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no explode made my arse explode.


actually it was NOKO. a perth based company imports it and re-labels it from the usa. cheap stuff.. caffeine snd what have you

felt like heaps energetic


later that night at the queens a pee'd hard out of my ass. it hurt me bad. esp the fact i had to make a dirty snap at the queens toilets. the end.

Since i started working out properly i've been doing my reading online, listening to people give me their philosophies on weight training (i.e. getting 6 opinions from 5 different people) and i've come to realise a few different things which might help some people out there:

- you DO need carbs to be able to work out efficiently, how much though and WHEN is the key. 5-7 meals seems to be the average around my neck of the woods and it consists of consuming them evenly throughout the day but get them in before say 1-2pm, earlier than that if you work out at that time (i work out at around 6pm and stop consuming carbs at 1pm. i tend to fit in 3 protein shakes throughout the day and fit in my daily carb consumption within the first 2, breakfast includes 3 weetbix, between lunch and dinner is 2 and post workout shake = no weetbix, why weetbix? its a good complex carb, complex carbs help you break-down proteins and energy more efficiently. fill in your other meals with high protein foods and greens.

- FORM is the key to getting the best results, no matter what it is you're doing at the gym. i see a whole bunch of big boys at the gym who work out to look good. then i see a whole bunch of MASSIVE boys who concentrate on form more than how much they lift and the difference is very noticeable. the boys who concentrate on form lift less weight but increase every 2 weeks or so. the big boys will sit on the same weight for alot longer.

- suppliments work if you know how to get the most out of them. go and get a blood test done to see if you're lacking any vitamins, thats the best start in my opinion. personally im low on iron and ive got slightly lower blood pressure - so i eat more red meats and add mushrooms to my salads and do more cardio. its what works for your body as im sure has been mentioned before.

also, you can consume all the proteins in the world and your body wont be able to absorb it. you need to help your body become an energy burning machine, complex carbs and fruit are great for this - i always fit one or both after a protein shake and always eat fruit after a meal - the lower in sugar the fruit the better.

- dont be naive and think that everyone at the gym got to their sizes naturally. most of the big boys have hit the juice at some stage so dont beat yourself up over going to the gym for a year and seeing smaller gains than most. as long as you feel stronger and fitter than the month before then you're on the right track.

- hitting the treadmill is beneficial after a weights workout. interval training is great. the idea is to keep your heart rate moving which makes your body use up more energy as it tries to catch up with your movements. since i started interval training (on the bike) ive been leaving the gym with my shirts almost drenched whereas before when i would keep a constant speed and just feel tired but not sweat as much.

only suppliments im on are protain and tribulus tabs and the occasional hit of animal m stack (which does make me feel pumped after a workout).

ive JUST started getting back into it properly after a long holiday overseas.

im not anywhere near big, but im noticing big changes since ive been working out smarter.

EDIT: forgot to add that CORE training also helps when you're trying to lift heavy, ever since i started core training (abs, obliques, back) i had to add weight to almost every exercise. i do the plank alot too which is #1, try it.. it looks gay but its an awesome workout.

Edited by SECURITY
Since i started working out properly i've been doing my reading online, listening to people give me their philosophies on weight training (i.e. getting 6 opinions from 5 different people) and i've come to realise a few different things which might help some people out there:

- you DO need carbs to be able to work out efficiently, how much though and WHEN is the key. 5-7 meals seems to be the average around my neck of the woods and it consists of consuming them evenly throughout the day but get them in before say 1-2pm, earlier than that if you work out at that time (i work out at around 6pm and stop consuming carbs at 1pm. i tend to fit in 3 protein shakes throughout the day and fit in my daily carb consumption within the first 2, breakfast includes 3 weetbix, between lunch and dinner is 2 and post workout shake = no weetbix, why weetbix? its a good complex carb, complex carbs help you break-down proteins and energy more efficiently. fill in your other meals with high protein foods and greens.

- FORM is the key to getting the best results, no matter what it is you're doing at the gym. i see a whole bunch of big boys at the gym who work out to look good. then i see a whole bunch of MASSIVE boys who concentrate on form more than how much they lift and the difference is very noticeable. the boys who concentrate on form lift less weight but increase every 2 weeks or so. the big boys will sit on the same weight for alot longer.

- suppliments work if you know how to get the most out of them. go and get a blood test done to see if you're lacking any vitamins, thats the best start in my opinion. personally im low on iron and ive got slightly lower blood pressure - so i eat more red meats and add mushrooms to my salads and do more cardio. its what works for your body as im sure has been mentioned before.

also, you can consume all the proteins in the world and your body wont be able to absorb it. you need to help your body become an energy burning machine, complex carbs and fruit are great for this - i always fit one or both after a protein shake and always eat fruit after a meal - the lower in sugar the fruit the better.

