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im passing judgement on experience. dont have a winge!

ive driven to dubbo nsw, roughly 1,000kms about 3 dozen times with family. now its a dangerous route, not to mention the cunningham gap=bad.

now its hard enough without getting some dickhead trucky passing u at 2am in the morning buffeting u off to the edge of the road when i am doing 120km/h (speed limit). now as these dickheads go past i spot the limit 100km/h sign on the back of EVERY TRUCK. now i know that they are hard pressed with their schedules, but i havent seen any evidence that these long haul drivers show any respect for the speed limit or the law as they pass me on double solid lines, but im sure there is a few.

now i am only refering to long haul truckies here so dont cry.

now through these trips we have been forced off the roads a handfull of times from 'careless' truckies.

now i think u can understand y i may seem to be biased.

Edited by r33cruiser
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At the end of the day teenagers will always act like teenagers and do stupid things, it still deserves some police attention and control but its a very very minor problem compared to the other causes of deaths on our roads. I do believe if they ppl were given a place to do their burnouts and racing that is always open 24/7 and very cheap/free it would solve a fair amount of this problem

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I think most people miss the point of all of the discussion regards these types of stories.

The likes of ACA or TT couldn't give a shit whether the story is correct or not.

This is about ratings.

They don't have any over active moral standpoint on behalf of society.

They saw that the rating for a story increased when they ran it.

Beat it up to a frenzy. Keep repeating and embellishing as they go.

Make as much mileage out of it - cause that is how they make their money.

Why do you think all of those shows keep running the same old crap all of the time,

over and over and over.

It rates. It makes them money.

This hooning thing has become their cash cow. They are not going to let it go in a hurry.

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I do believe if they ppl were given a place to do their burnouts and racing that is always open 24/7 and very cheap/free it would solve a fair amount of this problem

And id be the first to through a $100 donation to the building/maintaince of this facility... :D

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lol yea maccatack. u remember those 'race riots'.

it was a bad thing to happen. but weeks after tt and aca were soo desperate to keep the story going they linked to teenagers, antisocial behaviour racism, drinking etc.

its always funny to watch them clutch at straws like last night with the parking officors.

lol, they were beating it up...even tho the officer was doing his job and getting illegally parked people. how is that revenue raising if they are illegally parked? lol. felt like writing in to them

*1 illegally parked motorist had the gall to ask the officer for 2min "please". fk i would have said ok. then blanketed his car in tickets while he was gone!


Edited by r33cruiser
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I too thought it was stupid how they were making the parking officers out as rabid revenue raisers, when like you said all they were doing was booking illegal motorists. If people weren't parked incorrectly no ticket.

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At the end of the day.. all said and done, the most often killed people on our roads are teenagers!

Now, the biggest question is, what do YOU as a club/forum/person/car~nutter do about it??

I personally beleive that it is way to easy to obtain a road going licence. There is very limited time for driving instructors to impart information into the youth and properly educate them in proper road driving techniques that will 'help' keep them alive.

The other thing that drives me totally crazy is that there is no standard for driving instructors. I recently come across a guy who just got his bit of plastic from DOT, that was TAUGHT some very crazy driving moves..

Sure the horsepower rule is goin to help, but the education behind it is non-existant. If anybody was actually serious about reducing the road toll of the 18-25's, they would educate them.

When you look at all the deaths on our roads, how many are actually hoon related?

Its the 18-25's that die the most, and they are also the next generation of car modders..

us older guys included, I am amazed when people turn up to a skid day with ZERO concept of how to drive, and how to set up a car so it actually gets grip in adverse conditions.

No-body talks about that!

In an odd way, I'm glad ACA turn up the heat.. maybe enough people will think about it and get something done.

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I couldn't agree more on the lack of focus on teaching people how to actually drive a car, the focus is on how to pass the test rather than any actual ability. They teach a very small subset, because they know that none of the other stuff is going to be in the test.

I am amazed when people turn up to a skid day with ZERO concept of how to drive, and how to set up a car so it actually gets grip in adverse conditions
I think part of the problem is that some people don't want grip. They think making the car rock hard and unstable is "setting it up for drift", and drifting is cool right? And they're not fighting a car that's a bastard to drive because it's been set up like crap, they're "taming the beast", and that's what "real" men do. I've spoken to people who have this mindset... it's a worrying mix of ego, massive over-confidence, and uninformed modifications. Then they wonder what happened when they mount gutters... but that's ok, it was drift damage, which is cool. Argh. It's no wonder that the real drifters cop shit from the general population.

