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Gym And Supplement Discussion


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don't you get all of the BCAAs that you need from sources of protein like food and shakes?


Pretty much lol. Only advantage I could see with getting a pure-BCAA for intraworkout supplement is if you tend to train a little longer than you should, so consuming them part way through your session could assist with repair and avoiding excessive catabolism.

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I'd have actually thought the majority of them would be prohibited from events, Markos?

We dont compete in a drug tested Fed, so no cheats. ASADA have a few of them banned, I cant tell you which ones as it is of no interest to me. It was when I was working with the Dolphins, but no longer.

The reason we cant take them interstate or overseas is that they are an illegal substance in some countries, but I suppose we can always drive interstate

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Max is a sponsored athlete, he can get any supplement he needs, any quantity, any time, for free. This is all he ever gets

Whey Protein




No PWO, no Creatine, no Fat burner etc

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My new bar and bench turned up, will assemble bench today but it doesn't look too bad.

I noticed the bar has a few marks/chips around the where the collars would sit up against if they were screwed up all the way, though they were not sitting there during transport that I can see.

Small marks and seemingly fairly superficial, can anyone think of why this would be an issue? Maybe greater chance of rust or something?

Trying to decide if it's worth pursuing.

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Perhaps show those exact images to the company you bought it off, as an "FYI - in case this causes problems with rust" sorta thing. So it's on record that it wasn't you who caused the damage.

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Is that one of those cheap bars that weighs 6kg? Years ago the first bar I bought was from Amart AllCrapAndOverPricedSportsGearGuaranteed, and it bent...in half with 120kg on it. Hope it doesn't turn out to be a waste of money Dan.

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LoL me too.

It weighs a tiny smidge over 8kg.

I got it from world fitness, same place as the York bench. It was about $50.

If its not good ill get a refund and something better, if it survives the warranty period then I got what I paid for I guess.

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little side story on weights, back when I had my shop I also sold a bit of sports gear. Had a rep that sold the York fitness gear, as well as other fitness gear in. he was telling me about some of the weights they had gotten in cheap. when weighed there was some variances on the claimed weight vs actual weight. sometimes the difference was substantial. from memory the biggest difference was about 20% on a 20kg weight.

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