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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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Yeah that link is good but i dont know what to buy or what i would need???

Yeah may try the weight but i think first i am gonna do my reps way closer to together as opposed to over and hr, now gonna get em done within 10 minutes well hopefully....

Supp's aren't going to do a lot dude.

You need to increase the weight.

As someone said, fill a backpack up. Try using big hardcover books or something.

Or simply have someone apply some resistance to your back with their leg or something, they will have to be able to do it uniformly though or it is kinda pointless.

If they can then you will certainly not be able to do the same amount now. 5 sets of 25 reps is pretty high, to build strength you want to be

1x warmup (no weight)

2-3x weight upto about 10-12 reps

You will soon see a marked difference once you apply this method.

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Ahh so you reckon the key thing here is running?? i can do that!! i thought it was spaced out enough to let the muscles recover hence differant excerises on differant days...

After reading that i think my problem sounds like its down to space between reps ie 10 or 20 minutes (when maybe a few minutes instead is correct) before the next rep plus my diet isnt the best tbh...

I shall try the one you have suggested for a few weeks with reps within 1 or 2 minutes then, and see how i go, is it wise to have the weekend too recover do you think??

And by increasing to this newer routine would i benefit from any kind of protein shakes etc or would they be a waste, i dont want to get into doing weights just body resistance for now and running more...

And thanks again :geek:

Yes, cardiovascular exercise such as running is indeed the key to fitness. Going to the gym and moving copious amounts of weight is strength, but not fitness. The reason your workout wasn't spaced properly: you had two days in a row of situps and two days in a row of leg exercise, leaving no recovery for the previous day but also too much space until you next exercise those muscles. Also, you were only running once a week which will do SFA. Consider that we walk almost everywhere during the course of normal life anyway and getting both legs up in the air for 15-20 minutes out of a 10,080 minute week is nothing, particularly if that time isn't spent pushing yourself (not saying you aren't, just that if you aren't you should be). Best investment you can make for your fitness is a good pair of supportive shoes and a stopwatch. Run the same route each time and attempt to beat your previous times...this is called biometric feedback and it's very important for motivation / setting goals - it tells you that what you are doing is working and that you are closer to achieving these goals. Without timing your runs you will not much fitter than the week you first ran it because you won't know where to push yourself harder :P

You say you leave 10-20 minutes between reps...it sounds to me like you're getting your terminology mixed up. A rep refers to one singular movement of a particular exercise (e.g. up and down motion of a pushup), where as a set refers to a group of these reps performed together (e.g. 1 set of 25 pushups). Now if you're leaving 10-20 minutes between sets then we've found something of a problem. Cut it down to 2 minutes at the most (some people like to do 45 second breaks, but given you're doing alot of reps you can afford the length). Listening to music is a good judge of this (one set a song or two sets a song etc.). Weekend recovery is good...although I have spaced out your exercises so that your muscles will recover the very next day. So should you be feeling energetic on the weekend then just continue the pattern of exercise, but it's not a necessity. Give this stuff atleast 1-2 months before you judge it for improvement...will be interested to hear how you go.

Going to the new routine you could benefit from some sort of protein shake for muscle recovery, but make sure it is a recovery drink and not a muscle mass increaser. Be careful asking for advice at the supplement stores too because the salesmen at these stores are trained to sell you 8 different vitamins/supplements at once and a good deal (read: most) of them do less for your body than carrying the shit home. Shutting down the blokes at GNC is a hobby of mine. Make your intentions very clear; that you only want to get fit and stay fit and you're simply looking for a SINGLE drink for muscle recovery.

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What sort of supplements will I need if I'm going to do some cardio but wanting to put on weight? I'm unfit lol :geek: The way I was going about weight gain before is too slow and I want to help speed things up. Can I even put on weight by doing cardio?

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Dani Boi - google "Tabata Thrusters"

Do them for fitness. bonus is that, unlike jogging on a moving belt or cycling on the spot in an air conditioned room while watching 4 tv's is that these will make you stronger as well.


they only take 4 minutes including rest time.

the rest of you - supplements are by definition, "SUPPLEMENTS".

