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jack3d pre-workout - though easing up on this lately it doesn't seem to have anywhere near the same effect it did the first/second months of usage. and i hate the taste.

I remember my first time I tried Jack3d, was scratching at my skin like a crack addict because my skin was tingling and got the jitters lol.

Just out of interest, how far over do you bend for barbell rows? Go for this imo, I love them:

Pretty much try to get parallel with the floor, I see people doing them at 45 all the time and they are sorta missing the point lol

jack3d pre-workout - though easing up on this lately it doesn't seem to have anywhere near the same effect it did the first/second months of usage. and i hate the taste.

I find if i take a break from it for a couple of weeks it is much more powerful rather than taking it before every workout. Definitely on the hunt for a new pre-workout though and have heard good things about 1MR, anyone have any feedback on it?

they're intended to be done parallel to the floor but that doesn't mean you can't vary it from time to time and do it at a 45° angle... it just hits higher up your back instead of the lats etc... just like changing from a pronated grip to supinated will vary it as well

best when held at the top a little, really squeezing your shoulder blades together

I find if i take a break from it for a couple of weeks it is much more powerful rather than taking it before every workout. Definitely on the hunt for a new pre-workout though and have heard good things about 1MR, anyone have any feedback on it?

I use 1MR from time to time and it works pretty good for me. Taste good, doesn't have 1,3 Dimeth like Jack3d which I've read causes some bad side effects.

Righto been doin a fair bit of thinking and reading and I've decided to change up the routine a bit







Upper back/bis




Deadlift session







Upper back/bis

Then repeat though on the second cycle I'll do a deadlift session..

So I'll be doing each muscle group twice a week though the amont of time spent on each muscle group in each session has been reduced

Essentially Shorter sessions more often stop needless over training and allow 3-4 days rest before getting back into it as appose to 5-6

I will still be doing the major exercises in both sessions though I'll will vary it so it's different ie


Day 1 barbell presses

Day 2 dumbbell presses


Day 1 bentover barbell rows

Day 2 bent over t bar rows

I've also come to the conclusion that while Im tryin to bulk up my abs are goin to show up much anyway do I've cut the ab shit away

What do u guys reckon?

Appreciate input


Righto scrap this, after some further research I'll be changing the routine again

Main changes will be:

Max 3 days of straight training then have a rest day

Changing to chest/bis and upperback/tris

Splitimg the routine so a secondary muscle that has been used in a work out gets at least 48 rest before being hit as a primary ie 48hours between a chest and shoulder session

Also will be goin by feel for when I start the training cycle again as appose to 1 cycle each week

Edited by GTR_JOEY

Ever considered a two day split repeated in the week? It's a lot of exercises to fit into two days, but three days off gives you some nice rest or cardio days.

I use 1MR from time to time and it works pretty good for me. Taste good, doesn't have 1,3 Dimeth like Jack3d which I've read causes some bad side effects.

It used to have it. I suppose without it, it's nothing more than a shitload of caffeine

Ever considered a two day split repeated in the week? It's a lot of exercises to fit into two days, but three days off gives you some nice rest or cardio days.

I have but my sessions would go for far too long and I just don't think I could have that many days off a week away from the gym...

Been doing a fair bit of reading and according to more then a couple of articles the best way for training to build bulk and muscle is to train once a week on each muscle group and really give them a smashing as appose to twice a week with less sets.

They also say that twice a week with less sets it's better for beginners while once a week with more sets is for more experienced body builders

They have their theories for saying this I can find the articles if anyone wants to read them

I agree with them that hitting each group once a week properly (as in, hard and heavy) is better than doing it twice a week with less sets. Without even seeing the theories behind it, I'd have my own about the muscles being broken down better by the former.

Number of sets does need to be defined though, because, for example, I do the two day split with a repeat later in the week, however, each exercise I do has about 6 sets to it and I certainly don't leave feeling like I could have done a lot more. It's sort of that...once a week thing...but repeated? Could be considered overtraining, but I heal pretty quickly and rarely feel like the workouts interfere with each other. I mean there's nothing I could do at the gym, short of causing myself a joint injury lol, that would require a week before I could safely work the muscle group again.

Na haven't heard of under tension mate....? I generally aim for 1 and a half minutes between sets, though I'm pretty social at the gym so doesn't always happen like that lol

In reguards to amont of sets for each muscle group, the general belief for once a week would be around 16 sets

For twice a week approx 8 sets

I agree that once a week is plenty of time to rest a muscle group after a hard session 4-5 days would be optimum in my opinion

I do the same workout on Thursday as I do on Monday, and Friday as I do on Tuesday. Even though it's a split routine, there's a small amount of crossover with muscle groups so Wednesday is the day of no gym = a thorough rest day. The only time I'll feel any sort of soreness or interference is if I miss a couple of days at the gym and then the next workout will take a little longer to recover from.

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