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So if at the end of it all you cant by any means get your money back for the vehicle and are forced to sell, what would you do? Sell it to a buyer in NZ?

Such a pity.

If you were gung ho about it, it would be interesting to see the drivetrain from front to back transplanted into a different car. Big $$. Or just turn it into a ute and take it to car shows. Sell it back to nissan as a prototype.

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I'm not too well informed about your case Muz, but of what little I know, didn't the compliancer offer to buy the car off you and reimburse you for all costs incurred at that point in time about 6 months ago, and you chose not to take that option? Fairly sure if you were to take legal action you can't be compensated for any losses made since that offer was made.

Appreciate your comments, However when that offer was made we were also told by that same person that achieving emissions compliance was a piece of cake hence the decision to reject the offer. A litany of lies and deceit has since followed and when the person in question was approached in early December about making good on his offer to purchase the car the offer was non existent. However, up to this point both my wife and I have been very patient and any gripe we did have was soley with the import broker and not the compliancing shop.

The relationship with the import broker is non existent and even after pushing him into providing regular updates and earning his brokerage fee contact with him has been very sparse.

The compliancing shop is another story in itself but I won't bore you all with the sordid details!

We have contacted the compliancing shop at regular intervals (approx every six weeks or thereabouts) seeking progress updates (not an unreasonable request) and the absolute rubbish that we have been fed has definitely soured our dream of ever owning another import (I own an R34). It is to the point now where the compliancing shop refuse to talk with us over the phone and everything must be done via email! We live in Cairns and our car is in Brisbane so it is not as if we are in their faces every day demanding action. BTW, I made a special trip to Brisbane (in December) to see our car for the first time since it landed in Australia some 8 months ago and try and meet with the compliancer. Unfortunately I picked a bad day and didn't get to meet with the compliancer but did get to see the car which was a shock because my wife had been told by the compliancer that the car would be back in Melbourne getting re-tested. I could go on and on and detail all the lies but really what does it achieve?

As for sending the car to NZ or elsewhere, I ask the simple question, "Why should I be further out of pocket?" I would rather sell it to the scrap dealers and spend the money on a winnable court case!

Motor swaps and other illegal avenues are not even in our consideration.


Is that not CURRENTLY available or NEVER going to be available?

If it's never, then doesn't that mean no more SEVS vehicles made after 11/03? That can't be right either, aren't Evo X's coming in under SEVS?



Hi Gary,

The problem stems from the change of rules by DOTARS, that with a stroke of a pen, made the same motor as used in pre 11/2003 M35's (VQ25DET) virtually non compliancable overnight. Compliance is currently not available but may be available some time in the future. Unfortunately we have $35000.00 tied up in a vehicle that may or may not ever be eligible for compliance in Australia.

Let me be very clear on one point. We researched all avenues before commiting to import this vehicle. Our final decision to import was swayed by the import broker assuring us that compliance was definitely available then and not at some infinite point in the future.


Edited by Muz

Guys, I remember reading about this months ago when you got in this bind and I'm sorry to hear it still drags out. I really feel for you both - this is everyone's worst nightmare when importing and must be placing huge strain on your lives.

When we use a brokerage service, we place our faith in this company. Whilst you could say that these guys should have looked closer at the details, it's a really harsh call to say that this is their fault - I for one think that the broker should man up and accept responsibility for this f*ck up - it's squarely on their shoulders as far as I'm concerned. .

Anyways, just want to voice my empathy and hope you have a better new year (I suppose it can't get any worse?!) Hang in there!

Please PM me the importer for my info.


Hi Gary,

The problem stems from the change of rules by DOTARS, that with a stroke of a pen, made the same motor as used in pre 11/2003 M35's (VQ25DET) virtually non compliancable overnight. Compliance is currently not available but may be available some time in the future. Unfortunately we have $35000.00 tied up in a vehicle that may or may not ever be eligible for compliance in Australia.

Let me be very clear on one point. We researched all avenues before commiting to import this vehicle. Our final decision to import was swayed by the import broker assuring us that compliance was definitely available then and not at some infinite point in the future.


so now that you can get the car in and what did the impoters have to say to you? Basically they left you guys in the cold? Are the both of you using the same importers?

