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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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and he did quarter depth squats, quarter depth leg presses, half arsed leg extentions with no 6 second holds up top (shock horror)

good genetics and but load of drugs do wonderful things don't they.

Why would you follow the routine of someone like Johnny Jackson?

do you have the muscularity that he has?

where doing isolation exercises might be of some use?

Do you also do your leg ext with that ROM?

and do you squat and leg press with that tiny ROM?

you'll do well.

You must be a big farkin imbecile to think im following a routine of a farking youtube video or you intentionally dodged what was typed above the video to get a rise.

Now nigga boy, please describe to us of what your capable of lifting.

I've been doing well for the past 6 years of my gym experience.. with 92kg and only 12% bf, i'm doing really farking well son.

Edited by Barbarian
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Been heavily focusing on cardio these days as well trying not to head out of gym without a good 2.5-3km jog on the treadmill. With 4 days a week at the gym, cardio is quite rewarding in terms of endurance and helps breathing during intense leg work outs.

My routine consists of three major exercises on a day with the same pattern starting with abs, muslce workout then cardio..

For instance, tonight:

20 minute ab workout

1.5hrs back workout which mostly consists of around 6-7 exercises

20 minute cardio.

All up a little over 2 hours at the gym. 'Cause im a machine!!

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shit.. didn't realise you were that solid.

I'm 67kg with 23% bodyfat

I do 17kg BB curls for 3 reps

and I can do DB tricep kickbacks with 6kg DB's for 7 reps each side.

I also do BB forearm curls with 10kg for 5 reps.

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You should get down to PTC for some brainwashing compound only lifting GTS-T. This isolation complementation stuff is a load of bullshit...I mean, targetting specific muscle groups to increase muscle mass in areas that see minimal use during compound movements is just ridiculous.

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Quick question boys before I head out the door.

Recently moved to Melbourne. Anyone here know any places with quality supplements at good prices? Used to go to Vitamin King back in Sydney but yeah thought I would ask some of the guys over at SAU for any reccomendation over in Melbourne :P


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GNC do fairly well for a retail store. Just sign up for their membership (it's like $10) and after members discount their supplement prices are about on par with the internet (unless you buy your stuff in 20kg bags online). Ultimate Nutrition ISO Mass is a good GNC item and very popular / tastes good.

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Quick question boys before I head out the door.

Recently moved to Melbourne. Anyone here know any places with quality supplements at good prices? Used to go to Vitamin King back in Sydney but yeah thought I would ask some of the guys over at SAU for any reccomendation over in Melbourne :(


There is this indian guy on chapel st who is cheap. http://maps.google.com.au/maps/place?oe=ut...364419935422579

It's only worth it for me if i get alot of things at once as chaps is about 25 min away from me, otherwise i just go to vitamin me :D

Edited by topher_
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^^ hahaha ye i've been in there a number of times when i was training few years ago... been lazy past 18months but that should change soon :laugh:

That store is always a crack up. Supp's stacked higher than your eye level sometimes and only enough room to shuffle through, can't fit two people wide!

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Well as of today starting to run 5 or so times a week and try not go higher than 2500 cals a day. want to cut down after force feeding myself for the past 6months :)

Haven't done this before though so going to take it slow.

any tips on not loosing much muscle?

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Really back into it at the moment. do you guys have phases of drifting in and out of focus of your goals?

I'm gonna post up a full before and after in a couple of months.

at the moment tad over 16.5 cold flex on the gunz :thumbsup:


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Finally setup my home gym in the new place

I got the carpet for free from a carpet place near my work. I didn't want to ruin the floors. It was free and they delivered it free. free

feels good man

not a bad setup.. but... where's the free weights cheif? and a nice adjustable bench ??

Having my own setup at home is my ultimate dream meng. I want to get the whole works and every nessary equipment for a good work out, perhaps even include a smith machine. But they don't come cheap :)

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