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Personally I think LH was definitely in the wrong, but as I've said earlier, given the "spirit" of the race, the way they were going at it, through run off areas etc etc, and most importantly, the fact that what he did at that particular time had really not much bearing on the race, then the penalty was too harsh.

At least give it to Kimi!! WTF did Massa do to deserve that win?

It was great entertainment, and if this doesn't get overturned, just add one more reason for the drivers to play it extra safe next time round.

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The word ‘intentional’ and ‘deliberate’ are two words that seemed to be ignored

Its not like this off track excursion was planned. He tried a move, it didn’t work, gave the spot back and took it again. Do we now need to allocate a specific time you have to remain behind before you’re allowed to repass somebody? More rules?

Fcuks sake, it was by far and away the most exciting thing we’ve seen all year, and then penalising the guy because he didn’t complete it inch perfect. No wonder nobody has the nuts to overtake anymore, you’ll just fkn get pinged for it so you might as well circulate where you are and take the points you have.

This is ludicrous. Kimi ended up in the way anyway when his talent ran out. Nobody was robbed and nobody seemed to have a problem with it at the time. Now there a million arm chair professionals sitting at home with the heater on and their internet connection ready to rock criticising a move that was done in a matter of seconds in the wet, on the wrong tyres, for the lead of a race.

Lewis clearly was going to get him eventually and tried to the best of his ability. He could have launched down the inside at the same spot clipped kimi, taken either of them and then critised for that too.

Farkin spot on moot. Couldntve said it better myself.

Its the freaking "rules" that are the argument for too many and everybody knows there are too many damned rules!

What pisses me off the most is that the FIA havent even had the temerity or the balls or both to even farking explain why they did it and show the bloody proof.

Those farking muppets just said " Infraction - cutting chicane - strip him of the win. End of story."

"Proof? Oh...dont forget were the FIA - we dont have to prove anything to you and we can manipulate things the way we see fit. Understand?"

And who of any of you would claim that to be fair, just, right and in the best interests of the sport?


Adam, mate, think about what you are saying. DC has been given stop go penalties, often he has damaged the car and not been able to continue. But feel free to point out the cases when that has not been true, because i suspect you can find an instance or two.

The FIA have been pretty consistant at handing out stop gos for driving offences resulting in clashes on the track or where results have been tainted handing out palce penalties. Fiscal fines have been handed out when drivers have done things on their own that have not affected race results or the team has dropped tools accross lines etc

I will also add, the FIA are doing the right thing in not considering how the race results will be affected by the ruling. It doesnt, nor shoudl it matter if the penalty takes the win from Lewis. Its a tragedy for Lewis, but the offence has to have the usual penalty applied irrespective of the outcome. Cant say its too big a shame as he won the race. There was an infringement, they applied the usual penalty, a stop go or in this case the time penalty for a stop go. The fact that it robs him of th ewin should not come into it

Personally I think LH was definitely in the wrong, but as I've said earlier, given the "spirit" of the race, the way they were going at it, through run off areas etc etc, and most importantly, the fact that what he did at that particular time had really not much bearing on the race, then the penalty was too harsh.

At least give it to Kimi!! WTF did Massa do to deserve that win?

It was great entertainment, and if this doesn't get overturned, just add one more reason for the drivers to play it extra safe next time round.

Give it to Kimi!??

Yeah, NISMO, give it to a guy who overtook 2 cars under yellow, was out of control crazy in the last 4 laps, a danger to himself and others, a guy who not only that but also cut la source blatantly and kept the advantage.

FFS you guys look at what else was going on at the time!!

Give it to Kimi!??

Yeah, NISMO, give it to a guy who overtook 2 cars under yellow, was out of control crazy in the last 4 laps, a danger to himself and others, a guy who not only that but also cut la source blatantly and kept the advantage.

FFS you guys look at what else was going on at the time!!

Dude, relax, it was a jk to highlight how silly i think the decision to hand the win to Massa was.

Adam, mate, think about what you are saying. DC has been given stop go penalties, often he has damaged the car and not been able to continue. But feel free to point out the cases when that has not been true, because i suspect you can find an instance or two.

The FIA have been pretty consistant at handing out stop gos for driving offences resulting in clashes on the track or where results have been tainted handing out palce penalties. Fiscal fines have been handed out when drivers have done things on their own that have not affected race results or the team has dropped tools accross lines etc

I will also add, the FIA are doing the right thing in not considering how the race results will be affected by the ruling. It doesnt, nor shoudl it matter if the penalty takes the win from Lewis. Its a tragedy for Lewis, but the offence has to have the usual penalty applied irrespective of the outcome. Cant say its too big a shame as he won the race. There was an infringement, they applied the usual penalty, a stop go or in this case the time penalty for a stop go. The fact that it robs him of th ewin should not come into it

How do you explain Massa and the pitstop or KR and the farking farce of him running around spewing parts all over the place for half the race? Not a meatball or fine in sight.

I swear the FIA turns a blind eye to ferrari when they f**k up and put Mac under the grill when they do.

Am i seriously the only guy on here who see it that way?

Dude, relax, it was a jk to highlight how silly i think the decision to hand the win to Massa was.

Nah im cool and i know what you were trying to say...

Im still shaking my head at the way the governing body has just slapped all of us in the face and shot the sport in the foot... :)

How do you explain Massa and the pitstop or KR and the farking farce of him running around spewing parts all over the place for half the race? Not a meatball or fine in sight.

I swear the FIA turns a blind eye to ferrari when they f**k up and put Mac under the grill when they do.

