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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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Yeah but my post was saying would they get big if they had no idea what they were doing. I never said they don't make you big.. only if you know how to diet and train in the first place.

I jumped on it because honestly i didn't want to take so long to get big. Wether anyone thinks that's soft or not i couldn't give a f**k about really because it's MY body and i want to get in the best condition i can be in. So i don't care if i have to take creatine or roids to do it, as long as it gets me big in as little time. I still have to work hard for it, even twice as hard as the natural guy because i am in the gym twice a day when possible and for probably double the amount of time a natural guy can train for. Is it a get big quick scheme? Of course, that's why i go to the gym to get big, so i'll do what it takes. Does it make me soft or not wanting to put in hardwork? Hell no, i'm probably training harder than every natural guy in the gym.

Sorry mate but time to correct you on some " ideas" that you have. Train harder than us natural guys ? You are really got to be kidding here. Fact is with us natural guys, If we dont put in the hard work-the gains just arent there full stop. I would really,Really love to see your idea of hard work. As very few from your age at most gyms dont even know the meaning of the word. Tried squatting with near 200kg on your back with a spotter pushing you well beyond your failing point to the point of Vomiting afterwards ? Been there done that. Not meaning to have a go at you or anything like that, But i have seen many young guys over the years with a similar outlook as yours.The "big" at any expense mentality. And I cant think of even one that lasted longer than 5 years. They all burnout until a new fad comes along

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or alot of creatine... but no shit most of the guys at FF in the nortern suburbs have massive arms, traps and tris.. but no chest/shoulders legs or back.. and are loaded with dbol because their too scared to inject... no clue what-so-ever

lol too true :P

neglecting main body parts end up with distorted body proportion

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ive been using bsn no-explode as an energy supplement...thats some crazy stuff aye.

so i take it noone has used it lol

I'll second this. I had some really good results with no-explode. It tastes like shit but definitley seems to work!

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about 95% of people in gyms these days.. anyone who sorta looks big is on Dbol.

I sorta look big and I'm not on anything Phillis...so there goes that theory.

A lot of that mind set comes from those that may not be as big as the guy they're comparing themselves too, so he must be gearing...

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Sorry mate but time to correct you on some " ideas" that you have. Train harder than us natural guys ? You are really got to be kidding here. Fact is with us natural guys, If we dont put in the hard work-the gains just arent there full stop. I would really,Really love to see your idea of hard work. As very few from your age at most gyms dont even know the meaning of the word. Tried squatting with near 200kg on your back with a spotter pushing you well beyond your failing point to the point of Vomiting afterwards ? Been there done that. Not meaning to have a go at you or anything like that, But i have seen many young guys over the years with a similar outlook as yours.The "big" at any expense mentality. And I cant think of even one that lasted longer than 5 years. They all burnout until a new fad comes along

Yeah of course you have to work harder to get the gains becuase there is no chemical assistance, but you wouldn't be able to train as long as someone on steroids would. How hard you push is up to the individual person wether you are on roids or not. Anyone can be lazy and punch out an easy weight.

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Yes it is, but a person on gear can train for longer. I would love to see a natural person train for 2 hours and pump out similar weight at the end of those 2 hours to what he did at the start compared to someone with chemical assistance. It's not possible, you are burnt out within 45 mins - hour generally.

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Yes it is, but a person on gear can train for longer. I would love to see a natural person train for 2 hours and pump out similar weight at the end of those 2 hours to what he did at the start compared to someone with chemical assistance. It's not possible, you are burnt out within 45 mins - hour generally.

Mate , I do see your point ...i really do, However Gear or no gear there is no need to be training for so long. If you are training for more than 1.5 hrs then the effects are going to be cannibalistic.ie Look up overtraining-muscle Cannibalism. In other words you are going to be burning away muscle. If you have a look at quite a lot of the top Pro Bodybuilders are doing you will often find that a lot of them are adopting the high Intensity workout programs. ie look up Mike Mentzers High intensity training ( old school legend )...You will find that the trend here is less is more as far as time is concerned. Of course this form of training has its sceptics, But I guess its up to the individual to discover when they are fatigued

Mate on another note , i am pretty concerned with you using Gear at such a young age, and with such a small amount of years training under your belt. i am not sure if you are aware but when on gear the muscle will grow and strengthen a lot faster than tendons/ligaments will. In fact I can think of 2 guys at my Gym right now who have both put themselves out for at least a year because they have torn muscles. Believe me it isnt some Body building magazine myth, It does happen and the effects are permanent. Expensive surgery can repair " some " of the damage but it nevers looks quite right again. I realise when you are young its easy to be impatient and want 10 years training results yesterday. It takes years of hard work. Something to consider if you want to be doing it for the long haul

Edited by GTR-32U
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Yeah it is reccomended that you're not in the gym for longer than an hour. I am usually in there for an hour and a half, but with that said it is both me and my trainer training so it works out to be all good ;)

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I'm in and out in 40 or so minutes, unless I'm doing cardio that is. But that's in, train (on my own) and out, no talking to anyone etc which quickly drags a workout time out to over an hour if you're chatting in between sets

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I'm in and out in 40 or so minutes, unless I'm doing cardio that is. But that's in, train (on my own) and out, no talking to anyone etc which quickly drags a workout time out to over an hour if you're chatting in between sets

wow thats great! 40 or so minutes is really hauling Ass....Is that 2 bodyparts a day or just one ?

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Well it all depends fellas.

If you want to get big you need to take plenty of rest between your sets,

If aiming to tone up and burn fat at the same time, take minimum rest in sets

I'm in the gym no less than 1.5hrs

Hmmm thats debatable...Take too long and your simply going to lose the pump. I mean certain bodyparts may need a bit more trime, eg Squats, Benchpress etc otherwise you just aint going to have the lift power. but other bodyparts like Biceps and Triceps i think you really dont want getting cold

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wow thats great! 40 or so minutes is really hauling Ass....Is that 2 bodyparts a day or just one ?

Just one a day at the moment, but starting a new program next week so it'll be two per day

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I'm in and out in 40 or so minutes, unless I'm doing cardio that is. But that's in, train (on my own) and out, no talking to anyone etc which quickly drags a workout time out to over an hour if you're chatting in between sets

Dude thats pretty intense, 1 bodypart im guessing in that 40 mins or so right. I used to do 1 and a half hour workouts, though yesterday finished shoulders and traps in 45 mins, i was absolutely drained afterwards ..... though if i was doin chest and triceps in a workout, there would be no way i could finish that in 45 mins.

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