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Guest SeZz

Its amazing, just passing thru the forums I realised how much you guys bag commos. Now im not a commo or a skyline owner but fk its really sad.....here you all are saying how commo drivers think they are the best, and drive around thinking they are mad to boost their ego's when take a look at yourselves. :rolleyes: You mention all these runs you have had, where you only had 2 cylinders, or you had a slower start off the mark and all this stuff, is this to make you feel better? The aim of a car is to get you from point a to point b not to make u feel good about yourself, boost your ego, and give u a penis extension if everyone stares coz ur car looks half decent. There are shit drivers everywhere, I dont know how you develop this theory that all commo drivers are bogans, or marios or whatever......get over it seriously! :shake: love sezz

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yeah i'm one of them people who have this generalization that commies suck .. so what .. there are others that think that skylines suck .. well good for them .. its my opionion and we live in a free country so i'll keep it ... and it is true .. the amount of stupid P platers in vk or vn's hooning around the streets pisses me off .. i've had too many occasions where they've almost hit me ... it pisses me off ... i've never ever had a bad experience with other drivers besides frikin taxis ... they piss me off too .. and theres nothing wrong with bagging other cars ... its like football .. u barrick for one team .. u bag the rest even though their team is better ... and ffs its just a forum so don't go taking it all personal ...

Originally posted by Ronin 09

oh piss off... not everyone is of that opinion. Don't come in and cast generalizations. Thank you, come again.

bahahaaaaaaa :rofl:

that pretty much sums it up!! lmao

SeZz, honestly...we don't ALL hate Commodores in here. They just seem to be the ones who try to race us the most, so they get the most bagging :D

As for the bogan comment....didn't you realise that we're all ricer homeboys in here?? Go to a Commodore forum and you'll see! Stereotypes work both ways :rolleyes:

p.s. keep this thread civil guys... ;)

Just want to say that we don't all hate commies, geez my b/f has had every commie u can imagine, but doesn't mean I'd drive one though!!

I'm with hippy though, taxi drivers are pretty much the worst drivers out there, along with people driving those old square sh*& box XF Falcons!!!!! I've almost been run off the road by a few of them!!! No offence if anyone here has one!!!! :rofl:

And yes, I'd say P platers in VLs are the most common ones pulling up next to you and asking to have their doors blown off :rolleyes:

I love the V8s (had a tidy HJ GTS Monaro) and the Jap/Euro 6s but p-platers in VNs really irk me. On top of that, where i am there is a common perception that you don't restore old Jap cars unless it's an RX2/3/4 Mazda. On top of that, my old GT-B has a 2.5L Gloria straight-six in it (forefather to the RB25) i'm always getting comments off my Torana SL/R 5000-driving mates about milk and orange juice...

My reply is "only cheap wine comes in 5L"

woot.. somebody is brave..

The aim of a car is to get you from point a to point b not to make u feel good about yourself, boost your ego, and give u a penis extension if everyone stares coz ur car looks half decent.

Yes, well a skyline does all of this, but quicker, in more style, cheaper, with more comfort, with better handling, and more efficiently than any commondoor :rolleyes: So which would an intelligent person choose?

And well lets face it, commodores are just plain ****ing BORING so well if you are a boring person and enjoy boring things and that is your life then good luck to you. I have nothing against commodores actually - but for people to actually claim they are anything more than an A->B family car is stretching things.

If that is what people want then go for it, but what gets to me is some commodore owners think their car is some beast of engineering, power, chick magnet, or whatever else when they are clearly living in a dream world.


Things that is really gay about commondores.

1: They all drive a bathurst winning race car and win every race they have on the street, and if they loose ? they get PISSED off and want to bash your head and car in with a bass ball bat.

2: VL Commodore Turbo drivers drive around with HSV on rear & Large holden sticker on front windscreen and they think that Holdens

3: they ALLWAYS have to over take you at a high speed because they think they are faster then you

4: Fluffy Dice. Lets not forget about that!!

5: Usually have a sticker on them saying "only milk and juice come in 2 litres" or one of those "pissing on ford" stickers when Fords kick holdens arse.

6: after all this THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A HOLDEN. Opel Body's. Nissan Engines. Buik Engines or German Imports. So lets all flop our dicks out AND HAVE A BIG WANK!!! PFFFT

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