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If they don't make their target weights, they do extra reps and sets on lower weights, thus always lifting more each session.

As far as not making PBs every week without gear...lol. I was adding 5kg a session (that's twice a week) to my deadlift 1RM before I stopped training it. The increments don't have to be huge; add 500 gram plates to each side if you have to. And if you can't do that, then do more reps and sets on a lower weight, so you can't say you've gone backwards.

Eat and rest enough, and train this way, and plateaus become a thing of the past.

This is what i started to do on my 1RM deadlift, just hit my 2x bodyweight (probably should of done this some time ago)

Decline still stuck at 90x3 though :\ still geting close to my 100/180 goal! then yeah yeah gotta improve my squats i know I'm still massive gym noobie 9 months in but loving the gym life

Edited by UNR33L

Every session our lifters do is meticulously planned by Max, he doesnt plan to have lifters fail

In the other section of the gym, I'm sure clients are going up and down much like some of you are, but then they dont have a program nor do they do what the powerlifters do.

I have a fridge here and a microwave but only the powerlifters use them.

I dont know how people train and leave without eating

dosen't everyone at your gym run on a program set by you or one of your coaches?

Also wouldn't everyone either be eating or having protein shakes post workout? Do you mean that your regular lifters don't pay the same amount of attention to nutrition as the powerlifters?

No, it means I can't say what I think to someone thats not a client because

a. Its not warranted

b. No one deserves that

c. I dont think me telling you will help

Hah, I don't mind if you tell me that everything I'm doing is wrong/shit or that I shouldn't bother etc, you're far more experienced at this than I am and that's how we learn :)

If you'd prefer you can PM me your thoughts if you're worried about publicly shaming me :D

But honestly, you can say whatever you like, it's all good.

"Is this a joke or do you simply know nothing about strength training? "

Obviously alot of people don't have an idea markos

It's not that complicated what I said and like I said if you have a look on the forums it's a pretty common thread too. Just stating the obvious.

Dan, no I cant. Leave it big fella.

Bozo, I have 2 parts to my gym. We have the powerlifters, and we have the area for general use.

A protein drink is not food, I've explained before we dont count drinks as meals. My lifters EAT food straight after training, they drink protein drinks towards the end of their sessions.

None of my lifters are trying to get smaller and weaker, aside from my brother who is too fat, they are all getting bigger and stronger, so they eat tons of calories, especially after training.

"Is this a joke or do you simply know nothing about strength training? "

Obviously alot of people don't have an idea markos

It's not that complicated what I said and like I said if you have a look on the forums it's a pretty common thread too. Just stating the obvious.

Obvious to who? Certainly not obvious to me. If my lifters got weaker in the gym I would be looking for a new job.

When someone posts information on the forum, ask him what his experience is, he may be 12yo and reading Mens Health

Do those test boosters you can buy off the shelf or online actually do anything? Surely they're just complete crap?

Here is the best advice I can give someone in your situation. If you are looking for a supplement that gives a drug like effect, buy the drug. Dont let the government be your moral conscience.

Everyone is looking for the edge, yet is guided by a morally corrupt government, one that allows smoking and drinking but not testosterone. Why allow a faceless, clueless regime dictate what you put in your body when they tell you test is bad so you cant have it but allow major sporting events to be promoted by drug dealers (CUB), and they allow nicotine, as long as they get their cut.

If you want all the glorious things that test does for someone, dont buy a test booster that does zero, buy test.

Would you put a Nitrous switch in your car without Nitrous? Same thing.

well a protein drink is not a full meal replacement but most of us don't have a gym with a fridge and microwave to eat straight after, I personally have a shake straight away, then a meal 30 minutes or so after.

And no we're not all experts - if any of us were training at a PTC we would be asking a lot of these questions at the gym rather than here ;) You've gotta remember that most of us have been fed a steady stream of stuff about the "benefits" of doing bodypart splits, eating funky diets and the joys of cable crossover machines.

When I tell people I've switched to the PTC beginner routine and explain what it is, I tend to get polite scoffing in reply to the fact that I'm doing full body, and doing all 3 major compound lifts on the same days. So far I feel like I'm actually making progress after plateauing out, and it's giving me clear goals to hit every time I walk into the gym.

You'd know better than anyone that the fitness industry is full of broscience and ill informed people, and the misinformation tends to get perpetuated.

Here is the best advice I can give someone in your situation. If you are looking for a supplement that gives a drug like effect, buy the drug. Dont let the government be your moral conscience.

Everyone is looking for the edge, yet is guided by a morally corrupt government, one that allows smoking and drinking but not testosterone. Why allow a faceless, clueless regime dictate what you put in your body when they tell you test is bad so you cant have it but allow major sporting events to be promoted by drug dealers (CUB), and they allow nicotine, as long as they get their cut.

If you want all the glorious things that test does for someone, dont buy a test booster that does zero, buy test.

Would you put a Nitrous switch in your car without Nitrous? Same thing.

are you saying that he should do test before;

1. working out a proper nutironal plan

2. before proper form and a routine is put together

3. without any dedicated re-search from that person into what TEST is and what is should also be taken with?

i mean i can keep going here but saying TEST after u basically flammed the guy for his poor form seems a little extreme

are you saying that he should do test before;

1. working out a proper nutironal plan

2. before proper form and a routine is put together

3. without any dedicated re-search from that person into what TEST is and what is should also be taken with?

i mean i can keep going here but saying TEST after u basically flammed the guy for his poor form seems a little extreme

He wasn't suggesting Dan starts taking steroids; he was simply pointing out that there's no point to "test boosters" and you might as well just take the real deal instead.


If someone feels he needs test boosters, save your money, buy test

Where did I say not to train or eat correctly?

Now, before someone drinks alcohol or smokes a fag, do you ask them to do all that research? How many of your friends take drugs? It shits me that no one considers alcohol and nicotine worse than test.

So the only drugs anyone should take are the ones the government taxes and says are legal, therefore safe, then spends millions on advertising telling us theyre not.

Such a stigma with AAS that it drives me batty.

I have to tell you guys this story. Earlier in the year I was at a very close mates sons 21st, a boy Max grew up with.

Around 200 drunk kids running around, 90% of parents pissed, typical 21st

The topic with the dads got to the size of Max, when one asked " your not going to let Max get on the gear are you "

I asked if they were going to let there kids drink alcohol and smoke.

Strangely they didnt see it as the same thing.

i think we are on a slightly different street here compared to alcohol/smokes etc

im with you TEST is not a bad thing given you have the knowledge of what its going to do, how to use it, where to inject it or even how to inject it. Not to mention side effects.

I'm not sure you should be comparing the effects of booze to steroids Markos. Maybe ciggs and certainly some illicit drugs (i'd exclude ice and heroine or crack cocaine). But that is a whole other debate which I for one cannot be bothered getting into.

Everything that I have read and seen with steroids makes me believe there isn't enough reliable evidence to say how bad steroids are for someone.

with that being said about Test Boosters, I have tried my fair share of them, one seemed to make a difference but it was minimal and I was taking a lot of tribulus to get the difference. But it was also during a time where I was training well and hard, so you could probably argue I was training better then normal.

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Fair enough, was just asking the question and yeah you backed up my first thoughts being the 'boosters' are a waste of time and money.

I'm not looking at taking anything as I'm in my 20s so should have more than enough test anyway maybe if i was in my 40s or 50s and serious into gym I'd consider it or at least investigate it.

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