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zomg... i just recieved my winter supplements... BSN NO explode and True Mass... and the true mass which is in a gigantic tub.. is only half full... it only has 18 serves per container.. which at the recommended 3 scoops per serve and 3 serves a day.. that should theoretically last 6 days... grrr... i feel a little ripped off with shit like this... specially when the big tub is only half full...

i only buy it because it makes me work out harder... its just a placebo... but i figure if ive paid that much for it.. id better take it.. and if im gonna take it.. i better put the hard work in to make it worthwhile.. i can justify paying the money if it makes me motivated and work harder and harder...

but seriously... its half full... the tub is so big its unmanageable after a hard workout (you know, when your arms are shaking and you cant lift a thing) and theres only 18 serves.. youd expect a big tub to have at least 30 serves..

last time i buy an overhyped supplement.. back to the ON 100% whey 4kg bags for $160 me thinks.

end rant.

Andy, what was working for me was a weights session and then straight into 20mins flat out on the punch bag.

Consistancy is the key and about 4 times a week is good, maybe break it up with weghts and a run one day on the weekend.

Either way I dropped 10+ kg in 3 months with this routine.

Thanks Dan i will give that a go, at the moment im doing cardio first, seems i have it ass about!

Im down about 4kg at the moment after about 3weeks of exercise and eating better, and im down about 5% in body fat which im the most happy about

Not a huge fan of front raises, I always thought they'd be bad for the lower back and rotator cuff...that said I have a weird left shoulder that seems to pop out when it feels like it lol, so gauging that by my own retarded body. Anyone ever hurt themselves doing front raises?

You shouldn't hurt yourself. The problem with a lot of gym goers is weight. Don't reach straight for a set of 15kg dumbbells with exercises like this, start of with something lighter and start with building strength around the shoulder.

I personally used to have some problems with my cuff but since working on my muscle strength it's improved to the point where I hardly ever notice it. You only need to look at the resistance exercises that a physio will give you and turn them into machine fly or free weight.

With regards to the back, core strength is another point that is also forgotten. With decent core strength and good technique there should not be issues.

They dont work, have a Mate whos a PT, he doesn't suggest it to any of hes clients. I dont remember the reasoning, but a better diet will work better than these (in a healthy way)

ahhh horses for courses my friend... they do work... a healthy and balanced diet is great for everyday healthy living and the best thing in a perfect world... but the world is not perfect, nor are people. supplements are a great "whey" to get extra calories for muscle gain, a great whey to burn fat quick for contest prep... and multi vitamins etc.. are there so that you get everything you need.. every day...

yep if you live on an island, and spend your days eating fresh fish, vegatables, salads, and lots of chicken.. and the rest of your time working out, sleeping, and learning... then yes.. supplements arent worth it.

the reality is that for a muscle gain diet... eating 2 chicken breasts each day is not practical.. its very expensive and time consuming when you can get the same protein from a whey powder mixed with water.. you cant take it with you in a cup and fill it up from a tap and youve just consumed a small meal in between dinner and lunch.

ive tried the healthy diet... and its great... but to gain size you just never stop eating.. the shear amount of food you have to eat is expensive and tiresome.. and gets quite boring and disgusting.

the reason your PT mate will tell his clients not to take supplements is simply because they dont know what they are doing... hence.. why they have a PT.. chances are they will abuse the supplement and use it in ways its not meant for... aka.. breakfast... if they need a PT... then they either cannot regulate their calorie intake... or cannot motivate themselves to get educated on physical health and get to the gym and train for an hour on their own accord... so giving them the ok to take supplements is like giving a pyro a box of matches and saying "just use these to light a fire and keep yourself warm"

Wow thanks man, you've totally changed my perception of whatever it is you're talking about. Not only, but I will be looking to consult you for further advice on topics because of your connection to an expert in the field who has obviously learnt more in his certificate courses than all of us combined in our years of training. Care to elaborate some?!?!


hahaha epic rofl-ing

Thanks Dan i will give that a go, at the moment im doing cardio first, seems i have it ass about!

Im down about 4kg at the moment after about 3weeks of exercise and eating better, and im down about 5% in body fat which im the most happy about

With the boxing start out at 10 mins (may not sound like much, but wait til you do it, it'll feel enough especially after doing weights and your shoulders are a little fatigued)

Then move up to an additional 5 mins after 2 weeks and repeat every 2 weeks. Hey I've been going a while and still find my limit to be 20mins as it does get a little mind numbing and does eat into your day timewise after a weights routine.

