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So what you are telling me is that someone who was as skinny as i was started taking roids, only ate 3 times a day and did not know how to lift at all would get big? Come on.......

But yes, lots of people waste their money on cycles and then end up shrinking back to what they were in the first place because they don't take any PCT, stop training hard and eating as much once they come off.

Nice arms mehmet, how long you been training for?

He wont get massive, however he will put on size. I have seen it many times, Guys who have no fking idea how to train.but they do know how to gear up.. They do make gains, Not permanent gains but nonetheless something there....

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Hmmm couldn't edit above post...

Steroids don't make you big though, they just give you a boost. You can inject someone with no idea about diet and training with 10 litres of roids a day and they won't grow.

AAS does make you big. Of course you need proper training and diet as you said, but with those two in check, AAS does make you alot bigger than you would become naturally.

I do not think Ronnie Coleman would be the size he was if he never used AAS.

I'm not really sure why you took AAS when you had so much more natural gains to make. Why not use it when you've reached all you can naturally?

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because natural takes time.

ive often thought about it.. just because im 6"1' and was 55kg ringing wet... i thought if used it for a bit and bumped myself up to 70kg... and then maintained it and worked up from there... but i never did and im grateful for not doing it. its just the whole "get rich quick" type of thing. noone wants to put in the hard work anymore, they all want a short cut. hence why the respect is lost.

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in my opinion anyone who is 21 years old and a decent weight should not even think about using AAS unless you have peaked in natural mass. Im thinking of jumping on it, and i will jump on it, but not right now. If i can pack on 3kg in 9 days naturally then i can pack on alot more with a better diet. Once i have everything in check, i wont needa use as much AAS as other guys use and i would get much much better gains. All AAS is, is something that maximises your gains, thats all.

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because natural takes time.

ive often thought about it.. just because im 6"1' and was 55kg ringing wet... i thought if used it for a bit and bumped myself up to 70kg... and then maintained it and worked up from there... but i never did and im grateful for not doing it. its just the whole "get rich quick" type of thing. noone wants to put in the hard work anymore, they all want a short cut. hence why the respect is lost.

Fantastic post..! very true, Its the quick fix...There is no shortcut to greatness full stop. Call me old fashioned but I am a big believer in doing things the "proper" way.

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Fantastic post..! very true, Its the quick fix...There is no shortcut to greatness full stop. Call me old fashioned but I am a big believer in doing things the "proper" way.

I kind of disagree. Yes i think its pretty weak the smaller guys jumping on gear to get big quick becaue they think its the answer. Massive for summer then die down after summer and end up with low test levels..

But gear makes it harder for you, you need to train harder and more efficient, eat a crapload more, rest right etc etc.. What are you supposed to do when you hit your natural physique limit? you need something to pass your limit.. Thats when you turn to AAS.

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AAS does make you big. Of course you need proper training and diet as you said, but with those two in check, AAS does make you alot bigger than you would become naturally.

I do not think Ronnie Coleman would be the size he was if he never used AAS.

I'm not really sure why you took AAS when you had so much more natural gains to make. Why not use it when you've reached all you can naturally?

Yeah but my post was saying would they get big if they had no idea what they were doing. I never said they don't make you big.. only if you know how to diet and train in the first place.

I jumped on it because honestly i didn't want to take so long to get big. Wether anyone thinks that's soft or not i couldn't give a f**k about really because it's MY body and i want to get in the best condition i can be in. So i don't care if i have to take creatine or roids to do it, as long as it gets me big in as little time. I still have to work hard for it, even twice as hard as the natural guy because i am in the gym twice a day when possible and for probably double the amount of time a natural guy can train for. Is it a get big quick scheme? Of course, that's why i go to the gym to get big, so i'll do what it takes. Does it make me soft or not wanting to put in hardwork? Hell no, i'm probably training harder than every natural guy in the gym.

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Ye they give you a boost. They don't make you big unless you do everything else right. If you aren't doing anything right no amount of juice will make you big.

Not really correct.

Someone using AAS with an average diet and an average workout routine/technique will still gain more than someone of the same diet/routine who is not taking AAS.

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or alot of creatine... but no shit most of the guys at FF in the nortern suburbs have massive arms, traps and tris.. but no chest/shoulders legs or back.. and are loaded with dbol because their too scared to inject... no clue what-so-ever

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Not really correct.

Someone using AAS with an average diet and an average workout routine/technique will still gain more than someone of the same diet/routine who is not taking AAS.

True, but they wouldn't be getting big, they would be increasing at a rate that they would have been naturally if they were doing everything right. That's why people should be training naturally for a few years so they know what they are doing to get the max out of their cycle once they hit it. The receptors will be nice and fresh and you will grow faster than your penis when your about to slay some chick lol.

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True, but they wouldn't be getting big, they would be increasing at a rate that they would have been naturally if they were doing everything right. That's why people should be training naturally for a few years so they know what they are doing to get the max out of their cycle once they hit it. The receptors will be nice and fresh and you will grow faster than your penis when your about to slay some chick lol.

Did you train naturally for a few years before you did AAS?

or alot of creatine... but no shit most of the guys at FF in the nortern suburbs have massive arms, traps and tris.. but no chest/shoulders legs or back.. and are loaded with dbol because their too scared to inject... no clue what-so-ever

Not to mention suppressing their natural Testosterone production to zero.

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