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Me and the boys were all outside my house having a laugh in front of our cars (2xr33's , silvia and a 300zx) when a highway patrol drives past the house does a u turn up the road and park right next to us. Copper gets out with his partner (both young looking) "are these cars yours" we all nod and reply "nice cars boys , i have a 33 at home, have you done anything to them" we spend the next 30 min talking to them about mods and other imports lol

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Me and the boys were all outside my house having a laugh in front of our cars (2xr33's , silvia and a 300zx) when a highway patrol drives past the house does a u turn up the road and park right next to us. Copper gets out with his partner (both young looking) "are these cars yours" we all nod and reply "nice cars boys , i have a 33 at home, have you done anything to them" we spend the next 30 min talking to them about mods and other imports lol

Exactly Man there not all Bad some of Them are top Blokes, I even told the Cop Im taking My car To the next Bathurst Hes Like Yeah good Idea Give the V8S a Good Hiding ... lol...

well my first speeding fine ever was at 4am a couple years ago.

i was on the BAC limit and doing at least 140 in a 60 zone. Prior to this, i drove at least 40kms at or below the speed limit and only gave it a quick hit at the traffic lights near my house - went past a HWP car sitting at the petrol station about 100-200m up the road from where i did a 8k clutch dump.

cop caught up to me in front of my driveway (didn't have his lights on and i didn't know i went past a cop).

anyways, he breath tested me three times and told me i was lucky cos i barely scraped under the limit. then said he knows i was doing at least double the speed limit, but he's gonna let me off cos i have a great driving record (no incident for the 7yrs i was driving). His words were 'looks like u f**ked up. happens to all of us'. (he gave me a fine for 15km over).

a month after that, my good driving record went down the dunny and i lost my licence for 6 months. lol.

well my first speeding fine ever was at 4am a couple years ago.

i was on the BAC limit and doing at least 140 in a 60 zone. Prior to this, i drove at least 40kms at or below the speed limit and only gave it a quick hit at the traffic lights near my house - went past a HWP car sitting at the petrol station about 100-200m up the road from where i did a 8k clutch dump.

cop caught up to me in front of my driveway (didn't have his lights on and i didn't know i went past a cop).

anyways, he breath tested me three times and told me i was lucky cos i barely scraped under the limit. then said he knows i was doing at least double the speed limit, but he's gonna let me off cos i have a great driving record (no incident for the 7yrs i was driving).

a month after that, my good driving record went down the dunny and i lost my licence for 6 months. lol.

I Hope you lost your Licence Drving a GTR :P

Exactly Man there not all Bad some of Them are top Blokes, I even told the Cop Im taking My car To the next Bathurst Hes Like Yeah good Idea Give the V8S a Good Hiding ... lol...

Whats wiTh The random Captial LetterS? :P

yeah keep an eye out for that rather nasty HWP officer on the Motorbike that frequents the M4. He loves to try and get you very early in the morning,transit lane and speeding is what he specialises in.I have seen him as early as 4.30 am.And he is extremely rude and arrogant...I think he goes up and down from about Penrith all the way to Parramatta approx.I had one run in with him and got into a nice verbal with him.Filed complaints against him also.Guys/Gals if you have rude officers always put complaints in.Specially if you got a passenger as a witness in the car...Complaints do affect their chances of recieving promotions etc...

I pulled him up on it and explained that it was simply a forgetful mistake. Told him that it wasnt necessary to call her stupid, and to go check the rego himself. I could have called him all the names under the sun while putting on my best uleh accent and gotten myself thrown in the back of a paddy wagon. But its easiest to battle with cops on a level that they dont expect - politely!

Some cops deal with the power well, and some just become assholes. Its just human nature. The worst thing you can do is start swearing and yelling at them as this will turn any cop into a mean mofo pretty quickly!

Couldn't have put it better myself. The moment you lose your cool and start being a cockhead, the cop has even more reason to ping you. If I was trying to do my job and a customer started giving me lip I would make their life miserable too.

Granted you get some bad eggs, it's an unfortunate fact of life. Most of the cops I have encountered have been quite fair.

If I was trying to do my job and a customer started giving me lip I would make their life miserable too.

if i walked in to a shop and u started giving me lip before i did, i'd pucker and not only give u lip, but i'd also give you massive amounts of tongue.

I've been through a bunch of times for RBT, usually its an RBT setup on the side of the road, i have only ever been pulled over for an "RBT" twice. Only one time did the cop ask me about mods on my car and wanted to check under the hood. Took a quick look and let me go on my way.

I remember one RBT setup i went through the cop asked me if i had a pod filter, i told him i did but it was all boxed up. He then ask's if he had a look under the hood would he find an illegal blow off valve, i told him no. He says "oh ok so you know all the rules?", i told him yes i do and he said that it was ok that i could go.

About 2 weeks ago i was coming home from work around 3 and there was an RBT setup on the hume hwy. I got flagged in for an RBT, the cop was really nice to me. Had a quick conversation about my car and then let me go. Said to have a nice day and to drive safe.

I've never had a problem with a cop. I think that if they are rude to you when you have not done anything wrong then you should report it.

Tell them the truth when they ask you a question, there is no point lying because if they do catch you out, they arent going to believe anything else you say and will check everything.

the week my car got my car back from the panel beaters from full respray and wide body kit, i went for a bit of a cruise

but i didnt have my front plate fitted but it was on my front windscreen. anyway i was at a set of lights and there was a cop across the roads at a different set of lights

a soon as they saw me, there lights went on a went through the red, so im like f**k this, i went for it hammered down the highway went through the back streets,

i though got away so went it the servo to get a drink, as i was walking back out there he was got out and said to me you got away pretty fast from me i usally keep up pretty well,

i said oh yer i was doing the speed limit,

he said i only wanted to no why your front number plate wasnt fitted

i could tell he didnt belive me, then out of no where he start talking bout my car this and that.

he even called my car the bat moble we both cracked up and laughed

anyway he told me my car was too low but he let me off,

he said have a great night and i said you to mate

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