If only they knew that setting their car up properly would make it safer, more predictable, nicer to drive, so much quicker for a lot less effort at the track. Ever notice how the really quick guys make it look easy?

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Hole in one Marc!

I was at Marks yesterday (My drivng instructor mate), he said...

A poor uninformed 17 year old went for a test with next to zero driving time and only one lesson.. He really thought that he could

A: Drive, and

B: Pass!

Now if he had passed, there would be yet another person on the road with no concept of how to drive, how to stay alive and not kill either his car or others. I have been lucky enough to chat to a few new drivers. All but one have made it painfully clear that its not overly hard to pass the test, and that they didn't 'really' learn much. They all said they learnt what to do to pass the test.. but thats it. how SAD!

Perhaps a car group as big as ours should apply some pressure to the powers at be..

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i agree 100% people have a 'anything better then a pass and you have worked too hard' approach to learning to drive. SDT and the like are the real driving teachers, my kids wont be driving/hovering/flying till they have done lots of courses with groups like SDT.

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Now after having read this thread and watching the footage contained, I can safely say I am no more informed. I am only a young male (20yrs) and have been campaigning amongst my peers and older mentor figures these very issues, and sadly believe that there are just some people who basically have no regard for the safety of other road users. Some such examples are within my group of friends and believe they are the next Schumacher, I find this concerning at the least and wonder how many countless young and not so young people complacently get into their vehicle (what ever said vehicle may be) and put the lives of others at risk.

I believe education is defiantly the answer; I am still very inexperienced and fall into the stereotypical bad driver age group 18-25yrs. I would relish the opportunity to further my driving skills. Although I believe teaching driving concepts should also include courses on vehicle crash physics and stats in that I bet most would second think there actions if they could only remotely understand the forces at play. I defiantly don't have all the answers but like to think that I have the right frame of mind.

I own a 1989 R32 GTR which is bone stock, other than brake rotor and pad upgrade all round. I do all my own maintenance work within my scope and enjoy every aspect or the car. I have a mixture of fear and respect for what it is capable of and generally don't push it very hard, I have owned the car for just over a year now and still enjoy driving it most days. I however feel the need to further my driving experience on the track as I have done no track work.

In conclusion I think education along with more accessible off street use of performance vehicles is a must, the sooner the government stop trying to blanket all performance car drivers as hoons and implement funding for such projects the better, we're suppose to have a massive budget surplus every year aren't we?

Why not put it into better infrastructure and training programs?

Well that's my piece hope I don't come across as some do good wanker lol. :D

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey dudes

I read most of these stories people posted. We all seem to hve the answers (seriously no joke). We need to:

1) get a 24 hr race track/ skid pan thingy where people can sign a waiver and then go nuts.

2) drive more responsibly on the streets.

3) film ACA and TT news trucks when they are quickly driving to cover some exciting story. I have not seen them speeding but how do they get to a house before it burns down?(for example). Bit suss, anyway. I'm tired of being labelled a hoon, as soon as i tell people what car i drive they give me all this blah blah blah. Why just the other day i saw a $200 bucket of crap doing warp speed in a 60kph zone! :laughing-smiley-014:

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Why just the other day i saw a $200 bucket of crap doing warp speed in a 60kph zone! :laughing-smiley-014:

haha yeh... ive seen heaps of those ppl around... i mean, its not our fault that we can afford nice cars... n yeah a 24 hr track/skid pan wuld b good... where do i donate?

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At the end of the day.. all said and done, the most often killed people on our roads are teenagers!

It’s actually not; the stats have been posted before. There are more people over 25 in Australia then under 25. The vast majorities that make up Australia deaths on our roads are over the age of 25.

The vast majorities that are publicized and are in the media spot lot are the teenager range. It’s about ratings.

Hoon stories get the ratings. Young teen deaths will bring ratings in conjunction with the bullshit hoon stories.

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  • 2 weeks later...

The under 25 stats are a total load of BS. They include under 25 PASSENGERS that die while in with other drivers. Yes, the other drivers may be under 25 also but the majority are not.

Mralbino you are a do gooder wanker :)

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