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Advice Required Got Done Speeding


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their cops, they will do anything to take you down..

if i was speeding because.. touch wood.. my family or someone like that was in a bad accident, you think ill stop for the cops? pfft ill hold the pedal till i get there, i have lost all respect for the pig cops, their the worst type of scum around. However i do respect the ones that know where your coming from and have respect for you.

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I do know too well what it is like when a family member has a motor vehicle accident and your unsure of their exact status. Your mind is racing thinking all sorts of things,your concentration in impaired, naturally you want to get there quicker, and this can result in chances being taken that you perhaps wouldnt normally. But in speeding as you did and being pulled over you actually made it to your destination no quicker than you would have actually doing the speed limit. You have put others at risk in travelling over the speed limit, for what ever reason potentially risked youself being involved in an accident as well.

Speeding to get to a family member involved in an accident puts you at higher risk of landing in the bed next to them.

Asking a friend to drive , or catching a taxi can sometimes be a safer option, and can also leave the hands free to phone hospital/relatives/those involved etc etc.

I hope it works out for you, and hope that everything is ok with your mum.

Edited by 33gtst
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I do know too well what it is like when a family member has a motor vehicle accident and your unsure of their exact status. Your mind is racing thinking all sorts of things,your concentration in impaired, naturally you want to get there quicker, and this can result in chances being taken that you perhaps wouldnt normally. But in speeding as you did and being pulled over you actually made it to your destination no quicker than you would have actually doing the speed limit. You have put others at risk in travelling over the speed limit, for what ever reason potentially risked youself being involved in an accident as well.

Speeding to get to a family member involved in an accident puts you at higher risk of landing in the bed next to them.

Asking a friend to drive , or catching a taxi can sometimes be a safer option, and can also leave the hands free to phone hospital/relatives/those involved etc etc.

I hope it works out for you, and hope that everything is ok with your mum.

I agree with u 100% but not at the time.. The way she was on the phone I was concerned that some prick had actually run her off the road and was thereatening her.. but he had actually taken off which leaves me even more pissed off.. As i've said Ill take the consequences when the come but I would hope that a judge can look favourably at the situation and that the officer would have also understood the situation I cant hope for much maybe a reduction in the speed I was doing and maybe a shorter suspension..

im resigned to the fact I will lose my license and most probably my car for a short while but i would at least liek someone to show appreciation of the situation...

I guess that and how the officer acted is what pissed me off I dont appreciated being called a f**kin idiot etc etc.. no matter what ive been doing especially as I am someone who was trying to join the police force and had examined the rights and responsibilities of polcie officers and their reaction to the public.. and his response was over the top.

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maybe next time you shouldn't get on your moral high horse too early...

"Look my condolences go out to the families but lets be honest according to all reports the were exceeding the speed limits by around 50km/h no matter what happens at those speeds there's always a danger and anyone doing that with 4 other people in the car doesnt have any regard for human life.. Im not saying I havent sped before or anything like that but people need to learn...

for most young p plate drivers as we all once were. once your in a car your invincible."

clearly you didn't learn from reading that thread

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maybe next time you shouldn't get on your moral high horse too early...

"Look my condolences go out to the families but lets be honest according to all reports the were exceeding the speed limits by around 50km/h no matter what happens at those speeds there's always a danger and anyone doing that with 4 other people in the car doesnt have any regard for human life.. Im not saying I havent sped before or anything like that but people need to learn...

for most young p plate drivers as we all once were. once your in a car your invincible."

clearly you didn't learn from reading that thread

No response required because im not a smart ass

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fair enough and I'm not saying that you weren't unlucky or haven't learnt from your mistake, I think you probably have... but I also think you were a bit quick to criticize in that other thread when you didn't know the whole story (I'm not defending them, I happen to agree with you)

so you can't be too mad at the cop who pulled you over, he didn't know your whole story either... and from his perspective it looks pretty bad... I would have thrown a few choice words your way too

good luck with it all, hope you don't lose it for too long, its definately painful being lineless

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They can take another car in the place of yours, so don't bother transferring yours... i have done a similar thing in your situation, GF had a food allergic reaction, anaphylaxis sets in, i stopped in at the cop shop as my car is playing up and ask them to rush her in to hospital, i fkn carried her in, they just gave me a rough idea where the hospital was, and i broke as many road rules as i had too!

My old man was pissed as, VicPol's moto is To Serve and Protect... enough said.

Lawyer up, but at the end of the day, you did the right thing morally, if you loose your license, who cares, you showed compassion and know what matters, as long as other people weren't in danger due to your driving, then even if you loose in court, you still won. Family matters.

