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Currently 80kg @ 6'3

1RM for bench is 115, done after my usual 6 set workout and taken to an inch from my chest. Tried for 120 but failed half way back up...confident I could pull it off with just a warm up and straight into the 1RM!

I weigh 88kg and struggle to bench 90kg for 6 reps... sad face

most of this stuff is just practice... the more you do it the better you get at it... as I only do 2 heavy lifting sessions a week I rotate through exercises, which means sometimes I won't do a lift for a few weeks... guaranteed the weight I can handle is less than when I last did it and I need to repeat it for a few sessions in a row to bring it back up

no point comparing yourself with people who are in there benching (or whatever lift it is) 2 or 3 times a week

I like the idea of a bodyweight OHP... I can do 5 - 6 reps of 60kg but never tried to handle more as its not the safest movement lol... might try and work up to safely repping 70kg, then maybe if I haven't dropped it on my head I can go for 80kg

push press is also a great lift for getting used to heavy weight above your head... leg drive isn't cheating its just a different exercise... good whole body movement

I weigh 88kg and struggle to bench 90kg for 6 reps... sad face

Benching more than your bodyweight is nothing to sneeze at my friend! I am quite low in body fat, which is something to remember. People with high power to weight ratios don't usually have much fat on them. Just keep at it and keep stepping up that weight :)

most of this stuff is just practice... the more you do it the better you get at it... as I only do 2 heavy lifting sessions a week I rotate through exercises, which means sometimes I won't do a lift for a few weeks... guaranteed the weight I can handle is less than when I last did it and I need to repeat it for a few sessions in a row to bring it back up

no point comparing yourself with people who are in there benching (or whatever lift it is) 2 or 3 times a week

I like the idea of a bodyweight OHP... I can do 5 - 6 reps of 60kg but never tried to handle more as its not the safest movement lol... might try and work up to safely repping 70kg, then maybe if I haven't dropped it on my head I can go for 80kg

push press is also a great lift for getting used to heavy weight above your head... leg drive isn't cheating its just a different exercise... good whole body movement

It's cheating when it's supposed to be a "strict" press

Can do bodyweight military press for a couple reps last time i tried. Have been getting stuck into push presses lately, around 115, however i dont find there is too much of a carry over to mp to be honest.

And cmon Birds, 1 inch off your chest, just touch the chest....even just a light brush :) Then you can claim it ;)

Can do bodyweight military press for a couple reps last time i tried. Have been getting stuck into push presses lately, around 115, however i dont find there is too much of a carry over to mp to be honest.

And cmon Birds, 1 inch off your chest, just touch the chest....even just a light brush :) Then you can claim it ;)

lol if I can get it to within 1 inch I can most likely touch it too; just wanted to avoid "bouncing" :)

Unrelated, my squats are up 100kg x 7 after introducing these less than 6 months ago. I'm coming for you quadzilla! (ghosty)

I weigh 88kg and struggle to bench 90kg for 6 reps... sad face

that's not a bad result, just keep at it and you'll crack it..

took me a while to hit club 100, I also weight about 87~88kg. I found out if you don't drink everyweek, it makes a difference lol

It's cheating when it's supposed to be a "strict" press

they're 2 different exercises... if you use leg drive your doing a push press... no leg drive and strict form is an overhead press... if someone says they're doing an overhead press but driving it up with their legs it's not cheating... they're just stupid

Can do bodyweight military press for a couple reps last time i tried. Have been getting stuck into push presses lately, around 115, however i dont find there is too much of a carry over to mp to be honest.

And cmon Birds, 1 inch off your chest, just touch the chest....even just a light brush :) Then you can claim it ;)

Thats because your a machine

Just a point of discussion guys: rest between sets.

This is one of the hardest things to change about your workout, because with a reduction in rest time usually comes less reps and we all hate doing less than we could do last time.

