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2008 F1 Season

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What is going on Adam? There is far too many references to pulling anf flogging in your post! :laugh:

I am not one eyed.

The only difference in the FA/LH saga was that as Lewis began to cane FA, FA said f**k this - im not giving him any more data,..or ill give him the wrong data...

Makes sense too. If it were me and my race data was helping a rookie to flog me, then id be pulling the plug too.

LOL, well if you are not one eyed then you must be legally blind :(

You refer to caning and flogging? I look at the drivers championship last year and one point = flogging? What was the points score from mid season to end? Yeh a real flogging. Lewis did an astonishing job as a rookie. No argument. As a driver he farked it up like only an imbecile could :( He played mind games when he didnt need to, he distracted himself and the team when they were already distracted by the FIA/Ferrari thing and then threw the car away like a choker. Thing is it wasnt choking, it was a seemingly obtuse need to do the impossible in order to win a WDC in his rookie year. KEEP IT SIMPEL STUPID, KISS would have had him win the WDC without raising a sweat. If he just kept it simple and let his fragile ego have him place 3rd or 4th in a GP then he would have won the WDC.

So back to this flogging Alonso, i have been over this ground before. If Lewis didnt throw away race weekends then his results would have been approaching what you would call flogging. As is it is nowhere near what you describe. And lets not forget Alonso throved when the pressure was on in the tail end of the year

Yeh bring on toinights McLaren juggernaut. Or lets see of "The real Lewis will please stand up" and him bin it, run into something or have an attack of brain fart :) LOL, he is entertaining to watch :)

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What is going on Adam? There is far too many references to pulling anf flogging in your post! :laugh:

LOL, well if you are not one eyed then you must be legally blind :(

You refer to caning and flogging? I look at the drivers championship last year and one point = flogging? What was the points score from mid season to end? Yeh a real flogging. Lewis did an astonishing job as a rookie. No argument. As a driver he farked it up like only an imbecile could :( He played mind games when he didnt need to, he distracted himself and the team when they were already distracted by the FIA/Ferrari thing and then threw the car away like a choker. Thing is it wasnt choking, it was a seemingly obtuse need to do the impossible in order to win a WDC in his rookie year. KEEP IT SIMPEL STUPID, KISS would have had him win the WDC without raising a sweat. If he just kept it simple and let his fragile ego have him place 3rd or 4th in a GP then he would have won the WDC.

So back to this flogging Alonso, i have been over this ground before. If Lewis didnt throw away race weekends then his results would have been approaching what you would call flogging. As is it is nowhere near what you describe. And lets not forget Alonso throved when the pressure was on in the tail end of the year

Yeh bring on toinights McLaren juggernaut. Or lets see of "The real Lewis will please stand up" and him bin it, run into something or have an attack of brain fart :) LOL, he is entertaining to watch :)

Roy, im neither blind nor stupid.

Thing is...

What LH did to FA in his rookie year, and to a 2 time world champion who, lets not forget, won his WDC's when a certain German was around, was nothing short of a floor wiping.

Perhaps in your purist thinking, points = canings...not so.

There are many ways to measure the drivers.

Points is but one of them.

Shall we review the qualifying performances of the 2 drivers in 07? Nah, we dont need to because even then LH outqualified the 2 TIME WDC 10 to 7 and that on tracks he's never even seen before.

I would call that an absolute caning.

So what he missed the WDC last year. The writings on the wall.

1 point to a 2 time champ in your first ever year in F1 - dont even think about going there - you cannot compare an F1 car to a GP2 car

now...that is what i call a caning.

You wouldnt?

Also, the fact that LH missed out in 07 was because of him. FA had nothing in answer.

Yes, all these things, in my mind at least, = A right royal caning.

How i wish MS was still around so we could see LH mop the floor with him...i dont think even the Germans brilliance would be able to withstand him.

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Mark my words, the next 10 years will be dominated by a certain British driver so all of those people who whinge and bemoan the fact he's here, get over it because hes going to be around for a very long time.

I dont hate or loathe any of the drivers.,.. FA and KR have pissed me of no end with their arrogance and ignorance but i cant take anything away from them - they are human after all and its not my place to judge but LH....

Just enjoy it because he is aggressive where MS was clinical.

We should thank our lucky stars we have the current lineup in F1...its mega.

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(sorry adam i can't help myself)

mark my words, the next 10 years will be dominated by a certain whinging and bemoaning British driver.

lol, im not arguing with that... its his driving ability that has caught my attention...

Not since the likes of JV has a guy like this come along and its a good thing for the sport.

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I also can't help but cheer on the toyota driver, they are finally doing it!!!!

lol, do you know the drivers names, James...? :laugh:

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lol, do you know the drivers names, James...? :laugh:

you doubt my infinite knowledge?

glock and trulli of course...hahah I do follow other teams too, most are too crap and barely register on the radar but lately the dynamic duo has been getting quite a bit of attention.

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you doubt my infinite knowledge?

glock and trulli of course...hahah I do follow other teams too, most are too crap and barely register on the radar but lately the dynamic duo has been getting quite a bit of attention.

yep...looks like TG had some sense knocked into him, lol.

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u never know, he might finally found the speed he need through dangerous experimentation.

funny though, some racers seem to lose the edge when they have a massive crash e.g. my hero Tommi Makinen, ever since his massive accident, he just lost it and never made it back. Sigh...WRC how I miss what you used to be.

back then we had MS dominating the F1 and Tommi owning the WRC, those were special times.

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i can get you a free link but it will cost you $5000 to remove the ITV commentators voices....

...pm for my bank details. :P

wolve, post it up matey - some dont know where the last link was maybe...

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i like the second one as it runs on the full screen (more or less) and lets me watch the formula1 live lap times as well without the issue of minimising the screen to switch.

ps. coresworld has a link to the swf page there too.

Edited by wolverine
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