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Not so much Ferrari per se (as in the car), I mean, Kimi was catching Hammo b4 the first stop, just piss poor strategy...

Massa IS hopeless in the rain, however, I think Kimi has proven to be very able in the wet...

Not true - Lewis was on the same tyre and caning raikonnen and everyone else by 5 to 6 seconds - thats seconds - a lap after the first stop.

Not changing to a new set of tyres was also Raikonnenes decision dont forget and what morons the world champion and world champion team looked like today.


The best part of all this is that those 10 points and shocking finishes for LH have been negated by one drive and i remember he was saying these things can change in one race and boy did they what.

Hammo 4 2008.

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i swear, evwy time i hear Nick speak i crwack up

god show on his part tho, made cube look silly... which is a decent effort

Good on hamilton taking this win with some humility, he had a chance to continue to be an arse but he did well

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i swear, evwy time i hear Nick speak i crwack up

god show on his part tho, made cube look silly... which is a decent effort

Good on hamilton taking this win with some humility, he had a chance to continue to be an arse but he did well

Lol, Yep, and how crazy is the way Rubes smiles? Its like his face is cracked or something, lol.

Heidfeld pwned the Pole in this one good and proper and i think he had to. Those two moves where he took 4 cars in a few laps were bullshit. :P

Talk about having minerals.

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Hmm, cracked it at Webber. Poor start, spin...good drive then hurt by not changing tyres. The poor guy must be disappointed. Great drive by Nick and Lewis. I wonder what the hell was wrong with the Ferraris as they look to have poor ecu mapping in the wet that makes them hard to drive!

Also, did anyone notice the looks Nick was giving Lewis during the conference? LOL i dont think Nick cares too mcuh for what Lewis had to say :dry:

But, a good result when the others have had poor results have opened it up the championship. More then any other driver, Heikki was made to look very ordinary today :P

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yeah, LOTS of good moves, great to watch

the dori action between abbey and the bridge was spectacular to watch, something was said about the camber of the turn holding water on the track or something. so there was just constant action, you would have definately got your pounds worth admission price there

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And you're basing that statement on what exactly?

On the driver also having the call to change to whatever tyre he likes based on what he is feeling out there on the track.

The driver has the final say ultimately.

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On the driver also having the call to change to whatever tyre he likes based on what he is feeling out there on the track.

The driver has the final say ultimately.

Which is why BMW made the decision to change Heidfeld to new inters...

Don't make statements you can't back up.

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Not always, often the driver just reports to the team what the grip level is like and the team interpret that info with what they know of the big picture info such as the amount of rain, wind, what other cars are doing. No way it is purely the drivers decision, most state an opinion then the team make the decision.

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Hmm, cracked it at Webber. Poor start, spin...good drive then hurt by not changing tyres. The poor guy must be disappointed. Great drive by Nick and Lewis. I wonder what the hell was wrong with the Ferraris as they look to have poor ecu mapping in the wet that makes them hard to drive!

Also, did anyone notice the looks Nick was giving Lewis during the conference? LOL i dont think Nick cares too mcuh for what Lewis had to say :P

But, a good result when the others have had poor results have opened it up the championship. More then any other driver, Heikki was made to look very ordinary today :dry:

I remember they mentioned engine mapping in the telecast but you can hardly use that as an excuse.

Ferrari were Force India today and thats just sad.

The ironic thing is that Dominicali is NOT Ross Brawn and the result proved that in spades.

That was the best race of the season by a long shot and there is so much to talk about...

Webber threw away his best chance to score an easy 2nd or 3rd in 2008...and he should be spewing although not into his helmet this time. :P

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Which is why BMW made the decision to change Heidfeld to new inters...

Don't make statements you can't back up.

Were not talking about BMW or the team making the decision because the driver isnt sure and whos to say it wasnt Heidfelds call?

How do you know that?

The driver, like i said, has the final say and Lewis said it best when he mentioned the team made the call to keep him on inters even though extremes were the better choice, obviously.

Raikkonens mistake was letting the team keep him out there on faded inters hoping the rain would stop - if he had nailed them on the intercom and said "give me a new set" it would have been fine but it was his mistake he didnt say it and it didnt happen - because of the driver.

The driver still has the power to call rank and say "Give me extremes and do it now dammit."

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Were not talking about BMW or the team making the decision because the driver isnt sure and whos to say it wasnt Heidfelds call?

How do you know that?

The driver, like i said, has the final say and Lewis said it best when he mentioned the team made the call to keep him on inters even though extremes were the better choice, obviously.

The driver still has the power to call rank and say "Give me extremes and do it now dammit."

Hamilton let McLaren make the decision

Heidfeld let BMW make the decision

Yet you're 100% certain that Raikkonen made the choice himself, even though there was no radio transmission broadcasted to substantiate your ridiculous claim, and you don't work in the Ferrari garage.

Well done.

and once again, nice work editing your original post.

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Lol @ "Back my statements Up" comment from Dezz..

What was that you were saying about hamilton being a shit racer..??

Care to back that up after this GP or are you going to list off a dozen bullshit excuses over why you still think he isnt?

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Take note that some drivers actually listen to their team and not ignore them like Louise, yet he's still happy to let the team wear it in order to save his own name when it doesn't go his way.

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Hamilton let McLaren make the decision

Heidfeld let BMW make the decision

Yet you're 100% certain that Raikkonen made the choice himself, even though there was no radio transmission broadcasted to substantiate your ridiculous claim, and you don't work in the Ferrari garage.

Well done.

and once again, nice work editing your original post.

Im sure the world champion has the ability to think for himself, Dezz.

He isnt a robot although he speaks like one.

It was his mistake he didnt make the final call for a fresh set of inters - fail to him then isnt it>?

Sure he may have LET the team make the final decision but thats never to say he didnt have the power to do it differently.

Dont you understand this?

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Lol @ "Back my statements Up" comment from Dezz..

What was that you were saying about hamilton being a shit racer..??

Care to back that up after this GP or are you going to list off a dozen bullshit excuses over why you still think he isnt?

I dont swallow the Monaco showed his avility statement, today did show his class. He got up front, got a gap, got in the clean space with good visinility and drove well. At the end i was cringing at the fact he was still driving so damn quick in traffic. Good to watch...but sheesh.

But, he proved he can take command of a race, but that not the same as being a racer. Looking at Nick today, he proved he is about the best racer on the grid and has been showing it all year with his class in traffic and when recovering from poor qualifying

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Lol @ "Back my statements Up" comment from Dezz..

What was that you were saying about hamilton being a shit racer..??

Care to back that up after this GP or are you going to list off a dozen bullshit excuses over why you still think he isnt?

I would LOVE for you to quote the post in which I said Hamilton is a shit racer. Let me save you the effort, because it doesn't exist (and thats without me editing posts as you constantly do)

You've always had little credibility as far as I'm concerned, what with constant posts of unsubstantiated bullshit claims, and now you're just making yourself look even dumber.

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Take note that some drivers actually listen to their team and not ignore them like Louise, yet he's still happy to let the team wear it in order to save his own name when it doesn't go his way.

lol, strange comment coming from a guy who just watched Hammo win the GP and then say he "listened to the team" and "let them make the call" for whatever reason.

I would have switched to extremes immediately and enjoyed a 30 second a lap advantage even if it was only for 10 laps.

Brundle said it best when he said McLaren was making a stupid and unnecessary decision to keep Lewis out there on inters when extremes were the obvious choice.

Wheres the argument here bud?

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