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agree with you on that one.. but you probably havnt seen a good "roid" body. majority of the guys on them are just thick blocky bulldog shaped freaks and completely out of proporting and symatry.

So far i squat 200kg w/o assistance or spot on the squat machine, barbell row 80kg not including the bar, curl 55kg on the preacher, bench 100kg on dumbells and 140 on the hammerstrength bench (both incline), fly 90kg (machine), leg press 450kg, seated row 250lbs, lat pulldown 230lbs (with assistance), shoulder press 80kg straight after a chest sesh (fresh i can do around 120kg) and light-ish weight for the isolated muscles like rear delts, side delts etc. Completely natural btw.

Yeh well that's the problem, so many people get on them and just hit the weights without planning it all out...end up massive and totally out of proportion. As opposed to natural being slow enough to carefully craft the body with lean muscle. Then sometimes the skin conditions people end up with just make for some very ugly bodies. Each to their own but it sure ain't my thing.

Pretty impressive weights there Phill, is your shoulder press behind neck or in front? How many sets / reps do you usually do of all that?

hammerstrength shoulderpress, pretty much mimics the dumbell style.. when i do military press i do infront of the neck, i dont really go hard on military press (thats how i injured my shouders a while ago)

When going heavy its 12/10/8 on a good day, otherwise its 10/8/8 or 6. Varys alot. when i train lacking bodyparts i do medium weight but untill the lacking bodypart fails. like my side delts, left one was carrying alot of fat so i pretty much lost my roundness of my left shoulder, been doing 3 sets of 15 - 18 reps of 30lb side raises (thats when my left shoulder will fail, then i stop)

Yeah i agree with you agen, if i was to turn out like one of those thick mass freaks i wouldnt touch it, but also depends on what you do, how you train, what you eat etc.

Hey if you can use it and build a good body shape out of it more power to the users...I don't believe it's cheating at all; well no worse than using protein supplements. Just like nitrous oxide in drag cars it's just another path to achieving your goal. But like drag racing I do have more respect naturally aspirated performance because in general keeping off the juice will take you longer to reach your goals.

We have very different workouts! Mine is very stamina and toning focused. I usually do a compulsive 6 sets of 10 reps with a slight pyramid approach for most exercises. If I don't make it to 10 then I do a 7th set until fail. Legs and abs get 20 reps in a set. As an example I do close grip lat pulldown as 190/190/200/200/210/210. Never had an injury with military behind neck except for when I've had predisposition to it (note to self: don't arm wrestle the night before).

yeah well my routein and training method is pretty much hit ur limit in weight or go a bit more with asistance and go 12/10/8 or 12/10/10.. Heavy weights + 6 - 10 rep range = thick, dense muscle mass..

The more reps you do per set will just lead to muscles being burnt out and going backwards in growth.

Shoulder pressed 50kg an arm tonight with my trainer :( after benching 80kg incline barbell and 250lb seated chest press.

Muscle still looks a bit compounded for my liking. He's done pretty well for himself though. It's atleast fairly balanced and definitely not as obvious as I've seen (except for his veinage).

Is the guy on the far left on it?

looks pretty good, tiny tiny waist he has. He must have been skinny before he hit the juice.. what weight is he at now? pretty damn good job.

Side note* As of 2 days ago im now 84kg and require a belt for everything i wear.. i think a few new pairs of shorts and jeans are needed :) from 92ish to 84 and still going down.

Edited by LTHLRB

Guy on the left, if it's the same guy (face looks similar), he's a friend of a friend on facebook, seen photos of him in competition shape and he is shredded. Doesn't look big, but extremely low body fat and great shape...

Here's one of my mates from work..



a body like sonny bill williams is what you want.

dont worry about all the other roid tossers you see.

just an update on what i am currently taking....

everyday - one multivitamin, six bodyscience lipoburn tablets

intra-workout - monster maize (40g)

post workout - bodyscience myocytin (40g) then 30 minutes after bodyscience WPI (40g)

Only going to complete one cycle of the creatine blend...about half way through.

My mate on the right.. i'd say that's a pretty good roid body ^_^

Scrawny legs

Ask him to do anything 100kg squats, will fall on his arse.. really unbalanced body imo.

