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How Cool Is This, Whoever Wrote This Should Be The Next Pm !

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I agree with pretty much all of what was said above. I came ehre when i was 1yo (23 now)

Trust me there is racism. I've been randomly abused by people on trains countless times but most of the time its been by some alcoholic bogan. Or times when a lady is clearly uncomfortable as you have to cross their path on the street. But its happened so rarely that its hardly worth mentioning. (or maybe I've learned to subconsciously ignore it)

I believe if your migrating to any country you should know to adapt you lifestyle to their way of life. More than onec I've found myself ducking down in a movie cinema coz a group of curries are speaking loudly in their own language as if they're at home. Or talking on the mobile. Embarassing!

african/arab/indian youths who try and emulate american "gangsta" ways of life.

Yeah wth! I use to go to mostly RnB/HipHop playing clubs and bars which attract a mostly ethnic type crowd. Then a couple of years visited a place called Pool room for uni night and never looked back. Was pretty much a skip crowd and they just have so much more fun. Everone's super dooper nice. None of this Gansta 'bust a cap in yo ass coz you stepped on my toe' attitude.

Hopefully everyone mingles and like Russel Peters says "one day everyone will just be Beige"

so everybody thinks the same.

i agree with everything in this thread. from the racism to the smack ur kids comments. I live in a mainly white suburb but work in springvale itself. I am as white as they come peoples and i dont care what colour you are! everybody is human and should be treated equally.

Best way to end all the bullshit.... disprove God! Aliens, the bible on toilet paper...whatever. Once every one knows that we are stuck on this rock together and that we are the only ones of our type, without some 'thing' that mades us...we'll soon get along alot better.

Oh and perfect Hydrogen storage. Once Hydrogen storage is perfected, and cars run on it....no-body will care about oil cashed up nations :blink:

god's just an icon of authority, a judge of good and bad that makes people want to adhere to socially correct rules. belief gives hope to the desperate, and guilt/humility gives the affluent peace of mind while they feed off those less well off.

the problem is when minorities and intellectually deficit take these social and moral guidelines and twist it to their own ends (hence jihad's, crusades, radicals etc).

dunno bout debating over god as thats a big NO NO in my books...

but yeah....smack the kid if he/she's out of line - one thing i learnt when growing up

'You can only tell someone something so many times but they will always interpret it however they want to in their heads. One thing that you can't misinterpret is a smack in the face - cos that simply means - 'YOU F*KCD UP.' And thats how i was brought up and will continue to bring up my other siblings cousins etc. cos it works.

As for ppl migrating here, sticking to their own groups and not mingling with the rest of society - FFS, you come here to educate yourself and live in our culture - so do that. Learn, mingle and live in our culture. Dont sit in your own little groups and try and emulate your own country - you're here now - be here!!

I wont comment on religion..thats a banned topic in my books - but discipline yes, and settlement - hell, we're all here lets try understand each other and be beige'


Simple rules. You move to a country, yuo live by that countries rules, traditions, conditions, etc. You dont come to another country and try force your beliefs, way of life and whatever else on the people of that country. If they want to know how you do things, im sure they will ask.

Situations that annoy me especially are those with schools bending rules for foreign students. Being allowed to wear the muslim headscarfe, being allowed to carry a small knife, not saying god bless in some schools as it may offend them. Im damn sure if aussie kids went and lived in the middle east for example, they couldnt turn up at a school there in a skirt, their head uncovered and wear a cross around their neck (yes I know im generalising, but you get the point). You adjust to the way of life of the country you move into. If you dont like it or its offensive to you, then head back home.

Also, if you come here, make an effort to learn english. Mix with people other than that of your own nationality. No offense to anyone here but the chinese tend to be really bad with this at times.

  • 4 weeks later...

Good thread

god's just an icon of authority, a judge of good and bad that makes people want to adhere to socially correct rules. belief gives hope to the desperate, and guilt/humility gives the affluent peace of mind while they feed off those less well off.

the problem is when minorities and intellectually deficit take these social and moral guidelines and twist it to their own ends (hence jihad's, crusades, radicals etc).


dunno bout debating over god as thats a big NO NO in my books...

Sooo? ppl shouldn't doubt religion and just lay over????


Don't debate, watch :)

Found this a while ago, thought it was good.. ;)

The Original Story of the Ant and the Grasshopper

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks he.s a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed. The shivering grasshopper has no food or shelter, so he dies out in the cold.

The Modern Australian Version

The ant works hard in the withering heat all summer long, building his house and laying up supplies for the winter.

The grasshopper thinks he's a fool, and laughs and dances and plays the summer away.

