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I might be alone on this, but pre-workouts have never actually worked for me. It may be because I built up a tolerance very quickly, but I think it's due to the fact I always take them on a full stomach (always eating due to bulking). Either way, I don't rate them and won't ever use them again. I also find that most people become too attached to their pre-workout, and believe they'll have a bad session if they don't use it. I also stated experiencing bad headaches after coming off of them because my body got into a habit of wanting that surge of caffeine (I should note I don't drink coffee/soft drinks though)

The best pre-workout in my opinion is to drink a full bottle of water within the first hour or so of waking up (switches your body on, kickstarts the day, cleans your system out) and to leave all your stress and responsibilities at the front door... you go there to train, and that is all.

In terms of amino acid complexes or intra-workout protein sources, I'm with Melly and taking Xtend. Freaking love the stuff in green apple flavour, and it's much more desirable during an intense workout to drink something sweet, rather than normal water thumbsup.gif

As for protein it depends on your wants/needs in a protein source. For me personally, I take a gainer because it allows me to get in those extra meals when I just can't eat another bite. For someone looking for a great post workout quick release source with limited carbs, I highly recommend Optimum Nutrition Platinum Hydrowhey, or Protowhey.

They work for me, I am uber sensitive to caffine, sugar, red colouring... As for the water as a pre-workout, I drink a shitload of water allll day including as soon as I get up, a 750ml bottle will be gone between waking up and even getting out of bed for me. Still doesn't help me do an intense workout I just don't have the energy to push myself really hard for a sustained period of time... And I don't take them on a full stomach, they hit me pretty quickly too and intense when they do! My PT and I have run me through a workout then the same workout with a pre-workout and my weights, intensity and calories burnt were about 30% more than without it. And we did my no pre-workout before the one with pre-workout

Whether or not pre supps are legitimate or just placebo, it does give me a buzz and wakes me up after working all day prior to training.

I take it for 3 weeks then 4 weeks off and I still fInd that my tolerance to it remains the same.


After a pretty hard weekend around the house doing projects I was a bit stiff come time for the Monday session last night, warmed up, had a good stretch and felt more or less OK (I usually feel a bit stiff on Mondays from working on the house/car over the weekend). Benched OK but I did a few reps of curls and my left elbow gave a decent stab of pain. I did a few light stretches after and ended up aborting the session.

I've had a bad inner elbow for quite a while and have learned to manage that and it's felt better than it has in years but this is an outer elbow thing. If i put my arm out straight in front of me, palm down and begin rotating the palm upwards I can only get to about 90 degrees before the pain is quite uncomfortable. Iced it a few times lat night and wanted to stretch it out but just let it rest, doesn't feel a heap better this morning either.

In the time I should have been exercising I did some reading on some wrist and forearm exercises I can do to plug and obvious weak spot in the future but for now I need to get it better. What are some of the tried and tested suggestions for alleviating what I'm thinking is an angry inflamed Tennis Elbow type ailment.

Was just starting to get a good flow going too, FML =\

Got tennis elbow ATM from work and only done legs and deads twice in the last 2 weeks. Went and did chest last night and was surprised how well I went doing more weight than normal.

Been to the physio twice now after doing nothing in the first 2 weeks after injuring it, thinking it was nothing and making it worse on the first day by doing back/arms at the gym

It's strapped at the moment and seems to help. Takes the pressure off the top muscles/tendons/elbow and moves it to the inner forearm instead. The bones are bruised due to the tendon pulling on them etc, but the pain is going away slowly. Im supposed to take anti inflams but I haven't started yet..

Well so much for looking decent for my holiday coming up, bad enough that I'm as white as the Milky Bar kid.

I'll keep icing it and when it stops hurting just to move it I'll kick off some wrist and forearm stretching and light exercises to try and strengthen those areas. This is all the physio will do if I go there with the exception of the massage I can do all he'll suggest preemptively.

I've seen those forearm pressure wraps/sleeve things tennis players use which apparently help a lot, anyone tried those?

Edited by ActionDan

interesting that you hurt your elbow doing curls... my left elbow is always a bit troublesome and the only thing that's really a major no-no when its acting up is curls... for some reason having the palm fully supinated and contracting the bicep is really painful... rowing and pronated pull ups are fine but as soon as I rotate the palm its painful... so no chin ups, curls etc

My previous injury was felt on the inner elbow/forearm under a positive/contraction motion so when curling up.

This is the opposite and went bang on the negative portion so when lowering the weight and is tender on the outside of the elbow/forearm.

Who has some golden recovery tips?

Don't think there's too much of a margin in bars... The cheapest I could find online for the ones I want (musashi bulk) still worked out cheaper from Safeway/Coles when you factor in the $12 postage they're all asking. Maybe if you buy like 100+ at once you'll save but it still wouldn't be much

Don't think there's too much of a margin in bars... The cheapest I could find online for the ones I want (musashi bulk) still worked out cheaper from Safeway/Coles when you factor in the $12 postage they're all asking. Maybe if you buy like 100+ at once you'll save but it still wouldn't be much

Chemists warehouse sometimes has the musashi bars on special :)

Although I generally don't bother with bars.

as a shift worker I just need something simple that I can just grab and go.

$4 per bar is too exy when your smashing them regularly.

What's wrong with regular food like boiled eggs, tinned tuna and such ?

There are recipes for home made protein bars on the net, some good, some not do good, but at least you know what you put in them.

Most of the processed bars are full of sugar anyway.

Thanks mate, will take a look when I get a chance. Tonight I'll just do some light stretching and some ab work and leave it at that, I plan on giving the arm a full week off and then going from there.

All the reading I've been doing so far tells me to keep it moving after an initial rest period, get some stretching going on and do some wrist and forearm strengthening exercises.

I know it sounds dumb but I'm actually looking forward to the challenge and making my wrists and forearms stronger.

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