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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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Hmmm, might even be best speaking to Terry about this one, I like to think i know a lot about supplements but still nothing in comparison to him. Dont want to lead you down a garden path if im not 100% correct.

All good man, appreciate the insight regardless.

lol fk off Troy ya tub of lard :P

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Does anyone ever get headaches / hangover feeling from certain proteins or supplements? My favourite brand of all-in-one supplement has changed something about their mixture (hadn't ordered from them for nearly 2 years) - this one smells kind of fishy and clumps up a bit more than the previous mixture, despite the breakdown label and taste being much the same. In the first week of using it I had some slight headaches on and off, but could just be coincidence, I might have had a bug for that week.

Sounds like a bad batch and you should return it to the store Birds? Did you buy more than one tub (check the other)? If it smells fishy that's no good.

Can't say I've really had headaches from supplements, only sleep deprivation from the caffeine.

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  • 2 weeks later...

This thread is starting to look dead so thought i would add some of my progress...

Recently started a 5x5 program to change it up a bit. The idea being 5s sets of 5 reps so obviulsy heavy. Then try small prigressions in weight for the next session

The key focus for these lifts are 100% technique and full range of motion. This is important so I dont cheat in the rep just so I can say I got all my reps and it's time to up the weight next session.. Upping the weight should really only occur when all reps can be completed without a spot or maybe failing in the last rep of the last set.

I've found this routine to be pretty good, done 4 weeks now so will probably only do another 1-2 weeks before changing it again..

Some examples of progress are

Weighted heaves

Started at 10kg doing 5x5

Last session was 20kg 5x5 with a fail on the last rep of 5th set

Weighted dips

Started at 20kg

Last session was 40kg 5x5


Started at 140kg 5x5

Last night did 150 5x5 (really should of done 155 I reckon but pussied out)

Barbell lung walks

Started at 50kg 5x5 (5each leg so 10 reps)

Last session 65kg 5x5

Squats would be a good one but I've revised my technique so really I've gone backwards

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What's your weight?

I'm almost there myself; couple kilos off. Granted, I only attempt the 1RM after my 6 sets (OCD thing).

Some might be pleased to know I've relaxed my philosophy on restricting what I lift in order to keep my body weight down and balance the body shape. Have let lats do what they want (haven't stepped these up for 2 years), 5th and 6th sets on pulldown are now 220 pounds instead of 200...another 30 pounds and I've cleared the whole stack teehee.

Might have to look at weighted pull ups then!

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Competed at GPC Nationals about a week ago.

Weighed in at 91.4kg

Squat - 190kg

Bench - 110 kg lol

Dead - 220kg

All PBs for a proper 3 lift comp.

As single lifts, the squat was a 5kg pb, bench was 5kg under pb, dead was 2.2kg under pb.

Most importantly I didn't cripple myself.

Next one is end of August. Hopefully bench will improve if I can complete my lifting plan without elbows and shoulders falling apart.

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decent lifts.

First session back in the gym for a couple weeks. Must say the lack of diet and training for the period has hurt my progress. Was much weaker then before and have noticed it in my appearance.

Not to worry, hopefully wont take me long to get back to where I was and keep on going after that.

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What's your weight?

I'm almost there myself; couple kilos off. Granted, I only attempt the 1RM after my 6 sets (OCD thing).

Some might be pleased to know I've relaxed my philosophy on restricting what I lift in order to keep my body weight down and balance the body shape. Have let lats do what they want (haven't stepped these up for 2 years), 5th and 6th sets on pulldown are now 220 pounds instead of 200...another 30 pounds and I've cleared the whole stack teehee.

Might have to look at weighted pull ups then!

I fire the same question at you Birds, what is your weight?

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I fire the same question at you Birds, what is your weight?

Currently 80kg @ 6'3

1RM for bench is 115, done after my usual 6 set workout and taken to an inch from my chest. Tried for 120 but failed half way back up...confident I could pull it off with just a warm up and straight into the 1RM!

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I'm at 75kg so aiming for a bench of 112kgs I got 105 the other day will try again thursday. Anyone out there bench twice their weight that will be my.next goal might take a while tho

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Can anyone here strict military press their own body weight? That would be impressive

1 rep? In front or behind neck? Doubt I could do my own weight behind neck, but again, it's an exercise I've left dorment with regard to stepping up. Might start increasing it now that I'm doing that with every other exercise.

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Yep one rep full range of motion in front of the body,... So standing ad well with no momentum from the knees :D

I'll give it a go soon, definatly won't be body weight though

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