Come winter, the ant is warm and well fed.

The shivering grasshopper calls a press conference and demands to know why the ant should be allowed to be warm and well fed while others less fortunate like him are cold and starving.

The ABC and Channel 9 show up to provide live coverage of the shivering grasshopper, with cuts to a video of the ant in his comfortable warm home with a table filled with food.

Australians are stunned that in a country of such wealth, this poor grasshopper is allowed to suffer so while others have plenty.

The Democrats, the Greens and the Coalition Against Poverty demonstrate in front of the ant's house.

The ABC, interrupting an Aboriginal cultural festival special from North Queensland with breaking news, broadcasts them singing .We Shall Overcome..

Bob Brown rants in an interview with Ray Martin that the ant has gotten rich off the backs of grasshoppers, and calls for an immediate tax hike on the ant to make him pay his "fair share".

In response to polls, the Liberal Government drafts the Economic Equity and Grasshopper Anti-Discrimination Act, retrospective to the beginning of the summer.

It is quickly passed through the Senate.

The ant's taxes are reassessed and he is also fined for failing to hire grasshoppers as helpers.

Without enough money to pay both the fine and his newly imposed retrospective taxes, his home is confiscated by the government.

The ant moves to Asia, and starts a successful agribiz company.

The TV stations later show the now fat grasshopper finishing up the last of the ant's food though Spring is still months away, while the government owned house he is in, which just happens to be the ant's old house crumbles around him because he hadn't maintained it. Inadequate government funding is blamed, Kim Beasley now is appointed to head a commission of inquiry that will cost $10,000,000.

The grasshopper is soon dead of a drug overdose. The Sydney Morning Herald blames it on obvious failure of government to address the root causes of despair arising from social inequity.

The abandoned house is taken over by a gang of immigrant spiders, praised by the government for enriching Australia's multicultural diversity, who promptly terrorize the community.

Who says we don't live in a democracy?

I'm 50/50 on hitting kids.

I have a psyche degree and did my placement in a community health centre, and some of the sh!t you see there......

Parents who break their kids ribs with a backhander for wetting the bed. Shaking the crap out of a 9 month old. The worst was a father who raped his 1 year old daughter to death.... Sick Fkn sh!t.

Anyway, I'd support a smack on the butt, but only after a year and a half. Defniately no hitting the head (The old clip over the ear) as some parents don't realise how fragile a childs skull actually is.

But after seeing the stuff I saw, I think I'd just be glad to have a kid who's healthy. I'd be more likely to punish them with exercise or homework. Something that'd help them. But hey, who am I to tell people how to raise their kids, just because I've seen most types of parenting that dont work?

I am 100% with you that too many kids are spoiled little bastards though. Too many daddies, not enough fathers. Parents are not their childs best friends. The child can make many friends, but only has one father and mother (mostly anyway). A firm hand does not mean beating a kid though. Most praents use "Do as I say and not as I do" but that rarely works. It's easiest to lead from the front, show the kid how to behave, how to study, how to get outdoors and be active. Some of my best memories are from my Dad teaching me how to kick a drop punt.

On the Racism issue and multicultural Australia. It all stems from people thinking they're better than others. I've had people call me a "mongrel" "White dog" "Greasy wog" and even "Black bastard", simply because I have dark hair and eyes, and tan up really dark during summer, but if I'm out of the sun for a month or more, I go really white. So I guess I've taken all but the Asian slurs, although, when driving the skyline, some people probably hurl those epiphets my way too.

Race pride is like religious pride. If you know without a shadow of a doubt that your race or religion was the best, you'd never need to say a word about it to anyone. It's only the insecure people that seek validation of their opinions from others.

Besides that, I am yet to find a race that cannot produce a woman that I find extremely attractive. From Claudia Schiffer to Aishwarya Ray, Eva Mendez to Ziyi Zhang, Gisele Bundchen to Tyra Banks (10 years ago). Any race that can produce women like these is alright in my book. Australia's own Elle, Jenifer Hawkins, Lara Bingle and Megan Gale are pretty easy on the eyes too.

But I do identify with the "White" Australia most of all. I am proud to come from a diversified background (Irish, English, French and unknown due to grandfather being a orphan) but I find the problem with Racial pride organisations is that they are actually racial superiority organisations.

Humble pride in where you come from is a good thing. Arrogantly assuming you are superior in some obscure genetic fashion is idiocy of the highest order.

Humble pride is where you need never brag or boast, you don't try to make others see your way of thought or denounce theirs as foolish, you just have a belief that your particular heritage is good for you, and let others think what they like about it.

Edited by Kozeyekan

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