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Harrassment By Victorian's Finest


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I have had it with the local police......

Was constantly harrassed when i was driving a skyline, now that i have sold it, they are still out to make trouble for me.

Sorry for posting it here but i really have a gripe with them with nowhere to vent my frustration.

Was driving a rental(Hyundai Getz) and minding my own business when out of nowhere, a police cruiser pulled me over with lights flashing.

wanted me to do a breathalyser test which i passed ( Havent touched a drop of alcohol in months). Having disappointed them, they turned to my license.

I hold a Singapore license ( Driving test taken in English) which is valid in Victoria as im here on a temporary student visa (Checked with VicRoads website prior) but the officer insisted that i have to convert it as i have stayed in Victoria for over 3 mths.

Despite telling him that my license is valid and even ask him politely what should be done about it. The officer was rude, asked for my current Victoria address and told me i could be fined for having an invalid license yada yada....(I was pulled over before in my skyline but was never picked on for my license)To make matters worse cars were actually speeding past us during the incident and hes totally oblivious.

Got home and immediately went on the Vic Road Website:

Overseas drivers - licences

The need to change your overseas driver licence to a Victorian driver licence depends on whether your stay in Victoria is permanent or temporary.

If you are in Victoria on a temporary visa, you can drive on your overseas licence (provided it is a current, valid licence) for an indefinite period provided your overseas licence is in English (or you have an English translation), or you have an International Driving Permit.

Obviously that officer didnt get his facts right, i dont understand why he has to exhibit such behaviour. I don't know my rights and his actual authority but i have half a mind to complain about him... Very very disappointed with the police here. What are their priorities? I really wonder if they are serving the public by choosing to perform the easiest tasks ( i.e picking on people with nice cars, bullying visitors to the country)

Im wondering if he will issue me with a fine despite not doing it on the spot? Any advise on how to handle the local police? Im really fed-up with them

Sorry for the long post

Cheers :P

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Sorry to say, its not harassment for a random check... and that's what it sounds like.

They are well within their rights to do so, as for driving the skyline and getting pulled over... they are cars of 'interest', that's how it is.

So they are not out to make trouble at all, your looking at it from the wrong way.

As for the incorrect advise, make a complaint.

But then, if you didnt get his badge number and name then you really cant do that either i wouldn't imagine.

You wont get a fine in the mail, not sure what your talking about there.

Fair enough to rant... but honestly i don't see your point other than one specific incident in which an officer was slightly ill informed it seems.

Last time i was pulled up maybe 8 weeks ago, had a nice ole chat with the officer and was on my way in 10mins.

As opposed to 4 years ago where i would give them attitude and consequentially get it thrown back at me and probably a defect for my trouble.

I've given up caring about being pulled over, seems you need to do the same :P

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Thanks for the reply Ash,

just pissed off abt the whole issue

u r right, guess they are just doing their job, just that im just unlucky cos i have been pulled over soooo many times.

Im curious if they will send me a fine via mail without informing me on the spot as i received EPA notices in my mail without actually being pulled over

Im still pretty new in the country and im not sure how the local police operates so its pretty frustrating for me.

Apologies if i have gone overboard



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No doubt he will lookup the ruling and he will soon realise he was in error mate.

I've had it a few times where ive informed the officer he was a little 'wrong', even though i was told 'you'll get a fine in the mail'

Fine has never came on two occasions, guess they read the fine print and realise the punter was correct :P

I was pulled over 5 times in 7 days back in 2003, the 5th time i'd kinda had enough and gave a colourful spray to the officers...

Least he was reasonable and understood where i was coming from and only held me there for about 5mins if that.

Although... Driving a 110db skyline around 10pm @ night does draw attention unfortunately which was half my problem being in the CBD 5 times in a week.

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if it says on the vic roads site that you are allowed to drive with the overseas license, then you'll be fine. make a printout of the webpage just in case. alot of cops don't know what they're on about.

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yeah sounds like a random check....more common now considering its the christmas period.

obviously if the rules sway your way then you shouldnt loose sleep over it. try not to expect the worst from an officer when pulled over though there are exceptions. i always get out of the car when pulled over and meet the officer half way so we are on even grounds, its just the way i roll..ha.

my indian mate has gotten away with so much with his indian license its not funny.

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yeah sounds like a random check....more common now considering its the christmas period.

obviously if the rules sway your way then you shouldnt loose sleep over it. try not to expect the worst from an officer when pulled over though there are exceptions. i always get out of the car when pulled over and meet the officer half way so we are on even grounds, its just the way i roll..ha.

my indian mate has gotten away with so much with his indian license its not funny.

Last time I got out of my car before the officer came to my window he thought I was going to shoot him.

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i always get out of the car when pulled over and meet the officer half way so we are on even grounds,

So true; i do the same. ....If its raining then i'll stay in the car -fark him! :P

If they're not out the car yet, i just wait by my driver side door or boot.

ewhs, I doubt you'd get a fine.