Also if you can, get hold of a heart rate monitor with recording/download function (I got a cheap little garmin) these are great to track your progress during a session and keep an eye on your HR and stop any slacking off :( They're also great as over time you can see your max HR drop for the same effort as your fitness improves. Eventually you don't need to rely on them as much as you can have a pretty good idea of the effort you're putting in from how it feels.

he must have read the title, clicked it and just typed reply instead of reading 44 pages

I'd say he was after his 10 posts for PM trades...but atleast he's trying to contribute unlike the 1 2 3 4 5 etc. posts we usually see.

last time i buy an overhyped supplement.. back to the ON 100% whey 4kg bags for $160 me thinks.

Get on the Ultimate Nutrition ISO Mass 4.5kg tubs! It's a whey isolate and such friggen good value for circa $115. GNC is always sold out or low on stock. Thank heavens for A1 supps :D

You shouldn't hurt yourself. The problem with a lot of gym goers is weight. Don't reach straight for a set of 15kg dumbbells with exercises like this, start of with something lighter and start with building strength around the shoulder.

I personally used to have some problems with my cuff but since working on my muscle strength it's improved to the point where I hardly ever notice it. You only need to look at the resistance exercises that a physio will give you and turn them into machine fly or free weight.

With regards to the back, core strength is another point that is also forgotten. With decent core strength and good technique there should not be issues.

Sorry man, I worded that paragraph pretty poorly cause it sounds like I tried the exercise and got hurt doing it, but to clarify, my shoulder issue was a natural thing that happens without actually doing front raises - I can make it pop on queue by moving my arm in a certain way without even carrying weights. I haven't ever tried front raises for fear that it would put weight on my natural freak disability and be somewhat detrimental for the joints involved.

Get on the Ultimate Nutrition ISO Mass 4.5kg tubs! It's a whey isolate and such friggen good value for circa $115. GNC is always sold out or low on stock. Thank heavens for A1 supps :D

Good value at $119. Going to give this a go rather than the usual 10lb bag of ON.

zomg... i just recieved my winter supplements... BSN NO explode and True Mass... and the true mass which is in a gigantic tub.. is only half full... it only has 18 serves per container.. which at the recommended 3 scoops per serve and 3 serves a day.. that should theoretically last 6 days... grrr... i feel a little ripped off with shit like this... specially when the big tub is only half full...

i only buy it because it makes me work out harder... its just a placebo... but i figure if ive paid that much for it.. id better take it.. and if im gonna take it.. i better put the hard work in to make it worthwhile.. i can justify paying the money if it makes me motivated and work harder and harder...

but seriously... its half full... the tub is so big its unmanageable after a hard workout (you know, when your arms are shaking and you cant lift a thing) and theres only 18 serves.. youd expect a big tub to have at least 30 serves..

last time i buy an overhyped supplement.. back to the ON 100% whey 4kg bags for $160 me thinks.

end rant.

where do you buy your supps from?

i found that BB.com is by far the cheapest place to get pre workout supps.. Keep an eye on specials..


Also.. have you tried cycling caffeine ... Very effective & cheap to buy a bottle of caffeine in tablet form.

http://www.proteindirect.com.au/products.html for protein

This thread makes me depressed :D

Havn't been to the gym for nearly a good 2.5 months now due to work and have lost 8kg in this short time span :)

The core is still there though so if i ever get back into it, it should be easy to develop my self

Know how you feel..

I been out for some 2 months now due to surgery, should be back in the gym next Monday.. Hate knowing the fact that it will take a solid 3 months to get back to where I left of from.

Edited by Tomek
You shouldn't hurt yourself. The problem with a lot of gym goers is weight. Don't reach straight for a set of 15kg dumbbells with exercises like this, start of with something lighter and start with building strength around the shoulder.

I personally used to have some problems with my cuff but since working on my muscle strength it's improved to the point where I hardly ever notice it. You only need to look at the resistance exercises that a physio will give you and turn them into machine fly or free weight.

With regards to the back, core strength is another point that is also forgotten. With decent core strength and good technique there should not be issues.

Adzmax - Can you explain how I should build strength around my shoulder using light weights instead of the heavy 15kg DBs?


Edited by GTST
Adzmax - Can you explain how I should build strength around my shoulder using light weights instead of the heavy 15kg DBs?


Use lighter weights first.. But more repeatitions.. This will build your strength and endurance to move up a weight level

Edited by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

No i didnt say light weights.. I said lighter weights.. You telling me these Body Builers just go in and start bench pressing 130kgs? What Adz is saying.. Don;t go off to the gym and start with big numbers.. Start somewhere that you can push yourself but not struggle with.. This starts to build muscle.. Then move up a weight class.. And more repetitions is where its at..

And no this doesnt mean for regular gym goers.. This is starting off..

who said anything about body builders or benching 130kg?

Adz suggested not to do front shoulder raises with heavy 15kg ones.

he suggested that people should "start with something lighter to build strength in the shoulder"

and you agreed that lighter weight with higher reps is what builds "Strength"

which basically means that you're both mororns, that know NOTHING about strength and should not give out such advice to general population.

if you think light weights for high reps builds "strength", you're wrong.

if you think DB front delt raises builds strength, you're wrong.

