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ok man.. I get it.

I'm sure you also like neons under your car.

I bet you also own a ed Hardy t-shirt

And I'm certain you wax and get fake tans.

so you're a body builder.

during your weekends of recreationals, do you walk around in posing trunks?

since you're assuming I'm a powerlifter who walks around with a barbell and plates to do clean and jerks (cause you know, that is a power lifting event), I can only assume that you must always be waxed, fake tanned and oiled up in tiny trunks, who also carrys around a BB (probably an EZ bar) and 10kg plates so that you can PUMP every 30 minutes to maintain the "strong look"

Tell me, does your car have those fake Brembo caliper covers? because they have the LOOK of being STRONG brakes.

You'll wake up to your stupidity one day... But I don't expect you to be humble enough to admit it.


do you live close to FRANKSTON ?

If I could organise for a free gym session for you, would you go there?

Ok - i lol'd :D

(not to agree, but just the way you stereo typed, cracked me up)

You going down for Aust Day?

Im seriously thinking about training there shortly - once i get transport back - need to get fit :D

haha.. after all that he still didnt say im wrong.. and i said he is right in his own way many times..

i love seeing these fitness geeks at gym doing 20kg deadlifts for 2hrs straight and 30 clean and jerks.. when not one muscle on their body is developed.

just a quick tip.. bodybuilding is about LOOKS AND PRESENTATION.. powerlifting is about STRENGTH..

so if you can get massive doing "pussies" workouts like side raises n shit.. then thats what works for you and your doing it right

just a quick tip.. bodybuilding is about LOOKS AND PRESENTATION.. powerlifting is about STRENGTH..

I would argue that powerlifting and also be mixed in with looks/presentation quite easily.

Obviously it is not as focused, but if you are very lean, low body fat - you can still powerlift and be extremely strong and looking quite good to boot.

Guy here @ work competes in body building comps, only been doing it 18months - fk me the dude has some strength on him & he looks good and is exceptionally big.

All done naturally - taken 4 or 5yrs now to get to where he is.

That comes with super strict dieting/eating of course.

The main issue is - hardly anyone these says is motivated enough to do that every day religiously for months on end. It's certainly not fken easy - i tried once and failed. Will try again and see how i go shortly!

I think you can have your cake, and eat it as well, you just need to find the happy medium that works - but it means being strict and disciplined which is the key.

Ok - i lol'd :D

(not to agree, but just the way you stereo typed, cracked me up)

You going down for Aust Day?

Im seriously thinking about training there shortly - once i get transport back - need to get fit :D

nah not traveling.

LTHLRB - your method/theory.

lets say for example, I come to you for advice.

I says

"hey bro, what do I need to do to get big fast.

I want to have big legs, back, chest shoulders etc.

what should I do.

I've been training for 2 years with my mates at fitness first.

first we do Standing bicep curls with slow movements, then we do seated DB curls with slow movements, then forearm curls.

then we do lat pull down and side lateral raises

for legs I've been doing leg extension till it burns and can lift the whole stack.

I'm still 65kg but I have a 6 pac.

how do I get bigger?

should I do more curls?

sarcasm aside, that is the regular "gym junkie" that you say..

so what would you suggest for someone like that trying to get big?

just give me an example and why..

put a little program and advice together.

if you have time.


that 'premium the sphincter of the universe breast' you buy at the supermarket, is that just processed shit? i had it the other day and it just didn't seem right.

so i moved onto fillet steak for lunch and chicken breast for dinner, a bit of tuna in between and a protein shake with low fat milk (dont know how people can drink that with water). Is that a good move?

unless you buy it like chicken breast, it might aswell be next to the dogfood "rolls" they have in the fridge section.

your other choices are good.

I'll admit it's not that easy to have all your food for the day with you.

but with a little effort, you can prepare it the night before and have it ready.

nah not traveling.

LTHLRB - your method/theory.

lets say for example, I come to you for advice.

I says

"hey bro, what do I need to do to get big fast.

I want to have big legs, back, chest shoulders etc.

what should I do.

I've been training for 2 years with my mates at fitness first.

first we do Standing bicep curls with slow movements, then we do seated DB curls with slow movements, then forearm curls.

then we do lat pull down and side lateral raises

for legs I've been doing leg extension till it burns and can lift the whole stack.

I'm still 65kg but I have a 6 pac.

how do I get bigger?

should I do more curls?

sarcasm aside, that is the regular "gym junkie" that you say..

so what would you suggest for someone like that trying to get big?

just give me an example and why..

put a little program and advice together.

if you have time.

Seeing as the person is still pretty light and lean, id assume they have a fast motabolism, so first we would need to slow it down and have a high carb/fat/protein diet. Starting with around 4 - 5 decent meals a day.

Have all their excersizes within the 8 - 12 reps range and as heavy as possible while still keeping good form.

With arms i would recommend doing heavy preacher curls but doing the 21's style OR Standing bi curls with ez bar dropsets 12/12/fail. Then seated DB curl set of 12 heavy then set of 12 light with concentration (slow movements) then move onto hammers heavy within the 10 - 12 rep range.

and basically the same for everything else, full extention with good form and heavy weight will definetely bring up any lacking bodypart.

I found the more reps you do with lighter weight so u feel the "burn" will burn your muslce out and will end up shrinking from overtraining it.

But you cant do any of this without a good diet weather its bulking or cutting.

also with the leg extentions doing the whole stack.. try doing them counting to 6 while going up, holding for 3, counting to 6 coming down. That will def punish your quads.


the problem with the internet is it's hard to tell sarcasm. you didn't use ITALICS or put appropriate smiley faces so I can only really assume you were being serious.

are you being serious?

are you seriously saying that is the advice you would give a 65kg fella who has trained the way I described for 2 years?

someone who wants to get big and quick?

are you seriously suggesting that the continues to do any of the exercises he had been doing for 2 years?

and did you seriously just say "also with the leg extentions doing the whole stack.. try doing them counting to 6 while going up, holding for 3, counting to 6 coming down. That will def punish your quads."

please tell me you forgot to put the ITALICS

you would suggest someone actually continue doing leg ext AND to do the movement slowly, and hold in the locked position and slowly down?

the leg ext.

do you have any idea at all?

I like that you said the fella should eat.

but then you farked it up by saying we need to slow his metabolism (well you didn't spell it correctly but I got what you meant) down by eating food.


I mean seriously.. WTF!

since you are a body builder, let me ask you something..

Do you think that when Arnie was a 65kg kid, he did leg ext (with holds) and set after set of curls?

Do you think that Yates got to his size doing lat pull downs?

Do you think Ronnie Coleman got his legs with doing leg ext?

All of them trained like power lifters.

All of them started out with 3-5 major movements.

All of them got the bulk of their size with shit loads of food (and "assistance") and heavy compound movements.

surely you've read Arnie's Encyclopedia of BB right?

you've read about how he got his size with the basic movements before doing isolation exercises to really define the mass of muscle he had created?

you would have seen ronnie's Cost of Redemption DVD.. makes mention of how he came to BB from Powerlifting and how his mass is credit to PL?

The above advice is your theory?

f**k me dead man.

I hope you are not in a position to actually give advice to people...

please tell me you don't work at a gym.

then again, looking at your advice, you would be a perfect fit to the Fitness First staff.

all you forgot to do was say "fist of all, we'll get on this treadmill for 15 minutes to warm you up, then move on to the fitball to do some DB bench presses using these here rubber handled, chrome plated 10kg DB's.... oh and here are your complementary purple weight lifting gloves"

Edited by GTST

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