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Well only 10 years since it was announced and 6+ since the original trailer...

Finally POSSIBLY some light at the end of the tunnel?

Heres the article pulled off Internode.

Tis the season to be jolly, it seems - especially if you work for 3D Realms, or if you (like so many other gamers) are looking forward to their little project, Duke Nukem Forever.

It seems that a few people who work for the company have been burning the midnight oil, working hard on the project that so many people have written off as just vaporware... and they finally have something to show for it. Not only have we gotten a very shiny new screenshot from the game, but they're promising, tomorrow morning, a brand new teaser trailer for the game.

Apparently, it was as much a surprise to the company as it is to us!

Last Saturday we had our annual company Christmas party. It was a lot of fun as usual but it featured one special surprise. It turns out that several people had been secretly working late nights and into the wee hours of the morning preparing a special video for those at the party. They created a short teaser for Duke Nukem Forever.

...now, in case you'd forgotten, it's been more than ten years since Duke Nukem Forever was announced, way back in April 1997. The world didn't know about this Dance Dance Revolution concept in 1997, and Pok茅mon was a crazy idea that only existed in Japan. None of the Unreal games been seen, neither had Grand Theft Auto, Halo, or The Sims. There was no StarCraft, only one Diablo, and two Warcrafts, with World of Warcraft just a twinkle in a gamer's eye. There was no Xbox, Xbox 360, GameCube, Gameboy Color, Gameboy Advance, Nintendo DS, Nintendo Wii, Sega Dreamcast, PSone, PS2, PS3, or PSP.

Yes, I drag these stats out every time DNF is mentioned. If you want to read more, check out the deliciously comprehensive Duke Nukem Forever List and marvel at what can be done in a decade.

Heres the NEWEST screenie that was released today as well


Dunno about you guys but im fu*king excited!

Ive been looking forward to this game since it was announced 10 years ago!

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I remember pressing alt+F buttons and making prank phone calls with what he said :D

"What are you? Some kind of bottom feeding, scum sucking, algea eater?"

Also notably funny is how Duke Nukem Forever shortens to DNF (did not finish)...

Duke Nukem 3D was the shit, and should always be rememberd as the shit...

Ha! yes.

"im gonna rip off your head and shit down your neck"

"welcome to K T i T, ktit" hehehe

still behind on the graphics, but if its as addictive as DN3D was when i was first playing it at 14 then im in :)

Serious Sam held the hunger while DNF was in creation.. for the third time

I wish they'd make a Duke Nukem movie with Bruce Willis... and lots of naked chicks. Hope I'm not the only one who played DN3D with the boobie patch.

Bruce need to hit the roids then :banana:

Arno will be good---back in the days :blush:

I wish they'd make a Duke Nukem movie with Bruce Willis... and lots of naked chicks. Hope I'm not the only one who played DN3D with the boobie patch.

there was a boobie patch??????? why wasnt i informed of this :banana:

haha I found a floppy disk a while back in my old boxes, and it had like 200 pixel by 150 pixel pics of naked wimmen, in 16 colour bitmaps. The dates on the files was like 1994. Ahh the beginnings of my porn collection.

  • 3 weeks later...
haha I found a floppy disk a while back in my old boxes, and it had like 200 pixel by 150 pixel pics of naked wimmen, in 16 colour bitmaps. The dates on the files was like 1994. Ahh the beginnings of my porn collection.

lol... i think i was 8 or 9 when i first played it, i remember my brother bought it haha so long ago hopefully this is just as good.

  • 4 weeks later...

hanging for this hope they dont let us down again, apparently the graphics engine has been through 3 or 4 changes, it was originally the doom3 engine i think then got modded to the havok farcry engine then patched to halflife 2 then scrapped all together and remade by a totally different developer i think duke has become a prosti :O lol been around alot in 10 yrs

I think it would be sick to play each and every game on each of the engines :P

And I still have Duke3d on like the first ever CD I got... it has heretik, doom 2, and a bunch of other games. like 18 all up or something... cause god knows there was no game that could take up an entire CD back then :O

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