I feel sorry for anyone reading this shit who actually wants to get big and strong.

hopefully they've got the brain power to search "strength training" in google and find the right sites and info.

jesus christ.

if any of you cun7s were held responsible for your "advice", you'd be sewed over and over.

and you agreed that lighter weight with higher reps is what builds "Strength"

And this is where you miss read.. You arent going to get "Big and Strong" by lighter weights.. But STARTING OFF..

I'm not going to argue.. I beleive you are thinking differently to what i'm saying.. Adz wasn't saying never use 15kg ones.. he said don't go starting with 15kg ones..

And I hope that someone who is serious about getting "Big and Strong" will not be relying on info on the internet

Edited by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.
Get on the Ultimate Nutrition ISO Mass 4.5kg tubs! It's a whey isolate and such friggen good value for circa $115. GNC is always sold out or low on stock. Thank heavens for A1 supps :D
where do you buy your supps from?

i found that BB.com is by far the cheapest place to get pre workout supps.. Keep an eye on specials..


Also.. have you tried cycling caffeine ... Very effective & cheap to buy a bottle of caffeine in tablet form.

http://www.proteindirect.com.au/products.html for protein

i get my supplements from A1 supps... have been for years and its been great.. each time i do though i like to try other things out... so brands i have tried over the years are San, Muscletech, Optimum Nutrition, musashi, horleys and some no name whey powder.. they all had their good points and bad points.. there is alot of hype with the BSN brand.. so i thought id give it a go... N.O. xplode is in everyones list of supplements and i havent tried a "weight gainer" before and id like to cross it off the list as working or not working, so thats why i got the "true mass"

the muscletech "muscle stack" worked... but is expensive and i couldnt keep it up... your popping something like 16 pills a day.. a 30 day stack was like $300 odd. i took them for the month and stopped after that... i had planned to take them for the 3 months of heavy winter training.. but it was too expensive.

San 5.0 volu-mass was great, my favourite actually, low on carbs, so your 25g scoop was like 23g of proteins... but went missing in Aus for a while... so i got the ON 100% whey isolate.. was a 4.5kg bag for $160.. which i thought was good value... but i didnt notice any difference with it.. but that was at a different stage of life, so maybe my training was not up to scratch.

i tried caffeine tablets a few years ago... and i also tried tribulate tablets.... never again... made me have really wacked out dreams and terrible nights sleep... and i had troubles regulating my temperature, now i just start the day with tea, green tea, or plain old yummy coffee... i also like a strong coffee before boxing... taken on an empty stomach it will get the pulse running, the body warm, and the sweats happening real quick... great for cutting... may make you feel a little bit sick afterwards though.. but thats because your body has nothing to feed on.. hence it eats itself.

oh, and back on the topic of the front raise.. if im doing a compound move.. bench press, etc... i like to do a warm up set.. then heavy weight, less reps.. 4 sets of 3-5 or 6-8 reps.. but for pure isolation moves.. front raise, tricep extensions etc... i like to use a lighter weight for 2 sets of 8-10 or 10-12 reps or possibly more..



oh... 1 more thing... on the topic of light weights and more reps building strength and endurance....

well bruce lee apparantly liked sets of 20 reps with light weights... he didnt put on size.. he didnt want to.... but he was extremely strong and had one of the best physiques in history... 1" punch anyone??

who said anything about body builders or benching 130kg?

Adz suggested not to do front shoulder raises with heavy 15kg ones.

he suggested that people should "start with something lighter to build strength in the shoulder"

and you agreed that lighter weight with higher reps is what builds "Strength"

which basically means that you're both mororns, that know NOTHING about strength and should not give out such advice to general population.

if you think light weights for high reps builds "strength", you're wrong.

if you think DB front delt raises builds strength, you're wrong.

I feel sorry for anyone reading this shit who actually wants to get big and strong.

hopefully they've got the brain power to search "strength training" in google and find the right sites and info.

jesus christ.

if any of you cun7s were held responsible for your "advice", you'd be sewed over and over.

What I was suggesting is that anyone with a shoulder injury or beginning training shouldn't aim to pickup a set of 15kg+ dumbbells and try to do front raises. Start with lighter weights - perfect them and build some muscle strength and decent technique then progress. It's just common sense.

Why is is that physio give such light exercises to build muscle strength when recovering from injury??

I never said that low weight and high reps was the key. There is no substitute for heavy weights if you're looking to put on some serious size and muscle but are you suggesting noobs or people with injury just push some heavy weights and suck it up? Don't put words in my mouth.

i said light weights and higher reps Adz.. but was talking about starting off.. He just likes to be a smart arse.. its funny most of time LOL

Edited by .:: GimpS-R34 ::.

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