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Ok guys. My friend got this car. And its really weird.

R33 GTS25 non turbo R33

The thing has got GTR rear gaurds GTR bonnet (shitloads lighter then my gtst bonnet) (GTR Rear Wing). No Hicas and a 95 series 2 engine (with no ignitor box) on a 93 Model body.

Has a front bar with a massive space for a intercooler but no cooler and no mesh covering up the hole. So i suspect maybe there was a intercooler there at one stage?

The engine is absolutly stock. No mods what to ever. It has a big exaust system

It came from japan with real low suspention which was changed to stock.

What was this car ? was it a turbo model ? a drifter ? a racer ? or was it owned by some geek jappo who wanted it to look fast but go slow ???

How do we tell ???

It uses SHITLOADS of fuel. only gets 300 - 350km per tank and its NON turbo. Surely it should do better then that.

Any suggestions ?!?

How do we find out if its using a turbo or non turbo computer ?

That does sound a little off...

It sounds like the car was pretty modified at one stage, but in oder to get it past "shaken" (Japanese vehicle inspection rip-off), the owner had to remove all the parts that were gonna defect the vehicle. Hence the WTF GT-R rear guards and high fuel consumption.

Theres no real way to tell EXACTLY what happened, but this mixed-up car looks like:

It had a powerful turbo motor at one stage, which was sold sperately.

It had a serious wheel and tyre combo, explaining the rear guards.

It was probably used for street racing/some "yanki's" (car freak) weekend thrasher.

It was probably for sale here for a long time, but no sale, so the owner sold off all the good parts, then flogged the car.

As for the fuel consumption, thats a mystery. I would think that, if there was a powerful turbo'd motor in there and he sold it, he would've sold the computer too... but I really don't know.

Get it to a Skyline specialist?

maybe the result of some Frankenstein cut-n-shut job? Does it have the front flared guards?

Check the hub/brake assemblies

4 stud, small front calipers = non turbo

5 stud, big front calipers = turbo

However these can obviously be changed

Diff size? does anyone know if the non turbo has a smaller diff than the turbo?

Dash - does it have factory boost under the tacho?

Sounds weird, but i wouldn't mind the F-A-T rear end on my GTS-t :rolleyes:

Oh, Turbo/non turbo computer - i assume that getting the exact code on the ECU and even going to a nissan dealer you should be able to figure out its origins. I know nunawading nissan parts can get access to jap records of cars and codes.

Thanks for the reply guys

Its got 5 stud wheels all round. The gaurds look like my GTST gaurds... they are not heaps fatter ???

ohhh No boost gauge in dash. Non turbo dash.

a chicky owns this car so she doesnt mind as long as it drives well and its safe then she is happy.

I will take some photos next time i see her.

I did notice there was wires and plugs for the HICAS computer in the boot. Does that make a difference ?

I am pretty sure its got GTST suspention because they swapped it out with anotherone's standard suspention.

Her boss imported the car from Japan like this. so its how it came from Japan.

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