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Yeah it's excusable to use it when you've got no alternatives and can't weight around. Personally I only use the smith machine for shrugs and the occasional behind-head military press application (out of laziness).

what about standing military press in the squat rack? I find using the longer bar a million times better then the short barbells.

CURLING :P I also agree with your point on military press with the Olympic bar. It's strange how 40kg with the Olympic bar feels much more natural than 40kg with the fixed barbells.

There is NO excuse for curling in the squat rack, short of wanting to curl excess of ~45kg (heaviest most fixed-weight dumbbells I've seen go to) specifically with a straight bar.

Still a more horrible excuse than Twilight.

No reason these twits can't stand in front of a mirror elsewhere and pick the barbell up off the ground. If they can't supinated deadlift more than they curl, they should probably reconsider their gym routine - nay, life.

I don't

I think I do because I research, ask questions, listen to advice, use iifym and I'm making gains in the gym

If it were correct, you'd be mad to ask the question. I mentioned correct, correct would be what works for you.

Just because someone does something that is known to work, doesnt mean they are doing it right for it to work for them. as i'm sure you are aware.

either it is not implemented properly or you arent patient enough.

Agree Jangles. There are plenty of people who go to the gym for years and never get anywhere close to what they want because they falsely believe they are doing things correctly. Then it becomes a case of "gym just doesn't work for me" or "this is as good as it gets for me".

There are also people who chop and change the advice they get because they don't like one part of if or they are OCD about doing things a certain way = YNDTFP

IIFYM is to obsessive for me, I go by calories and making sensible choices (i.e not eating my calories in 'whatever' purely for the sake of it). Still working so far, but finding it harder to avoid processed carbs etc now that I'm living with the mrs.

I think each mind and body will have a natural level it likes to sit at, by that I mean that you exercise and eat well (your mental commitment) and do all the right things (your physical commitment) and the weight will drop to level, say "X", easily enough or within a a reasonable time frame.

From there, the effort taken to drop further KG's may be disproportionate if you get me. You were exercising 4 times a week for 1hr, but to drop another 5kg requires 6times a week for 90mins, a considerable increase for what appears to be a smaller gain.

It's the same trying to get stronger, people talk about noob gains, my squat and DL are really evident of this. The first chunks come easy and with only a reasonable commitment in time/effort. To get properly strong requires much larger investments of time/money/ etc.

So in the first 3mths you double your squat, then it takes 9mths to do the same again, then it takes 12mths to add another 25% and the time taken to increase goes up and the gain gets smaller.

It's a trade off.

I wouldn't stress to much about the numbers on the scale, I've seen plenty of girls who look fantastic and weigh far more than girls who don't eat or exercise and look like jelly wafers (thin and wobbly).

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