I recently adopted a gym newbie to train up; working out with him has forced me to train with decreased rest times because I don't want him waiting on me resting before I do my set. Over the last month or two, I've gotten to a point where my partner does his set and after swapping weights I'm straight into mine. It's essentially halved my rest times on everything. Initiallly it reduced my reps, particularly on the max sets...this f**ks with the head, but I stuck it out and week after week claimed my reps back. I am now pushing more reps of a higher weight than I was doing with two minute breaks. It pushed me through my bench plateau. Time for completing 6 sets of bench press has come down from 22/23 minutes to around 15 minutes - it doesn't sound like much but that's a lot of time sitting there texting on the phone. I'm also more cut than I've ever been, probably because I sweat like a mofo after each exercise.

The stop watch is now my best friend; I time every exercse and know exactly what time I usually start which set, so I can beat it next time. It does have it's limits; there is such a thing as not enough rest...you will wear yourself out quick and get too much of a "pump". But I guess what I'm saying here is: if you're unhappy with progress, have a go at shaving your rest times and see if it does anything for you...it definitely helped me.

It all sounds like common knowledge, but people are always complaining about plateaus and trying different numbers of sets and reps...yet rest times seem to be overlooked when describing what you do or when giving possible solutions. So time yourself next time and see how much time you really spend without weights in your hands, you might be surprised.

Related: in just over an hour I've just done military press, seated row, decline crossover cables, wide grip lat pulldown, deadlifts and squats...that's 6 exercises with 6 sets each. Used to take me an hour and a half! Now if you'll excuse my I'm gonna go drop dead lol.

Related: in just over an hour I've just done military press, seated row, decline crossover cables, wide grip lat pulldown, deadlifts and squats...that's 6 exercises with 6 sets each. Used to take me an hour and a half! Now if you'll excuse my I'm gonna go drop dead lol.

I'm always in and out in an hour... usually 6-8 exercises, average 4 sets each (more for big movements, less for iso stuff)... I get bored waiting around to do the next set... when I'm training with my bro-in-law we push the other guy to jump right in as soon as we finish a set, no standing around... and I don't like to get cold (no heating in my gym)

Any suggestions for a good pre workout?

Was using KOS it was okay but not the best. I'm not even going to bother with NOxplode anymore. I either don't get any effects or up the dose so I get effects and feel like shit after.

Try giving something like 1MR a shot (or really anything with loads of caffeine and DMAA).

I'm currently using something called Napalm, and I'm finding it more effective than 1MR was even though it's ultimately the same thing. Doesn't taste like nasty shit (though let's be honest, doesn't taste great either). It was $47 from Oxygen out at Majura Park (old Brand Depot) near the airport.

I've been at the gym now for approx 8 months. Last time I trained seriously was 2006! If anyone gives a rats, here are my numbers so far;

Deadlifts = 140kg x 5 reps. Tried 160kg today with no straps but put it down. I reckon I could have got it up but chickened out.

Squats = 100kg x 4 reps. Have not tried a 1RM yet. This is piss poor and reflective of the fact I didn't train legs very often for the first 5 months of training. I squat (and train legs) once a week now so am seeing quick improvements.

Bench = 110kg x 2 reps. This is not touching my chest... probably an inch or two above. Even when only benching 80kg I find it difficult to touch my chest consistently??

Shoulder press = 38kg dumbells x 5 reps. This was 3 weeks ago and not tried again since. I got one up and someone else passed me the other. Cant do the lift of the knee with this weight.

Pretty happy with my progress so far but really keen and need to improve my squat and deadlift numbers.

Edited by SRS13

BTW those numbers probably dont mean much without some other information; 5'7 and weigh 84kg's. Started at 82kg, 8 months ago.

Any suggestions for a good pre workout?

Was using KOS it was okay but not the best. I'm not even going to bother with NOxplode anymore. I either don't get any effects or up the dose so I get effects and feel like shit after.

Try Assault or Mesomorph. I really like Assault, good strength and intensity increase. Pump is not as strong as others but overall I like this the most. Bulk Nutrients pre-workout is also pretty good although you do get used to it after a short while and need to up the dosage. But in terms of bang for buck its pretty good. Cant go wrong with it.

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