- dont be naive and think that everyone at the gym got to their sizes naturally. most of the big boys have hit the juice at some stage so dont beat yourself up over going to the gym for a year and seeing smaller gains than most. as long as you feel stronger and fitter than the month before then you're on the right track.

- hitting the treadmill is beneficial after a weights workout. interval training is great. the idea is to keep your heart rate moving which makes your body use up more energy as it tries to catch up with your movements. since i started interval training (on the bike) ive been leaving the gym with my shirts almost drenched whereas before when i would keep a constant speed and just feel tired but not sweat as much.

only suppliments im on are protain and tribulus tabs and the occasional hit of animal m stack (which does make me feel pumped after a workout).

ive JUST started getting back into it properly after a long holiday overseas.

im not anywhere near big, but im noticing big changes since ive been working out smarter.

EDIT: forgot to add that CORE training also helps when you're trying to lift heavy, ever since i started core training (abs, obliques, back) i had to add weight to almost every exercise. i do the plank alot too which is #1, try it.. it looks gay but its an awesome workout.

Not a bad post. However I have to say I am a little sceptical about the Alleged benefits of Tribulus. I have heard so many claims of Tribulus increasing testosterone, Yet I dont recall seeing any official lab reports that can back this up. I have used it before and never noticed any difference.

Do you know why your heart is pumping fast? It's just full of sugar. It does not give you an increase in strength and recovery, it's all placebo effect. I bet if i gave you panadol and told you it was a pill you would act off your head too.

Never bothered checking the contents or the amount of sugar it may have... but the amount of energy it gives me to burn can't be replaced by another product.

I've consumed two tea spoons this stuff before 7pm in a glass of water, now its 1am and i can't fooking sleep. Where before 6pm, i was already drained and tired. Few hours later im bouncing around.

Edited by Barbarian
Never bothered checking the contents or the amount of sugar it may have... but the amount of energy it gives me to burn can't be replaced by another product.

I've consumed two tea spoons this stuff before 7pm in a glass of water, now its 1am and i can't fooking sleep. Where before 6pm, i was already drained and tired. Few hours later im bouncing around.

No offence but this is not a reliable experiment by any means and doesn't consider a large other number of factors that could result in you not sleeping. In saying that I have not read the rest of the conversationg about this and could be completely wrong in what I am saying.

Not a bad post. However I have to say I am a little sceptical about the Alleged benefits of Tribulus. I have heard so many claims of Tribulus increasing testosterone, Yet I dont recall seeing any official lab reports that can back this up. I have used it before and never noticed any difference.

all i really notice is my body temp is a higher than normal and im on the shitter alot more so its doing something - whether or not its beneficial at the gym is what im testing at the moment but i feel that i will be making the same conclusion as you.

Never bothered checking the contents or the amount of sugar it may have... but the amount of energy it gives me to burn can't be replaced by another product.

I've consumed two tea spoons this stuff before 7pm in a glass of water, now its 1am and i can't fooking sleep. Where before 6pm, i was already drained and tired. Few hours later im bouncing around.

Why not just have 5 spoons of coffee before you go to the gym then? :P

hey guys just started my bulking phase, will be doing it untill mid october, so far im 5 days in and iv put on 2kg >_< (no creatine, pre workouts or mass building proteins) will post results when im half way thru and completed, then will be cutting from mid october for 6 weeks. Never done this before but with the help of a very good mate of mine who has helped me with my training since december last year im confident ill get to where i wana be.

hey guys just started my bulking phase, will be doing it untill mid october, so far im 5 days in and iv put on 2kg :rolleyes: (no creatine, pre workouts or mass building proteins) will post results when im half way thru and completed, then will be cutting from mid october for 6 weeks. Never done this before but with the help of a very good mate of mine who has helped me with my training since december last year im confident ill get to where i wana be.

Goodluck! will be definatly interested to see how u go.

Ive used quite a lot of different supplements to see what benefits me the most, im usually using whey protein isolate type drinks for post workout, the best ones Ive used so far are:

Muscle asylums FREAK FIX, Optimum nutrition's 100% gold, and Aussie bodies Isolate all taste pretty decent which is a big + for me and have been working out pretty well!

As for Pre workout ive used:

Muscle Asylums Creadex and Altered Body i found that Altered body made me get a big agro after using it

3ish times a week so i though it best to stop lol but the credex didnt have any adverse effects on me but i didnt

notice much of a different workout or results.....might be just me

I would not reccommend using the majority of supplements u can get from workout world because they are WAY over priced last i was in there and they all tasted really bad compared to the others not to mention the

sleepless nights running to and from the loo!! lol

hope my input helps!


