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You dont put a piece of shit car on the front row, with plenty of fuel in it, and than completely fail to catch a guy (whos more than likely getting the boot from his team for underperforming all year) with a third of the race in hand

Now a fkn mystery brake issue has shown up. Car was fine for quali and the race upto the safety car, then suddenly it fall to pieces... theres no excuse, hamilton passed him like they were waving blue flags

no real WDC contender gives up like he did

Edited by ctjet
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Massa is a hack... Between last weekend and this weekend, he's proven he doesn't deserve a Ferrari seat... Nearly brings me to tears considering Schumacher's recent confession.. I can understand that Kimi had a bad weekend from dot, from friday we all knew he was struggling from set up, but a bloke that puts a car on the front row, should've resisted Hommo far more than he did... Malaysia 06, the sphincter of the universe this year and now this German GP... Massa just doesn't know defensive driving... Maybe he should watch Schumi's effort from France 2000...

God I am livered... Sack that spik dog NOW!

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Should have gotten pole, than he would have been laughing

Speaking of that ,i bet Jean Todt is laughing his ass off for sneaking in Massa with a 3 year contract. A real nice 'screw you' on his way out

direct swap him for Alonso plz

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ferrari had such a poor weekend again....

and for the people that called massa crap; the whole race is was slower than hamilton, it was clear hamilton was going to catch him and pass him, maybe he could have def his position better but hamilton was going to pass him

ps itv are f**king shithouse, i so sick of all their bs

Edited by [Michael]
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No way i can sleep after watching this GP, Farking disgrace! :/

Lewis drove well and had a good car under him. Class of the field by a long way. BUT, whilst the Ferrari was lackign race pace, and how i have always had not been too quick to jusge Massa. Today sealed the deal. His driving was disgraceful. As a guy leading teh WDC, he didnt even try to fight Lewis.

PK should have fought a bit harder as well, he had nothing to lose by defending to the death, and Lewis everything. Yet again moved over like someone was waving a blue flag :bunny: Not taking anything away from Lewis, but his competitors today were disgraceful. Alonso is making a habit of over driving. Kimi was nowhere all weekend and cant even keep pace with his hack team mate. For farks sake, someone put Kubica and Vettel in the Ferraris!

And, the biggest disgrace of the night was that Heikki proving he is the new McLaren lap dog. I can understand team orders telling him to move over etc. but can you honeslty say Alonso would have moved over for him? Equal drivers my ass. Heikki will be at McLaren for a long time as Dennis will be happy to have a quick number 2 who doesnt upset their chosen No.1. Farkign sad as i was hoping the talk around Heikki was true, but he has been totally outclassed all year and he now seems to know it. And is happy to just be at McLaren.

Fark, the after falling out of love with Heidfeld the year he was at Williams i am again remembering why i liked him. And its not because he side swips Safety Cars.

But again, great race but so disappointing as so many drivers under performed. And the commentary was shitful as well, even i could tell they were calling the wrong cars/drivers etc. Anyway, now to try and go to sleep. But i am now at the front of the boot Massa list. He is shitful and no way shoudl have surrended his posi so easily.

And Vettel is looking dangerous for Webber next year, will be interesting finish to the season, every team, including Mcalaren with that strange no pit stop call seem to be tryign to fark up a clear run at the championship :bunny:

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I fell asleep midway during race and woke up with 20 laps to go only to see Piquet in second place and Massa having no asnwer to that. WTF is wrong with Ferrari........seriously!!! I'm also doubting Kimmi as well now, if he needs his set up in such a specific way to get the most out of the car, it means he's really not that flexible. Hamilton's only been in the game for a year and a half and he wasn't as experienced as the rest in setting up cars yet he's able to do well.

If Massa doesn't deliver this season he's looking at going down hill after this. I can see Alonso in a Ferrari very soon, Ferrari needs him.

I'm just spewing right now because of the ridiculous poor showing yesterday.

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ITV calling Mclaren’s strategy concerning Hammo a mistake really irked me... still does

He obviously couldn’t do the remaining 30 laps on the softs, his trouble with saving his rears is well known so what were the other options? The safety car came out at an awkward time for him, and with the speed he had all day it was common sense to leave him out there and let him do what he was doing do well.

Just because they didn’t pit him and risk a blowout, James Allen, is no reason to harp on about it for the rest of the race. Enjoy show he put on and stfu

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Even McLaren said it as a mistake, they wrongly guesstiamted at the pace he had.

But biggest disappointment is that the second McLaren is being piloted by a roll over :D

Kimi has been nowhere for a few races now, and Massa the quicker of the drivers. I dont get it, Massa has improved this year, but Kimi has been less then convincing of late. Hope he finds some pace soon.