Am i seriously the only guy on here who see it that way?

Can't believe I'm going to say this, but yes Adam I agree.

Not simply for penalties, but by far Ferrari draws the biggest dollars to the sport. Therefore Ferrari = God.

It's a business guys and anyone who thinks that those in charge would not do what they can to ensure they get the thousands of Ferrari fans at the track for the remainder of the season is kidding themselves.

Can't believe I'm going to say this, but yes Adam I agree.

Not simply for penalties, but by far Ferrari draws the biggest dollars to the sport. Therefore Ferrari = God.

It's a business guys and anyone who thinks that those in charge would not do what they can to ensure they get the thousands of Ferrari fans at the track for the remainder of the season is kidding themselves.

lol, since when has agreeing with me been a bad thing!?? :)

Like im always wrong or something?>>

Well I can't agree with:

Schumacher - Hungary 06.

Alonso - Monza 06.

Mangy Cours - 08.

I think they should've made Kimi pit, that was fcking dangerous..

Don't get me wrong, there are things Ferrari have done that that should've been given at least a degree of attention.. However, stop making out that McLaren are a group of saints, they are not. Neither are Ferrari, and frankly, not punishing Ferrari when they are due IS of detrement to the sport. But when Lewis cops it, take it on the chin.. I'm almost inclined to think his attitude has something to do with it, maybe he's not too well liked behind the cutains of F1. What can I say, but all I know his the manner in which he acts does sour a lot of people's attitude towards him. Not that it should matter with the stewards or race control or anything, it never should. However, maybe it is half the reason they are less willing to be indiscretionary towards team Lewis...

Ah man...what the fallout from all this bullshit is gonna be is anyones guess...

I disagree with Wolvie and Dunc when they said Mac would get it back...

Its all too farked up now... :)

How do you explain Massa and the pitstop or KR and the farking farce of him running around spewing parts all over the place for half the race? Not a meatball or fine in sight.

I swear the FIA turns a blind eye to ferrari when they f**k up and put Mac under the grill when they do.

Am i seriously the only guy on here who see it that way?

No, we all see it, but you are the one that is hopefully going to have a stroke over it :) Massa ddint bang wheels, the team released him, and when required lifted to merge behnd him. Not a great job by the team, but they were fined for it. What bearing did that have to the overall race result. The penalty (fine) was because the team provided the drivers and pit lane with a dangerous situation, not an accident.

Also the Kimi thing with debris. I agree, but they appear to have gotten the ruling right. There was damage to the car, but none of it fell off. Though i think he shoudl have been made to pit and remove it. But perhaps they know nore about the integrity of the cars then me?!?!?!

But Adam, i see it, i think everybody sees it. I think you are blinded by your passion to the point where you think its the end of the world. Ferrari fans love, it...McLAren fans will hate it. I love it because the championship is now close and will be a great fight.

I read that one of the 3 people who made the call to strip Hammo was a Kenyan, lol.

Forgive me, but since when did Kenya have anything remotely related to modern day f1 racing?

It is clear to me the best thing to do is clean house, boot the stewards that have little or no relevance to F1 and appoint a resident official with people appointed by him who adjudicates at all the GP - people who DO have F1 backgrounds...not mixing and matching like they currently do, changing the officials from GP to GP.

Its never going to work this way.

Its a complete joke as it is.

Fark changing and adding rules. Change the bloody stewards and get people in there who know racing and arent just some muppet with almost zero motorsporting experience.

Here is said Kenyan's Surinder Thatthi's motorsport profile.


Hardly compelling or worthy to judge the best drivers in the world, wouldnt you say?

AND he wasnt even the driver!

No, we all see it, but you are the one that is hopefully going to have a stroke over it :) Massa ddint bang wheels, the team released him, and when required lifted to merge behnd him. Not a great job by the team, but they were fined for it. What bearing did that have to the overall race result. The penalty (fine) was because the team provided the drivers and pit lane with a dangerous situation, not an accident.

Also the Kimi thing with debris. I agree, but they appear to have gotten the ruling right. There was damage to the car, but none of it fell off. Though i think he shoudl have been made to pit and remove it. But perhaps they know nore about the integrity of the cars then me?!?!?!

But Adam, i see it, i think everybody sees it. I think you are blinded by your passion to the point where you think its the end of the world. Ferrari fans love, it...McLAren fans will hate it. I love it because the championship is now close and will be a great fight.

F1 fans, Roy, the fans - do not like it one bit.

YOu have got it so wrong its not funny.

This is not about Hamilton. This is not about KR...or Ferrari or Mac.

The bigger picture screams farce and the FIA again is in hot water.

Its about the sport Roy - the reason we have stoushes, the integrity.

They have f**ked the sports reputation for the 30th thime this year.

The poor drivers are copping the blame - and they should not even be the focus of this argument now.

The moderation of the sport is batshit and needs a thorough hosing.

I will freely admit my judgement is clouded by the fact that I can't stand hamilton.

the real question is would I feel the same way if it were kimi cutting the chicance, winning the race, then copping the penalty?? we shall never know, unless kimi has a brain fade next race and tries some more 'creative' moves... :)

I will freely admit my judgement is clouded by the fact that I can't stand hamilton.

the real question is would I feel the same way if it were kimi cutting the chicance, winning the race, then copping the penalty?? we shall never know, unless kimi has a brain fade next race and tries some more 'creative' moves... :)

And thats where ill let the dead dog that is F1 lay...until it all sparks up again in Monza this weekend.

Unfortunately for all of us, its 40% racing and 60% bullshit politics.

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