They are to "supplement" your diet.

you want to get big?


you think you are eating heaps but you are not gaining weight?

add 50% more to each meal.

or, google "GOMAD" and do that.

just reading through this, some people really shouldn't be giving out advice - I won't name names.. people who know what they are talking about will be able to see who the clowns are.

some of the shit on here is like people recommending peter brock energy polarizer for those asking for performance.

seriously, stop sprouting your own version of what you read on some internet page.

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Dani Boi - google "Tabata Thrusters"

Do them for fitness. bonus is that, unlike jogging on a moving belt or cycling on the spot in an air conditioned room while watching 4 tv's is that these will make you stronger as well.


they only take 4 minutes including rest time.

the rest of you - supplements are by definition, "SUPPLEMENTS".

They are to "supplement" your diet.

you want to get big?


you think you are eating heaps but you are not gaining weight?

add 50% more to each meal.

or, google "GOMAD" and do that.

just reading through this, some people really shouldn't be giving out advice - I won't name names.. people who know what they are talking about will be able to see who the clowns are.

some of the shit on here is like people recommending peter brock energy polarizer for those asking for performance.

seriously, stop sprouting your own version of what you read on some internet page.

+1 to that...This is exactly the reason why I prefer to never discuss poundages lifted with people...Its a bit like listening to Fishing stories of the one that got away

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Yes, cardiovascular exercise such as running is indeed the key to fitness. Going to the gym and moving copious amounts of weight is strength, but not fitness. The reason your workout wasn't spaced properly: you had two days in a row of situps and two days in a row of leg exercise, leaving no recovery for the previous day but also too much space until you next exercise those muscles. Also, you were only running once a week which will do SFA. Consider that we walk almost everywhere during the course of normal life anyway and getting both legs up in the air for 15-20 minutes out of a 10,080 minute week is nothing, particularly if that time isn't spent pushing yourself (not saying you aren't, just that if you aren't you should be). Best investment you can make for your fitness is a good pair of supportive shoes and a stopwatch. Run the same route each time and attempt to beat your previous times...this is called biometric feedback and it's very important for motivation / setting goals - it tells you that what you are doing is working and that you are closer to achieving these goals. Without timing your runs you will not much fitter than the week you first ran it because you won't know where to push yourself harder :geek:

You say you leave 10-20 minutes between reps...it sounds to me like you're getting your terminology mixed up. A rep refers to one singular movement of a particular exercise (e.g. up and down motion of a pushup), where as a set refers to a group of these reps performed together (e.g. 1 set of 25 pushups). Now if you're leaving 10-20 minutes between sets then we've found something of a problem. Cut it down to 2 minutes at the most (some people like to do 45 second breaks, but given you're doing alot of reps you can afford the length). Listening to music is a good judge of this (one set a song or two sets a song etc.). Weekend recovery is good...although I have spaced out your exercises so that your muscles will recover the very next day. So should you be feeling energetic on the weekend then just continue the pattern of exercise, but it's not a necessity. Give this stuff atleast 1-2 months before you judge it for improvement...will be interested to hear how you go.

Going to the new routine you could benefit from some sort of protein shake for muscle recovery, but make sure it is a recovery drink and not a muscle mass increaser. Be careful asking for advice at the supplement stores too because the salesmen at these stores are trained to sell you 8 different vitamins/supplements at once and a good deal (read: most) of them do less for your body than carrying the shit home. Shutting down the blokes at GNC is a hobby of mine. Make your intentions very clear; that you only want to get fit and stay fit and you're simply looking for a SINGLE drink for muscle recovery.

Sorry yeah i meant sets, but yeah will now go at it with 2 minutes rest between sets, i have drawn up a new chart for myself basically the exact same as you wrote ie mon run,calfs and squats, tues push ups and sit ups etc, i shall go to the shops monday as well to buy a recovery shake for after each session i have done my excercises... i shall keep ya informed on my improvement and thanks again Gerry.

