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Yeh, it was interesting that in the high wing Silverstone that RBR did real well. When testing their aero over Xmas they said that it really only adds to the cars stability in high cross winds...it seemed to :P

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the vid of kimi shoving the photographer on the silverstoe grid is without a doubt the funniest moment of the year!!!

he may not speak much but it'll be a poorer F1 without him

Edited by ctjet
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the vid of kimi shoving the photographer on the silverstoe grid is without a doubt the funniest moment of the year!!!

he may not speak much but it'll be a poorer F1 without him

Thats not funny at all. Id crunch Raikonnen through his helmet and into the face if that was my dad he did that too and i was within reach. Id knock him out...flat out.

Dead set - he's lame for doing that and sif anyone is gonna argue that he was "within his rights to repel the obstinate photographer" line.

Who the hell does he think he is?



Oh and just so you know...that photographers father was greater than Raikonnen will ever be...oh and he passed away only a couple of days ago...

For those of you who care to read it...and please do:


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PT - II.

Hmm... Montoya finished second - 1.3 seconds down the road from the head Schu

Kimi screwed his chance for a win.

A no brainer there.

Kimi is no saint and yet everyone has a boot with Hamiltons name on it...

Kimi the drunk groper can do no wrong but Hamilton?

Nah, sif.

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adm, did you watch the footage? the photographer was standing on his gear bag. I would have punched him not pushed him.

And as if who his father is makes a difference...I don't care if his father is a nazi orgy attending head of the peak motorsport body....still GET OFF MY FCUKING GEAR BAG

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LOL, sorry Adam. I have nbo problem with what Kimi did. I am not the biggest Kimi fan but i like the fact he is who he is. He jokes abou not training that hard, he hits the cans with his mates and gets up to no good like the rest of us...so i find that side of his amusing.

Now your consistant bashing of the guy for his overtaking pass at Monaco and now this camera guy. Well in both instances i dont see a problem. As Duncan said, if this guy has half a clue, then pre race he shouldnt be getting in Kimi's face and stepping on his gear. Having a journo pass doesnt mean you check your brain at the gate. Can you imagine walking up to a golfer on the tee of a green and getting real close to him and pushing over his golf bag, or a tennis palyer in the locker before a final. Getting a camera lense right up close and walkign over his racket bag. Its stupid and shouldnt be done.

Pushed or punbched , they guy was askign for it with his stupididty. Now whether Kimi should have just sat down and tried to communicate his feeling verbally. LOL, nah,m he pushed the guy out of the way and the clown tripped over what he was stepping on....no big deal and hopefully nbext GP the guy gets a speaking to before his media pass is issued.

Last thing, you shoudl be happy Adam, its been almost a week and Lewis hasnt said or done something silly. Which is a good sign as it means he is concentrating on his training, testing etc. Not talking shit to the media :D

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Yeah look, no disrespect Adam, but if some guy was sticking a camera into my face WHILE completely disrespecting my personal equipment, i would have head butted the fat rude uncouth weasel clean off the side off the track. I applaud Kimi for holding himself back like he did.

I can only imagine how many times its happened to kimi where he's trying to get himself together just before a race and you have some mooch stepping all over his personal belongings and getting into his space. There were at least 4 other photographers that he had no problem with, so ask yourself WHY did Kimi react the way he did.

Everybody complains all the drivers are PR robots, here one of them shows some real emotion, with legitimate reason mind you, and they're still not happy.

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Ferrari and McLaren draw line under spying row

Ferrari and McLaren both issued statements on Friday confirming that the teams have agreed to settle their outstanding differences over the spying controversy that dominated the Formula One headlines in the latter half of last season.

McLaren were fined $100 million and stripped of their 2007 constructors’ points after the FIA concluded they had benefitted from the acquisition of leaked Ferrari data. McLaren have now agreed to also pay Ferrari’s costs relating to the matter, as well as a concluding payment, which Ferrari will donate to charity.

The FIA formally drew a line under the ‘Spygate’ affair last December after McLaren issued a public apology and agreed not to pursue the development of certain systems on their Formula One cars. Friday’s statements now signal the end of the few remaining issues between the two teams.

Ferrari still plan to continue legal proceedings against former employee Nigel Stepney, the engineer alleged to have passed the confidential information to McLaren.

McLaren’s statement:

"In light of the formal closure in December 2007 of the FIA and FIA World Motor Sport Council proceedings against McLaren, and of McLaren's public apology to Ferrari which we have reiterated, Ferrari and McLaren have agreed to bring the various disputes between them in relation to this matter to a final conclusion.

"McLaren has also agreed to the reimbursement of Ferrari's costs and expenses relating to these matters and a concluding payment."

Ferrari’s statement:

"Ferrari acknowledges McLaren's reiterated apology for the well known events which occurred during the 2007 F1 Championship and, in the best interests of Formula One and taking into account the formal closure in December 2007 of the FIA and FIA World Motor Sport Council proceedings against McLaren, it confirms that it has accepted to put an end to all outstanding controversies between the two teams. Ferrari will donate to charity the concluding payment received from McLaren.

"Ferrari will pursue its claims against Nigel Stepney in connection with the matter."

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adm, did you watch the footage? the photographer was standing on his gear bag. I would have punched him not pushed him.

And as if who his father is makes a difference...I don't care if his father is a nazi orgy attending head of the peak motorsport body....still GET OFF MY FCUKING GEAR BAG

Guys! Seriously, Carhier was only stepping on the end of his umbrella for crying out loud. As if Raikonnen does that to a guy infront of the watching world for absentmindedly putting a foot on the corner of the "great ones" umbrella. Its the cameramans job to get in their faces. If Kimi doesnt like it, go play chess or somethhing.

What a bloody wanker.

Im beginning to dislike Raikkonen more and more.

Heres a better video - a much clearer one.

fark Raikonnens a wanker...

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