And Alonso isnt exactly covering himself in glory either, and was another example of how he is over driving trying to geta result. Its not a side of Alonso i have seen before.

I am about one more race away from turning on Heikki :D Looks more and more like a bloke who doesnt deserve one of the best 4 seats on the grid. Hell at present you have to say Lewis is the only one driving liek he deserves his seat

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The next race looks set for hammo to increase his lead, and with Ferrari's current lack of speed, wouldnt be surprised if BMW get a podium either.

if Heikki cant pull something out for this race, i cant see where he will

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I can see it now. Can Heikki and Massa for next year, and give Vettel a real car to drive and Kubica a seat at either McLaren or Ferrari. I am so pissed off that its a pretty safe bet that Heikki will spend the next 6 years at McLaren alongside Lewis. Its robbing us of some good racng, imagine the second McLaren seat beign occupied by a guy that actually wants to win the WDC, or take on and beat his team mate :blush:

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Yeh, and it was an interesting year. Ferraris were in the mix, and the McLaren drivers were fighting each other for race wins. This year, Heikki may as well be back on Renault and happy runnnig around in 6th or there abouts

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I think Kimi just doesn't really care that much anymore and massa is actually making more of an effort in trying to get points. Massa really needs to be more aggressive in defending his position....take a few risks here and here.

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And here is the thing... Heikki's quote from the weekend ...

"Fifth position was not what I had hoped to achieve here, but I am now looking forward to the Hungarian Grand Prix, where I will try my hardest to fight for a podium finish."

He cant be serious. He is driving the exact same car (So they all keep telling us) that hsi team mate is, a car that has won 4 races this year. Yet is great aspiration is to finish on the podium? Shouldnt he be aiming for the top step, i mean the car is at present clearly the best package out there.

I like you Heikki, but now i know i am not reading too much into the whole Flavio didnt care to lose you to McLaren so there isnt anything that special there :blush:

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Massa really needs to be more aggressive in defending his position....take a few risks here and here.

He would have been better off points wise, defending to a point where both where taken off, than just bending over like he did.

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Yeh i agree with everyone, Massa and the no win finn are non deserving of their seats and i couldnt believe how kova yeilded in such a conceeding way.

Disgraceful racing, and disgraceful commentating once again by the english biased f1 commentators.

Its exacly what ive been saying since last year.

I cannot believe ron dennis' decision to kick out alonso, when they literally had a dream team. I mean look at how dominating mclaren where in the constuctors until they got kicked out.. That is the best sign of having 2 great drivers.

And so what if your two drivers hate each other.. When aslong as one beats the other.. they are definately going to beat everyone else!

I would have just put them in a padded room and said right get all your anger out!

If anything having two numbers ones only pushes both drivers to the next level and makes them even better, plus no wonder major sponsors are speaking of leaving mclaren.. In terms of business advertising, Which is what f1 is pretty much all about.. Its much better to have 2 number 1 drivers so that in any given race, your team is almost a definate to win and podium.

The problem now is similar to last year, they are building the car around and for lewis.. Which makes it impossible to judge someones real talent, because the best guage is against someone in the identicle car.

But meh, Ron is renouned for making stupid decisions.

I just pray that f1 doesnt become a 1 man race, because i cant stand lewis, but most of all, i cant stand him having no competition. F1 shouldnt be that easy, and it takes away from it when it is.

Its the same stigma that surrounded schumi towards the end, F1 lost alot of fans and viewers because it just became ridiculous. Until fernando came along in a massively less funded team and created the best racing in years. He really fought under huge adversity to win his 2 world titles, which is exacly how it should be.

Dont discount kimi, apparantly the team played around with his car alot on fri night to try and guess what the track would be like.. And obviously didnt refer with kimi.

But its no secret that ferrari are slipping, and partially i think because kimi is such a quiet racer that he often doesnt voice his opinion strongly.

Which i think needs to be done like alonso and schumi have in the past. I want the drivers to tell us how it really is, not play fiddle and pupper like lewis or say one word answers like kimi.

Although you cant help but like raikkonen for his 'goto track, race, go home' attitude.. He has never liked the specticle of F1.

He certainly doesnt toot his own horn or do stupid ego dances like lewis, and i think the next race will pretty much tell us the outcome of the season. If ferrari cant be at the front, its all over.

If there is a god, alonso will be in a Ferrari ASAP so that someone can be passionately driven to beat lewis and make him second think everything.

God i miss 2007..

Edited by knore
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