The VQ25DET motor fitted to the model of M35 Stagea that Muz and me own was never exported to any market outside Japan. The VQ35DE fitted to the Skyline et al was built to meet California emissions standards (in its Infiniti incarnation), and hence has no trouble meeting the ADR79 emissions standard - which I think is built around Euro III. This is why there are so many problems with this motor (VQ25DET) meeting the post 11/03 standard - so in that sense it's not the fault of the regulations. And the Japanese never intended that this car should be sold outside Japan, so you can't point the finger at them.

Of course neither of us knew this when we bought the cars, and were told otherwise in writing by 'experts' who should have known better.

(Def: "expert" - n. ex - a has-been, spert - a drip under pressure.

Kinda sums it up.

I hope they have a Merry Christmas as all hell is about to let loose in 2008....

TTFN - Matt

From memory the 2003 Update is to Euro 2 standard (ADR 79/00). Euro 3 didn't start until 2005.

The Euro 2 standard is tight in HC + Nox, there are a few simple/easy things done to reduce them, even if only temporarily. From my limited understanding the tricks are to run it on 10% ethanol, move the cat right up as close to the turbine outlet as possible and advance the ignition timing. To accomplish the latter you may have to back the boost off a little bit. All up, not a very costly excercise.

Do you know if they have even attempted this (or any other) physical "upgrades"? Or are they simply trying to get a paperwork solution?

Happy New Year


From memory the 2003 Update is to Euro 2 standard (ADR 79/00). Euro 3 didn't start until 2005.

The Euro 2 standard is tight in HC + Nox, there are a few simple/easy things done to reduce them, even if only temporarily. From my limited understanding the tricks are to run it on 10% ethanol, move the cat right up as close to the turbine outlet as possible and advance the ignition timing. To accomplish the latter you may have to back the boost off a little bit. All up, not a very costly excercise.

Do you know if they have even attempted this (or any other) physical "upgrades"? Or are they simply trying to get a paperwork solution?

Happy New Year


PM'd response



  • 2 weeks later...

this is one long post lol work with me here i've had a few beers

now i dont know the full story on this matter but i do know this, we haven't heard for either the imorter or compliance shop so before every one decides to go or poor muz his been so hard done by maybe we should take some time to concider that when a business makes a mistake they do every thing in their power to correct the mistake or the problem and i do believe that different offers have been made in order to correct this matter for you and yes you will say in your defense some thing like but they said it was a easy fix and would take no time at all ok fine but i have also found out you still could have got out of it even after the first offer, now weren't you friends with the compliance shop owner so i have to wonder to my self that as the old saying goes "it not what you know but who you know" so keeping that in mind i have to think to my self if you knew some one who lets say could have made this go for you then why didn't they, now perhaps with all your complaining and the posting of all your issues on the forum maybe they are now unwilling to help you, conciding you are brining such discredit to their name through your original post and pm's thats how i would feel i would. if this was to go to court and lets just say you lost your claim they could both take you to cort and sue you for damages to their reputation because you were to "defame" them. this is a great word in law i like it :) oh i should also mention they could sue you for loss of busness throught you defaming them i mean they could really f*k you up you know. So one should be very very careful with what is said in their pm ond on the forum evidence can be bad, but hay who am i, im just a guy who read your post and thought well some one should stand up for the importer and the compliance shop. You know what else your not a victom stop acting like you are im sure it's highly possable that your arrigance and stubborn nature has brought some of this appon your self, oh my god i cant forget to mention this but since you have had offers to get you out of this financial situation and thus have all off your orginal cost paid back to you in order to import another car your now unable to sue for any further cost you have incured since the offers have been made. so in my closing im not a nice guy or a sympathic guy im a ass hole i know this so what you need to do is harden the f++k up muz your a old man mate stop dragging this out and saying oh i'll sue for this too and this and that just f++k the car off mate maybe if your were to kindly ask the importer the may help you with this.

