easy on you.. and it will be more than 6 months especially if they have proof.

but tell them that your mum was in an accident etc, see what happens.. your stuffed because you were speeding but its worth a try

Edited by LTHLRB
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having been through this brefore, i was done and they estimated 160 in a 60, they had no proof yadda yadda i got it down to 100 in a 60 which was right, and a 6 month loss and 1300 in fines.

It wont be easy on you.. and it will be more than 6 months especially if they have proof.

but tell them that your mum was in an accident etc, see what happens.. your stuffed because you were speeding but its worth a try

yeah the whole proof thing is an interesting thing.. i mean tracking a car cant neccessarily be an overly effective and accurate method of judging speed.. but ill just wait and see..

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yeah they were tracking me for "800m" where the street is like 600m tops.. and i was going a "consistant 160km/h for 800m" yeah but how did i get from 160 to 0 in such a short distance? they f**ked up hard, and its their fault.. but i still copped it 6 months. ah well 3 or so months left

but try it, explain ur situation.. and dont get legal aid.. their shit!

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