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  • 2 weeks later...

id hope that if you do go to court or whatever (dont knoe exactly myself) - the judge will take into consideration that you were going to assist your mum. And this could be proved by the records of the accident (date, time etc). That might work in your favour - and the fact that you were being honest and have a clean record might also help out. But thats what im guessing.

On the other hand, the cops could just try to pin you down for driving fast in a skyline....

hope your mum is ok now though - its a terrible thing to go through.

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update got my court summons last night..

Two charges:

Dangerous driving


excessive Speeding...

So courts date is set for next year :)

Ill be going to see a solicitor..

but in the meanwhile im just wondering..

according to the police report and stuff my speed was obtained through the officer following my vehicle does anyone have any experience with this and know what distance they must follow your car for in order to obtain a proper reading??


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Police are recognised estimators of speed far as im told.

They dont even have to follow you either, if they did then that just adds to it.

I think you only need a start and end point, then all thats required is the time taken to cover the distance

That is no set "rule" for that as far as im aware, i was accused over a 400m distance, ended up beating it however

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my distance is pretty similar I will be getting an appropriate defence for court etc ready..

I have read on numerous solicitors sites and also via records of previous court cases (i have been doing research) that speeding in an emergency (depending on the emergency of course e.g a young guy got off cause he was able to prove he was being chased from a party, a husband got off rushing his child to hospital) I consider this a fair emergency I was on my way to the accident scene and at the time was under the impression my mother was run off the road and being threatened...i guess it will be up to the magistrate as to what defines an emergency and what i guess can be described as a safe speed in such an emergency...so i'll talk to the solicitor and see how I go..

thanks for all the advice greatly appreciated..

one thing I dont understand is will they take my car after the court case..they havent as of yet and according to all my research they only have 10days to do this after the physical event.. I've always found this whole confiscating car thing as pretty interesting.. as instead of the law being innocent until proven guilty it seems you are guilty right off the bat and get no defense.. ive always wondered say in the case of being got my police radar you are able to prove the radar was calibrated incorrectly (we've all heard reports of this being done) and you are judged speeding and have you car impounded am I going to get any form of apology for my car being incorrectly impounded..

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my distance is pretty similar I will be getting an appropriate defence for court etc ready..

I have read on numerous solicitors sites and also via records of previous court cases (i have been doing research) that speeding in an emergency (depending on the emergency of course e.g a young guy got off cause he was able to prove he was being chased from a party, a husband got off rushing his child to hospital) I consider this a fair emergency I was on my way to the accident scene and at the time was under the impression my mother was run off the road and being threatened...i guess it will be up to the magistrate as to what defines an emergency and what i guess can be described as a safe speed in such an emergency...so i'll talk to the solicitor and see how I go..

thanks for all the advice greatly appreciated..

one thing I dont understand is will they take my car after the court case..they havent as of yet and according to all my research they only have 10days to do this after the physical event.. I've always found this whole confiscating car thing as pretty interesting.. as instead of the law being innocent until proven guilty it seems you are guilty right off the bat and get no defense.. ive always wondered say in the case of being got my police radar you are able to prove the radar was calibrated incorrectly (we've all heard reports of this being done) and you are judged speeding and have you car impounded am I going to get any form of apology for my car being incorrectly impounded..

Terribly sorry to hear what happend to you, i actually have been to court twice regarding this, Because they put you down as driving dangerously Minimum sentence automaticky is 6months and a fine of $581, but it can increase easily. Taking into the account that you were rushing, your mum was distressed you were rushing, you had no car accidents.....

Trust me with this, when you go to your solicitor tell him exactly everything, they dont like the cops which is what i found. I went to the Dandenong courts and i was lucky.

Dress nice in court, tell your solicitor everything he will talk to the judge correctly and he will know all the rules and what to say in court. It would be a good idea if you brought your parents with you to show compassion, alot of people dont realise this but it does help out

Im guessing that you will get charged but everything will be to its minimum, when you recived the summons you would also have gotten a written statment from the officer, did he talk anything about the speeding or anything like that?

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dude, i feel for you and i hope everything works out; but to be honest, speeding isn't worth the legal or personal risk. Now, i'm just as guilty of doing certain things in my car at one time or another as everyone else on this forum; but i've learned my lesson and breaking the road rules isn't worth the risk at any cost.

Insurance may not cover you, cops may catch you in the act, people can get injured or killed.

Keep us updated.

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courts don't show compassion at all, load of shit.

If the judge is in a bad mood (and literally, thats all it takes) then you will get hammered regardless of what happens.

I had a judge commend me on the fact that i was there for a "minor" incident, and he would sentence me easily as i wasnt as bad as the others he had seen that day... like wtf?

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