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lol Hamilton didnt have a gearbox failure last year;

and by your thinking Massa should have won the WDC seeing as his engine blew in one race

He had an electronic glitch which wouldn't allow him to select gears properly. He lost about 40 seconds in that race. Do some research because obviously, you didn't watch that race.

I'm making a point (pardon the pun) that even GOOD drivers, that people in this thread quite obviously have bias towards, get lucky to get them over the line. Kimi had the title handed to him last year by Hamilton screwing up in China and the gearbox glitch in Brazil in 2007. This year, Hamilton was more unlucky than lucky, like Kimi was, as Ferrari were the beneficiaries of most of Lewis' penalties (many of which were dubious in any F1 fan's eyes). Doesn't make him any less or more deserving than Kimi was last year.

Edited by Mika
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The people here who are paying out Hamilton for defending his title lead and being conservative in the latter races are the same people who condemn him for being aggressive. Make up your mind.

As did Kimi last year...to a rookie. I'm sure you weren't telling people to not get too carried away about that. If it weren't for bad luck with the gearbox last year in the final round at Interlagos, he'd have 2 WDC's out of 2 attempts. Give the guy credit where it is due. He's got the job done this year despite all the unusual penalties handed to him this season.

I wont be one of those people bagging Lewis for a sensible points drive when the WDC was at stake. But he didnt do that. He got lucky rather then a sure footed drive to 3rd or 4th which gave him a buffer. Instead he seemed too defensive and left himsefl pretty vulnerable. But he got the job done so.

As for the gearbox problem last year. LOL, what gearbox problem. Thats like sayign that Heikki had a gearbox problem in Australia this year :P Lewis hit a button on the steering wheel , there was no gearbox failure. This is from a mechanic who works at McLaren. Not the PR machine that is McLaren that always publicly defends its drivers, just like they did for Heikki in Aus when they said its the teams fault for not having considered that a driver could have made this mistake and comprmised their race...te teams fault tahat they hit the windscreen wipers when they put on a bit of oppo lock :)

I wont be one of those people bagging Lewis for a sensible points drive when the WDC was at stake. But he didnt do that. He got lucky rather then a sure footed drive to 3rd or 4th which gave him a buffer. Instead he seemed too defensive and left himsefl pretty vulnerable. But he got the job done so.

As for the gearbox problem last year. LOL, what gearbox problem. Thats like sayign that Heikki had a gearbox problem in Australia this year :P Lewis hit a button on the steering wheel , there was no gearbox failure. This is from a mechanic who works at McLaren. Not the PR machine that is McLaren that always publicly defends its drivers, just like they did for Heikki in Aus when they said its the teams fault for not having considered that a driver could have made this mistake and comprmised their race...te teams fault tahat they hit the windscreen wipers when they put on a bit of oppo lock :)

lol or the Singapore tramline interference story. Even so, it's not like a driver goes out of their way to sabotage their own title tilt, and it still highlights the fact that whilst Kimi got lucky and was handed the 2007 championship, he was still a worthy winner. Just like Lewis is this time around.

Edited by Mika
let's just all agree that lewis is a massive blow hard who can drive a bit.

Nah, you can, I'll just laugh at this pic below some more

Lewis didn't have the best drive today, but he kept his cool. I mean shit how many of us having nothing to do with the race were biting our fingernails?

Karma for Ferarri tho, the other bs penalties that went on during the season against Lewis, but never against ferarri....


lol or the Singapore tramline interference story. Even so, it's not like a driver goes out of their way to sabotage their own title tilt, and it still highlights the fact that whilst Kimi got lucky and was handed the 2007 championship, he was still a worthy winner. Just like Lewis is this time around.

It is not the same thing. Kimi won 3 of the last 4 rounds. He won 6 races in total, the most of the season. He was helped by Massa in Brazil...but he raced hard to the line and and won the championship. All whislt Lewis choked in China and again in Brazil where he overdrove on the first lap only to do have a self induced gremlin. Last year he hurt himself, this year he needed luck

So tell me how a guy driving around in 5th and 6th, 6th up until the final corner is the same as what Kimi achieved last year? Kimi was fortunate that whilst he was getting on with the job the others were off with the fairies sabotaging themselves. Yes Lewis is still a worthy winner, not as worthy as others have been or were this year. But he got the job done.

