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deads and bb military are very similar. and i'd say most people do those

How are they similar? The one is a pull and the other is a press. Both are GREAT exercises.

If you were being sarcastic I missed it due to lack of italics.

I too have trouble detecting the sarcasm...change of tone should stay the hell away from the internet, even with italics...

As for defining strength...GTST...don't bother with that one. There are so many different takes on it and as someone said we all have different goals. 1 rep maxes mean SFA to me and I never do them because they don't prove much unless you're a competition powerlifter...competing. When someone asks me how much I can bench press I give them my pyramid worth of sets that I normally do because I believe including stamina gives a more accurate description of what I'm capable of as an individual. Tracking progress for me is simply a matter of increasing the weight on the sets and seeing how well I cope with it. Most real life lifting situations require strength to be used more than once, so unless you're lifting a heavy object off someone to save their limbs/life then a single lift is a pretty useless benchmark of strength. Besides that, we have our good days and bad days at the gym: your 1 rep max is never going to be consistent if you are lifting to your true maximum ability. It is just a single sample from a large population, so what kind of gauge is that? It's statistically flawed.

Now I'm starting to feel like a hypocrite because I'm criticising your definition of strength after telling you not to do the same, so I take it all back...just don't push your definition onto other people as if they are "weak" for doing things differently. The reality of it is, if any of the regular gym junkies in this thread were to test out each others workouts...unless you're doing exactly the same workout, which I doubt...I guarantee you will wake up sore somewhere in your body the next day simply because of the variation in exercises/methods. And the core strength fanatics/snobs (I'm one of them) will get caught out on arguing that one because it's quite impossible to workout every part of the body in every way there is - even fulltime bodybuilders compromise with the exercises they do. There's no single way about achieving the same goal, even if we all had the same goal.

GTST: your saying train like a powerlifer... have you seen how a powerlifter looks? majority or nearly EVERYONE on this board would rather look like a bodybuilder than strongman.. and the way i train and the way i recommend to train is how a bodybuilder would train.. watch BLOOD AND GUTS by dorian yates.. tell me if you see a clean and jerk or an overhead bb press standing..

im not saying your wrong.. but to call me stupid by the way i train.. your a dead set idiot for saying that..

and i dont do 1rep max's.. and my strength has never gone backwards.. apart from hitting the recreationals on weekends at events then training the day after.

also do you walk around with a barbell and a few plates to show people how good you are at overhead presses and clean and jerks? the aim is to LOOK STRONG.. because if you look like a bag of shit and can clean and jerk 10 times more than someone who looks better.. no one cares.

ok man.. I get it.

I'm sure you also like neons under your car.

I bet you also own a ed Hardy t-shirt

And I'm certain you wax and get fake tans.

so you're a body builder.

during your weekends of recreationals, do you walk around in posing trunks?

since you're assuming I'm a powerlifter who walks around with a barbell and plates to do clean and jerks (cause you know, that is a power lifting event), I can only assume that you must always be waxed, fake tanned and oiled up in tiny trunks, who also carrys around a BB (probably an EZ bar) and 10kg plates so that you can PUMP every 30 minutes to maintain the "strong look"

Tell me, does your car have those fake Brembo caliper covers? because they have the LOOK of being STRONG brakes.

You'll wake up to your stupidity one day... But I don't expect you to be humble enough to admit it.


do you live close to FRANKSTON ?

If I could organise for a free gym session for you, would you go there?

nope i have a 44mm external gate and a high mount 3540 :D

i dont own an ed hardy tshirt and never will id rather spend 200+ on a good weekend or a pair of air max 90s

im not nicknamed "baboona" for no reason :D and im a light skinned wog and dont give a shit about it.

no, i live in thomastown.

what the hell are you trying to prove?

i dont think your a powerlifter.. never said you were. your upset because i defend the way i train and i say it works. and you got sand in your vag and had a hissy fit over it.. get over it man, its the wasteland :)

Edited by LTHLRB

well you want to look strong, but you don't care if you really are strong.

so if you apply the same theory to your car, you would have bits that make it look really tough but be powered by an RB20e

essentially, your theory on your training and what you get out of it is like a GTR badge on a GTS

edit - I was hoping you would be near FRANKSTON as there is a little gym there that I wanted to you to have a session at.

and once you're done being outlifted by girls, perhaps you would rethink your methods.

Edited by GTST

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