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if people want to compare apples with apples, you have to do the same things.

a 200kg squat on a squat machine/smith machine/hack squat machine is not a 200kg BB squat to below parallel.

a 100kg shoulder press machine/hammer press machine/seated DB press is not the same as a 100kg standing BB military press.

dead lift using straps or gloves or belts or suits is not a raw deadlift using nothing but chalk and guts.

I don't think I read the words "clean or jerk or snatch" in the 30 pages at all so no use discussing those.

LMAO at the pics of the roid guys with no legs.

and LMAO at discussing the poundage used on preacher curls.

Here's an idea for this thread.

get a video of yourself doing your 1 rep maxes for the following and post them here via pootube

BB Squat

BB Deadlift

BB Flat Bench

BB Power Clean

BB over head press (military or push press or jerk.. your choice)

ALL the above to be RAW.. no gloves, no straps, no belts, no excuses.

having said that, enjoy this vid and I'd like to see if 1 person here can do what this chick can do.. I can't!

Edited by GTST
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Is there any big difference in eating red apples compared to green apples?

I am trying to cut back the amount of sugar intake that I usually have with fruit juices and supplementing it with apples and water...

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no cop!

they are both sugar.

If you want to watch your weight and want to eat apples, eat them in the morning.

same goes for most/all fruit.

an apple or glass of orange juice is still better for you then a glass of coke but if weight loss is your aim, then every bit of sugar you can cut down easily should be done.

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lol... in replying to 200 I typed "p1g" and it changed to cop..

see p1g.. once a p1g, always a p1g.. even if you are now a flying p1g


i'll see if the same works for you



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Who the hell wants to post 1 rep max? That's such a wank and serves no purpose

+1 to that. It is a wank.We aint powerlifters here, Stuffed if I am going to risk giving myself a major injury on camera

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god forbid you might train to get stronger and be able to show it.

keep doing those tricep DB kickbacks

Yep do them and super set as many of the same muscle group excersises into the same day. So you get the 'buuuuuurrrrrrn!'

So do the kick backs + 3 kinds of tricep push downs + narrow bench press + skull crushers with a barbell + standing triceps press + bar push offs + tricep focused push ups + dips. All with 4 sets of 10 and or pyramid them all :)

Well since 1 reps are out (for safety) what about 3-5 reps?

If you can't do tricep kick backs to good form for 5 reps with at least a 30kg dumbell, you have weak girly arms (quoted from the Chuck Norris training manual)


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GTST: What if some people dont care about 1 rep max's.. or dont care about having legs to match their upper body..

everyone has their own goal and their own style..

You cant say these guys are pussies because you dont do military press or deadlift or clean and jerk. I dont do any of them, and really dont have much of an interest of doing them and i rarely do military press but my shoulders have come up fine doing hammerstrength presses and db shoulder presses superset with side lateral raises.

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people who don't want to train in a manner like you mention end up with injuries as they get older.

no balance will do that.

if you don't do 1 rep maxes, how do you judge your progress?

if you don't challenge yourself, you'll be stuck where you are.

if you want to be a mirror athlete then go right ahead.

but if there are people here trying to get strong for anything life might throw at them other than a curling movement, they should do the movements I mentioned above.

take you for example.

you don't do military presses.

I assume you do DB lat raise to the side, then to the front, then to the back, then DB presses sitting down on a bench which has a back, then on to the cables to do some laterals, then probably finish of with some upright rows..


as you said, your shoulders have come up fine.

so looking at them, people would assume you would be able to pick something up and press it overhead.

only to find out that those delts are only good to look at and for doing the movements I assume you do.

and that's fine.

if that floats your boat and that is all that matters, then great.

I'd rather be balanced and strong.

having said that, I was stupid like you are for years. But I figure if I can prevent others from wasting years I would.

EDIT - how far is Frankston from where you live in Melbourne?

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