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Last time I got out of my car before the officer came to my window he thought I was going to shoot him.

try being black and living around Dandenong area :P

We should spray paint you for 'training purposes'

Edited by abu
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Sorry to say, its not harassment for a random check... and that's what it sounds like.

They are well within their rights to do so, as for driving the skyline and getting pulled over... they are cars of 'interest', that's how it is.

So they are not out to make trouble at all, your looking at it from the wrong way.

As for the incorrect advise, make a complaint.

But then, if you didnt get his badge number and name then you really cant do that either i wouldn't imagine.

You wont get a fine in the mail, not sure what your talking about there.

Fair enough to rant... but honestly i don't see your point other than one specific incident in which an officer was slightly ill informed it seems.

Last time i was pulled up maybe 8 weeks ago, had a nice ole chat with the officer and was on my way in 10mins.

As opposed to 4 years ago where i would give them attitude and consequentially get it thrown back at me and probably a defect for my trouble.

I've given up caring about being pulled over, seems you need to do the same :)

Ash, sometimes you're such a fu(ken nacy boy...stop preaching.

I'm with ewhs. Wow the filth getting something wrong......NEVAAAA! :rofl: I'm over them, never there to help when you need but always there to bend you over and.....you know how it go's...Bloody filth...and yes, hope they see this.

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Ash, sometimes you're such a fu(ken nacy boy...stop preaching.

I'm with ewhs. Wow the filth getting something wrong......NEVAAAA! :rofl: I'm over them, never there to help when you need but always there to bed you over and.....you know how it go's...Bloody filth...and yes, hope they see this.

i agree...stop brown nosing....they are turds...more so....i dont drink and dont take drugs...why should i be constantly breathalized in this tupe of season????Its a major screw around when they set up on both sides of the road near work...i do 3 delivery's + spare parts runs and i get tested both coming and going?????If people drink and drive ....ban alcohol altogether...Its quite simple really

Edited by ylwgtr2
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Ash, sometimes you're such a fu(ken nacy boy...stop preaching.

I'm with ewhs. Wow the filth getting something wrong......NEVAAAA! :rofl: I'm over them, never there to help when you need but always there to bend you over and.....you know how it go's...Bloody filth...and yes, hope they see this.

Ah pipe down you goose.

I get paid to bust peoples chops here @ work, they get paid to do the same thing really.

I dont like em for more than just motoring issues.

And i dont agree with the sh|t they do either (dropping u-turns to chase me down and so on)... but no point getting upset over it.

Its just how they roll.

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making up his own laws on the spot, when he dont know the ACTUAL law relevant to the situation... hmm, how can someone like that be responsible for enforcing the law? when he doesnt even know it himself. ridiculous

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i and some of my friends have seen the cops do stupid illegel things to catch people, or to go out of the way to check up on people because of the cars they drive.

I hate when they get up at you for stupid irellivent things which arn't unsafe or illegal but borderline.

But its like this, how many time havve you or your friends done something illegal and not got caught??

I no when i was younger i was a bit of a stupid driver but now i have matured, but i still get pulled over every now and agian for nothin, if you keep your car leagalish and dont haggle the cops then you shouldn't have to much of a problem.

In ewhs's case yeh it was a random check, the cop didn't know what he was talking about but com'on most traffic officers are what 1-3 year out of acadamy they're not expected to be perfect, I dont agree with them giving him attitude which yeh you should report but really they're just doing their job arn't they?

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He isnt making the law up on the spot.

He is ill informed of the law in question

Key difference as Police are not law makers.

Next time your incorrect about something, stop and think to yourself "im ridiculous"

think what you want, i can see youre very cautious when it comes to police discussion on forums

from reading the summary of the experience in the first post, it sounds pretty clearly to me, than the law enforcement officer is trying to enforce laws upon this bloke, that simply do not exist, eg - "you gotta change your license after 3 months" "you can get fined for this"

Next time your incorrect about something, stop and think to yourself "im ridiculous"

namecalling? no, YOU'RE ridiculous :P

Edited by willski
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the cop isn't to far from wrong thou, if you have an interstate licence if you dont spend 1 week out of every 3 months in the state it was issued after 3 months you have to get it changed or you can get finned, its not that clear cut with international licences obviously

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think what you want, i can see youre very cautious when it comes to police discussion on forums

from reading the summary of the experience in the first post, it sounds pretty clearly to me, than the law enforcement officer is trying to enforce laws upon this bloke, that simply do not exist, eg - "you gotta change your license after 3 months" "you can get fined for this"

namecalling? no, YOU'RE ridiculous :P

If he was enforcing, you'd be seeing fines handed over.

Which didnt happen.

Im very cautious because im not stupid :)

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