...and i hate the fact that i cant go back and fix my typos. LOL, trying to sneak posts in between contractor walking in on me :P

"Ivan was right mate - I was running through the streets naked singing the British national anthem at 5am...no truly.

yeah, the Massa's got seriously pwned. Had to feel for them, tho. Suckes to be them right now///

Best end to a race EVA."

speaking of... Guess who said that :wub:

Well the hamilton show is in full effect now.

If you thought it was bad this year/last year, wait till next year!

Its going to f**king suck, lewis will get 99% of the commentary coverage, on-camera time and media coverage.

Ive found that lewis is bring alot of new young fans to f1, but irritating all of the people who have followed f1 for awhile. The difference is.. All these new people are only into f1 for lewis. Whereas all the older people arent.

Thats where this massive divide is coming from.

And ive said it already, but ill say it again.. The championship was much easier this year for lewis as alonso was unable to compete.

Congrats to him for winning, but i cant help but feel sorry for massa considering he should have finished 20 points ahead of lewis if ferrari didnt have that engine failure when massa owned lewis and also the singapore dramas.

The irony in ferrari winning constructors is hilarious.

You can retire now and become the celebrity you have always wanted lewis, oh and take that hopeless singer handbad girlfriend and that fat guy wearing a spurs shirt with you :wub:

Nah, you can, I'll just laugh at this pic below some more

Cool, cos this one is still better :wub:


Lewis has the WDC title but he's not the best driver out there. He's the guy with the fastest and most reliable car this season who can drive it well sometimes.

^^ that is brilliant :wub:

Hamilton and Massa are both very talented drivers, Massa deserved the glory on the day because he drove the perfect race in changeable conditions. Mclaren were very conservative and deserved to see things slip away from them because they took no chances. It really seemed like the championship was gifted to him by Glock, even though I'm sure that's not the case.

Massa has also developed as a driver by a phenomenal amount, he will be a force to be reckoned with next season.

he was banned some time back...

i for one, am raising a glass to Adam tonight.

i found it hard to agree with many things that he posted but that is what made this thread the most fun week in week out.

Edited by wolverine
I'd like to see the telemetry from Glocks car and i bet he wasnt tryin........17seconds a lap slower than the previous laps something smells here!!!

wow- a whole 17 seconds

think back to Belgium where the guys with nothing to lose came in for wets toward the end, and were 33 SECONDS A LAP FASTER!

Best end to a race EVA."

i would have rather seen Hamilton overtake Massa on the last corner, then the sphincter of the universe slap him from #1 spot on the podium, but we wouldn't have that endlessly amusing .gif from the Ferrari garage then...

Cool, cos this one is still better :yucky:


Lewis has the WDC title but he's not the best driver out there. He's the guy with the fastest and most reliable car this season who can drive it well sometimes.

lol That one is pretty good, but Canada was a while ago. Was a pretty stupid move though.

And I'll laugh at you because your name Mika is sooo yesterday in F1pitmoleland, which is obviously where you live :PBJ:

:P I'm guessing that comment sounded really great in that brain of yours

Edited by Mika

Was Adam banned? Awesome :yucky: On every topic, not just F1 he was often just posting tripe to wind people up. I dont need to see things the same as others, and welcome different views as reading different takes on events/things is always interesting and gives you perhaps a different appreciation of things. Slo long Adam, his posts and his PMs :sick:

I dont see things the same as the likes of Mika etc, but i completely respect what Mika and any other fan of certain drivers post. Its cool to see fans ark up and defend their guy...

