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Its just time under the bar

Two years ago Max competed at Worlds and went 172.5/107.5/210 - 490kg

This year at only 8kg heavier he went 250/155/245 - 650kg

Consistent heavy training is the key

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Well there are weight classes

60kg, 67.5kg, 75kg, 82.5kg, 90kg, 100kg, 110kg, 125kg, 140kg, 140kg+. You must way UNDER the weight

Our best lifters

75kg class - Emad Nayef 220kg squat, 125 bench(injured, has done 150kg) and 260kg deadlift, in competition, best total 602.5kg (35yo)

82.5kg class - Martin Nguyen 227.5kg squat, 132.5kg bench press , deadlift 272.5kg, best total 632.5kg (teen, 19)

90kg class - Max Markopoulos 250kg squat, 155kg bench, 245kg deadlift, best total 650kg (20yo)

140kg+ - Jack Pollard 280kg squat, 185kg bench, 280kg deadlift, best total 745kg 21yo)

All 4 lifters have lifted more in the gym, but these are comp results only

Sweet! Gives something to aspire to! How many years they been training for?

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Well, Jack is 21, he walked into PTC on June 10 2010, it was the first time he'd been to a gym. So he squatted 300kg in a little over 2 years.

Max and Martin both started lifting at 15, so 5 years all up. Max only started powerlifting in April 2010, before that it was lifting for Soccer and Basketball, Martin simply trained at home until 10 months ago

Emad did his first comp in December 2011, he had been lifting weights for football

I think there is a video on my YouTube channel of Max at 16 powercleaning 100kg@67kg or something like that, I'll try and find it

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Markos dont let TTT see your post below about training at home being simple:

"Max and Martin both started lifting at 15, so 5 years all up. Max only started powerlifting in April 2010, before that it was lifting for Soccer and Basketball, Martin simply trained at home until 10 months ago"

It could be misread to make us beleive that training in a gym has actually been of benefit.... *shock*.... *gasp*


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Tolga knows Martins story. Martin trained at home for 3 years, when he walked into PTC at Xmas 2011, his total as we tested it was 520kg

In June 2012 he totalled 632.5kg at Nats, so 112.5kg in 6 months is good when youre already strong

Martin went from 180/120/220 to 227.5/132.5/272.5. He missed his 3rd attempt bench which he made in the gym of 140kg, so it couldve been better

He has since benched 152.5kg

Martin got strong at home, then broke the Teen 82.5kg Class WR by over 100kg when he switched to a proper PL gym

He's a great kid and an excellent dancer lol

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FFS someone please ban markos... or at least stop him posting videos of skinny kids lifting more than me lol

This. My balls are being broken not having a PTC here in Canberra right now. SO MUCH WANT.

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It could be misread to make us beleive that training in a gym has actually been of benefit.... *shock*.... *gasp*



You think that if Martin trained at fitness first or your gym that he would have had the same results?


The word gym means different things to different people.

Don't try to make out that I said everyone should train at home.

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