p.s. don't bother replying to this it's only going to make you all fustrated and stressed out infact if you have read this far i'll be anazed infact i'll be amazed if any one reads this far i know i certianly wouldn't read a post this long ha ha

any way hope you had a lovely xmass and new year i cant wait to find out whats going to happen in 2008 im excited your wife said you were going to let loose

sorry to say boys and gargoyles but i agree with tangles on this one, in that if it was offered that a financial out could be agree'd upon and said offer was not accepted then its kinda a case of too bad so sad!

flame grill me as much as you like but i too have been on the unfortunate end of some dealings in a similar ilk, and at the end of the day you just hafta accept that sometimes your the pidgeon and sometimes your the statue.

i found that instead of slandering a business/person in or on a public forum it is best to leave it to themselves to do it by word of mouth as this can be the best and worst type of advertising you can get, i know this from personal experience with my job as a proffesional body piercer having done it for 7 years plus i have repaired and seen some horrendous botch jobs but i will never bad mouth the original "doer" as this is just bad manners, i found it better to let my work do the talking for me.

so in summation i reckon you should just bend over and take it in the ring, then chalk it up to experience.

I had a 2002 model Stagea (VQ25DET) on the hoist on Friday, working out the suspension kit for it. It is pretty much Q35 especially at the rear. But the front is different, the 4wd means shorter shocks and different shaped front stabiliser bar. Some work required there, but I am on the case.

Back on subject, they already have the first cat mounted right at the turbo and what looks like a second cat in the more usual position about 500 mm down stream from the turbo. The first cat is quite big and the second cat is normal size, maybe even smaller. The centre muffler is HUGE, shaped like a half scale stainless steel coffin.

So simply moving the cat closer to the turbo, to fix the cold start and run emmisons, has already been done by Nissan. No joy there for late 2003 cars.

ok well lets all look at this from a business perspective i think that muz made a bad business decision in not accepting the offer you see when in business if you find your self in a situation which doesnt look like it will be fesable you need to way up the pros and cons of the decision, now i think before every one decides on wether or not the import broker and compliance shop shold be slandered and before ever one starts to make a pre conception on what they think of them with out having delt personaly with them lets just look at how they have in fact been quit noble and fair in order to keep their reputation in tact. they obversaly have put their hands up and said yes we made a mistake and in admitting this they have made what could only be concider to be a very good business decision and a respectable decision to buy the vehicle back thus taking all the financial burdon and stress off the customer now every one has to look at that as some thing that shoud be respected as if they didn't want to keep a good reputation they would have not tried to come up with the offer, now muz has refused the offer to sell the car to the compliance shop so i would say the pros and cons wernt wayed up very well and there is no one to blame for this bad business decision other then muz as he mad the decision not to accept the offer. now lets look at the pros of selling the car to the compliance shop. this is just a thought on how things could have proceeded in a business sence. you could have accepted the offer then gone back to the import broker and asked for your fee back that is only fair and im sure, been that they would want you slandering them they would have given it back straight away then you could have asked them to import you another vehicle at their own cost this would have been a fair thing to do i believe. So having organised that you then could go to the compliance shop thank them for doing the right thing by you by buying the car off you and ask that they comply the next car at their own cost i also think that this would be a fair thing on their behalf to do would you not agree? so let say all parties were to agree on this and thing were to proceed, say the fee for the broker was $1200 and compliance was $3500 you instantly save $4700 on your new car you are to import (note this is only a estimate on prices ) now this mean your next car is $4700 cheaper or you can get a car worth $4700 more oh my god what a good business decision that would have been.

so before any one really decides their opinions based on what muz has to say i urge you all to concider what the import broker and compliance shop had actually offered to muz in order to rectfy the problem i think they should be comendered for trying to do the right thing and im sure they were acting in muz best interest as they wouldn't want a unhappy customer nor would they want to be slandered in the forums.

look i could be right out of place but this is just how i see it i don't think it is fair to post up stuff on a forum as it is very one sided and not fair on the other parties involed remember there is two side to this were only hearing one.

Edited by tangles82

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