Edited by OB55ES

but of a plug here. Anyone in the northern suburbs of melb or seem to be in the epping area visit Energizone.. best pricing you will find and also the biggest range!! www.energizone.net Just ask for Tony.


actually it was NOKO. a perth based company imports it and re-labels it from the usa. cheap stuff.. caffeine snd what have you

felt like heaps energetic


later that night at the queens a pee'd hard out of my ass. it hurt me bad. esp the fact i had to make a dirty snap at the queens toilets. the end.

I was working out at the gym and had to rush downstairs to the toilets. I totally ruined the toilet bowl. Poor cleaner

I been doing gym for about 6-8 months now.. started taking Max's protein shit in the beginning. seemed to work ok.. and has the right amount of protein in it..

i then jumped on creatine from universal nutrition. seemed to work fine also but as said it only really holds water and most gains are lost..

now i am using ultimate nutrition isomassextreme-blkbgd.jpg

it has similar amounts of protein in it and also lots of amino acids that are needed. along with the carbss brahh!!

we do drop set's combined with negatives at the moment and i have found they are the best to give you the pain :yes:

say 60kg start. pump untill you cant, then do negatives, drop off 10-15kg and repeat all in the one set.. and keep going untill your lifting the bar.. or atleast try to lift the bar.. fun times..

i buy most of my stuff from http://www.vitaminking.com.au/

P.s. Joe (SECURITY) where do you train? you were from the area (revesby way) yeah??

yeah im from that area but i work out at sylvania fitness first, bankstown is rubbish so i dont bother going there dude. its all about who can lift the most weight with 4 guys spotting you, then drop your weights on the floor, walk away, get a bench and talk on the phone for 5mins between sets. its shit.

where do you work out?

yeah im from that area but i work out at sylvania fitness first, bankstown is rubbish so i dont bother going there dude. its all about who can lift the most weight with 4 guys spotting you, then drop your weights on the floor, walk away, get a bench and talk on the phone for 5mins between sets. its shit.

where do you work out?

Ha thats funny, sounds a lot like some of the Gyms that I have been to. I just dont get it with some of these guys, They load up a bar with FAR more weight than they could possibly lift for one rep on their own.And then get a few spotters to lift the bar for them. WTF is with that ? Hell why not just get a forklift up in the Gym and load a thousand kilos and bench that? How they are supposed to feel the pump training like that beats me. Yet you will almost never see these guys doing squats. These are the guys who wear trackpants the whole year round because their legs are so small and underdeveloped they look like they have spent their life confined to a wheelchair....

Edited by GTR-32U

Who else in on the BSC Tornado Force 10? Awesome pre-workout drink, good recommendation! Keeps you going for the whole workout and doesn't fade off after a few sets. Joined that with my BSC Mass Monster + oats, BCAA and Glutamine...nice supplement setup :P

But then again...it's all about dieting. A proper diet will kill it any and everyday.

Who else in on the BSC Tornado Force 10? Awesome pre-workout drink, good recommendation! Keeps you going for the whole workout and doesn't fade off after a few sets. Joined that with my BSC Mass Monster + oats, BCAA and Glutamine...nice supplement setup :D

But then again...it's all about dieting. A proper diet will kill it any and everyday.

Havent tried that BSC one yet. I was on one called shock therapy which was pretty good. Have yet to try out your diet tips with the oats,BCAA. on my to-do-list

Havent tried that BSC one yet. I was on one called shock therapy which was pretty good. Have yet to try out your diet tips with the oats,BCAA. on my to-do-list

Yup just mix some oats into your shakes, start of with a bit then gradually put more in as you continue. How many shakes you drinking a day? I suggest you do 3 shakes, 2 at least! Try getting a diet routine happening and eating every 3 or so hours, which will come to about 7 meals a day which includes the 3 shakes. Mix a teaspoon of glutamine into your shakes along with the oats.

Get the BSC Tornado 10. you will love it. Put two scoops of it into 300ml of water and zip it before you workout...i would drink it 20 minutes before you workout though like it says...i done it once like straight before my workout and my stomach wasn't being too friendly haha.

Do you have a during workout drink? If not i suggest going to the local supermarket and getting a tub of powerade powder, they give you a scoop in it, it's like $10 or so. Get one of those 1 litre powerade bottles while your at it haha it will do you good :( Fill up the bottle with water, put a scoop of powerade into it, a teaspoon of your BCAA and Glutamine.

Anything else you want to know, feel free to ask :P

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