Sorry to be so negative but its just my observation

I also predict he weighs something in the 78-82kg range.

It takes real guts and effort to fully develop your body all around

Respect to this girl

Scrawny legs

Ask him to do anything 100kg squats, will fall on his arse.. really unbalanced body imo.

Sorry to be so negative but its just my observation

I also predict he weighs something in the 78-82kg range.

It takes real guts and effort to fully develop your body all around

Respect to this girl

Fark that is an awesome effort..! I bet that 99% of guys who have been at the Gym for years wouldnt even move that amount of weight. And she squats deep too..She must be on some good "special" supplements

Fark that is an awesome effort..! I bet that 99% of guys who have been at the Gym for years wouldnt even move that amount of weight. And she squats deep too..She must be on some good "special" supplements

Lots of people are not in the gym to get stronger (most). They don't plan strength increases, they are just fixated on the mirror . The girl would lift more than most simply because she is training for strength so is aiming at something you can measure rather than something you can't.

That girl wouldn't be on anything either. 150kg is a great effort for her size/weight (small) but, it's nothing special.

I'm not that strong but in the past my best Squat is 235kg on the bar (was about 84kg at that time, I'm now about 102kg) for an easy 10 reps. It was pretty cruisy but, being 6'3 and having long legs, balance was the hard bit for me. The squat is a rather tricky move with any kind of weight above body weight. There are other moves that are a much more forgiving at high weight and will give you the same muscle development. Ironically the squat is an excellent excersise for helping build stabilising strength (better muscle control) for things like weak knees (a common excuse for avoiding them). Kept at sensible weights and without going deep you can do things like squats with eyes closed.

Edited by rev210


I don't know about the rest of you but I'm at the gym to look good for females. I think alot of people start with that sort of goal in mind and then get into their own idea about what looks good. The best analogy for gym work is a drug, in almost everyway. I mean that girl above probably got into gym work for fitness and forged an addiction on being stronger and stronger...now it just looks unattractive IMO and I'm sure most would agree but she no doubt looks in the mirror and sees nothing but the success of her accomplishments.

Lots of people are not in the gym to get stronger (most). They don't plan strength increases, they are just fixated on the mirror . The girl would lift more than most simply because she is training for strength so is aiming at something you can measure rather than something you can't.

That girl wouldn't be on anything either. 150kg is a great effort for her size/weight (small) but, it's nothing special.

I'm not that strong but in the past my best Squat is 235kg on the bar (was about 84kg at that time, I'm now about 102kg) for an easy 10 reps. It was pretty cruisy but, being 6'3 and having long legs, balance was the hard bit for me. The squat is a rather tricky move with any kind of weight above body weight. There are other moves that are a much more forgiving at high weight and will give you the same muscle development. Ironically the squat is an excellent excersise for helping build stabilising strength (better muscle control) for things like weak knees (a common excuse for avoiding them). Kept at sensible weights and without going deep you can do things like squats with eyes closed.


Finally read through most of this thread, the inaccuracies are overwhelming!

In relation to supplements... don't waste your money... if your diet is useless then protein shakes are the only way to go... unless your full time job revolves around bodybuilding then don't bother getting the fancy isolates, a concentrate will do just fine or a mix... apart from that nothing else is worth getting... unless you can get steroids and learn to use them effectively (most go overboard with addiction)

Also there is no one method of achieving a desirable body. Everyone is different, different blood types, different thermogenetics. The point is to find out where your body stands. There are very few methods which work for EVERYONE. The simple 'burn more then you consume' method is simply but... doesn't always work. Don't waste your money on pills and time on people who think they know what they're doing. Every pro body builder/sprinter etc use different methods, there is no universal key.

Trick is to try all types for about 3 weeks, test your outcome. Don't get caught up with the ideology that the bigger you are the stronger you are... very wrong, i mean look at power lifters... some are very small yet would outdo any bodybuilder.

End of the day, we know very little about how the body really works, theories are theories. Some say isolate body parts... some say intense full body workouts... some say low-interest gravity cardio... some say walk,sprint,repeat. They work for some, and not for others... and diet is a whole other spectrum... but one thing I can say for sure is how little supplements aid all of this..

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