Anyway....see ya DC. Enjoyed your career. Hated that McLaren seemed to get behnd Mika when you were delivering results before him :P But in his place could be my new fav driver. With Webber and Vettel on board next year i think i wont pine too much over DCs retirement :ban:

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It is entirely by feel, you can barely fit it in, you can barely turn the stupid ratchet, but it is possible. Pull the front pipe/downpipe before you attempt to remove the transmission. In theory you don't have to, in practice just do it.  When pulling the transmission on the way out you don't have to undo all the bolts holding the rear driveshaft to the chassis like the center support bearing and the rear tunnel reinforcement bar but putting the transmission back in I highly recommend doing this because it will let you raise the transmission without constantly dealing with the driveshaft interfering in one way or another. I undid the bottom of the engine mount but I honestly don't know that it helped anything. If you do this make sure you put a towel on the back of the valve cover to keep the engine from smashing all the pipes on the firewall. Once the transmission has been pulled back far enough to clear the dowels you need to twist it in place clockwise if you're sitting behind the transmission. This will rotate the starter down towards the ground. The starter bump seems like it might clear if you twist the transmission the other way but it definitely won't. I have scraped the shit out of my transmission tunnel trying so learn from my mistake. You will need a center punch and an appropriate size drill bit and screw to pull the rear main seal. Then use vice grips and preferably a slide hammer attachment for those vice grips to yank the seal out. Do not let the drill or screw contact any part of the crank and clean the engine carefully after removing the seal to avoid getting metal fragments into the engine. I used a Slide Hammer and Bearing Puller Set, 5 Piece from Harbor Freight to pull the old pilot bearing. The "wet paper towel" trick sucked and just got dirty clutch water everywhere. Buy the tool or borrow it from a friend and save yourself the pain. It comes right out. Mine was very worn compared to the new one and it was starting to show cracks. Soak it in engine oil for a day in case yours has lost all of the oil to the plastic bag it comes in. You may be tempted to get the Nismo aftermarket pilot bearing but local mechanics have told me that they fail prematurely and if they do fail they do far more damage than a failed OEM pilot bushing. I mentioned this before but the Super Coppermix Twin clutch friction disks are in fact directional. The subtle coning of the fingers in both cases should be facing towards the center of the hub. So the coning on the rearmost disk closest to the pressure plate should go towards the engine, and the one closest to the flywheel should be flipped the other way. Otherwise when you torque down the pressure plate it will be warped and if you attempt to drive it like this it will make a very nasty grinding noise. Also, there is in fact an orientation to the washers for the pressure plate if you don't want to damage the anodizing. Rounded side of the washer faces the pressure plate. The flat side faces the bolt head. Pulling the transmission from the transfer case you need to be extremely careful with the shift cover plate. This part is discontinued. Try your best to avoid damaging the mating surfaces or breaking the pry points. I used a dead blow rubber hammer after removing the bolts to smack it sideways to slide it off the RTV the previous mechanic applied. I recommend using gasket dressing on the OEM paper gasket to try and keep the ATF from leaking out of that surface which seems to be a perpetual problem. Undoing the shifter rod end is an absolute PITA. Get a set of roll pin punches. Those are mandatory for this. Also I strongly, strongly recommend getting a palm nailer that will fit your roll pin punch. Also, put a clean (emphasis on clean) towel wrapped around the back end of the roll pin to keep it from shooting into the transfer case so you can spend a good hour or two with a magnet on a stick getting it out. Do not damage the shifter rod end either because those are discontinued as well. Do not use aftermarket flywheel bolts. Or if you do, make sure they are exactly the same dimensions as OEM before you go to install them. I have seen people mention that they got the wrong bolts and it meant having to do the job again. High torque impact wrench makes removal easy. I used some combination of a pry bar and flathead screwdriver to keep the flywheel from turning but consider just buying a proper flywheel lock instead. Just buy the OS Giken clutch alignment tool from RHDJapan. I hated the plastic alignment tool and you will never be confident this thing will work as intended. Don't forget to install the Nismo provided clutch fork boot. Otherwise it will make unearthly noises when you press the clutch pedal as it says on the little installation sheet in Japanese. Also, on both initial disassembly and assembly you must follow torque sequence for the pressure plate bolts. For some reason the Nismo directions tell you to put in the smaller 3 bolts last. I would not do this. Fully insert and thread those bolts to the end first, then tighten the other larger pressure plate bolts according to torque sequence. Then at the end you can also torque these 3 smaller bolts. Doing it the other way can cause these bolts to bind and the whole thing won't fit as it should. Hope this helps someone out there.
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