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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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Dumb idea doing 'roids. Lots of the people I know who did them weren't even serious about their fitness. Just a perceived 'easy' way to look ripped etc. Idiots who aren't looking after themselves.

You got to get out of this idea that all that matters is the size of your biceps and how much you can bench.

Been there done that in my early 20's. Was a buzz I guess. Now I prefer a good all round fitness with running etc. Also stuff like staying flexible and looking after my body more. I've had loads of bad injuries...and currently need surgery on my shoulder. Don't want to be superman anymore.

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I havn't read the whole thread but I have recently finished my tub of Body Science Hydroxyburn Pro which is a high grade protein/weight loss mix and I thought that it worked very well for what I wanted to acheive (grow bigger and then get some definition).

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just weighed myself on monday 7-9-09 and weighing in at 90.5kg 3 weeks in (Started at 85KG) still have untill the end of september to try get close to 95.

John Cena has a pretty killer physique.. But Kevin Levrone in his 40s is pretty killer


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i weighed myself just then on our super dooper freight weigher.. no shoes but clothed.. 75kg.. im 25 and 6'1", i started when i was 21... and was 55kg.. so 4 years, 20kg gained.. and always staying reasonably lean.. id like to be 80kg by christmas.. i think for my height, 85kg should see me with a reasonably comfortable physique.. not too big, but not small.. aslong as i can fill out a medium t shirt.. ill be stoked.

john cena and kevin levrones physiques are amplified by the fact they are usable in the real world.. say what you like about wwe wrestling but its a highly athletic activity and they cant have off seasons. kevin levrone is a martial arts dude isnt he?? thats now into acting??

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nah he was in the mr. olympia.. watch his vids on youtube when he was in his prime.. 200kg behind the neck presses.. BEST bodybuilding physique in my opinion.

im around 5'8" or 5'9" and weighing 90.5kg

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just weighed myself on monday 7-9-09 and weighing in at 90.5kg 3 weeks in (Started at 85KG) still have untill the end of september to try get close to 95.

John Cena has a pretty killer physique.. But Kevin Levrone in his 40s is pretty killer



Howabout bodybuilding legend Ed Corney shown competing at the age of 64 ? That guy is simply immortal

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OK a quick question as I'm clueless in this department-

When you're doing a bicep curl to failure with the maximum weight you can use for your given amount of reps/sets, is it a good idea to then step down and just use a smaller weight as a bit of a warm down or just stop and move on?

Yeah ramadan is pwning my mates at the moment, long practical sessions at uni are proving a bit too much for them mentally, hats off to you guys...I couldn't do it

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that depends on your rep range and your set range..

if you are aiming for 10-12 reps... and on your first set, you manage 6 reps... then you need to go lighter.. if you reach 12 reps easy... you need to up the weight.

if you hit 10 reps on your first set, 8 on your second set, and can only manage 6 on your last... then drop a bit of weight off and continue until you hit desired rep range or failure.

some people do full reps at lower weight, some people start each set at their desired weight and keep dropping off at each failure point and keep going until they finish the set.

whatever you feel like doing really.

drop sets are to get the absolute expenditure from your muscles... the lighter weight works the back up muscles when the big ones are toast.. dont use it as a warm down though.. you muscles need to be punished... just stretch them after each set and rest.

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Haha yeah Ramadan is pwning alot of people atm, some are still training while fasting but yeah I just didn't see any point since no food is feeding the muscles or anything. Just have to cop the one month good and hope to get back to it sooner rather than later! haha.

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i'm been neglecting gym for the past few weeks now due to Ramazan month, can only attend 2-3 days a week at max, really taking it easy but once the month is over get back into full on.

Currently weighing at 92kg with about 13-14% body fat

By years end i am planning on gaining another 3-4kg getting to a top of 95kg but at the same time reducing my body fat to around 9-10%...

It's not an easy task by all means but with sheer determination and keeping my self motivated, i will achieve my goal by december. That means i will be spending at minimum 5 days a week at the gym. Focusing on each body part individually.. quads & calf, bi's & tri's, chest, delts & traps, lats etc..

bi's are at 18" in circumference








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